Small Business and Entrepreneurship  
Author(s): Dr. K. Sundar
Published by Vijay Nicole Imprints Private Limited
Publication Date:  Available in all formats
ISBN: 9789395245388




ISBN: 9789395245388   Price: INR 295.00   
  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Contents
  • Preface
  • Chapter 1 Small Scale Industries and Small Entrepreneurs
    • Definition of Small Business in India
    • Different Definitions of SSI
    • Characteristics of Small-Scale Industries
    • Scope and Types of SSIs
    • Objectives of SSIs
    • Role or Significance of SSIs
    • Problems of Small-Scale Industries
    • Registration of SSI
    • Documents Required for Registration at Appropriate Authority
    • Steps to be Taken for Starting SSI
    • Promoter’s Margin or Seed Capital
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 2 Governmental and Non-Governmental Agencies Promoting Entrepreneurship
    • Role of Government and Non-Government Agency in Promotion of EDP
    • Institutions Promoting EDP
    • The Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII)
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 3 Business Idea Generation
    • Introduction
    • Searching for Business Ideas or Opportunities
    • Idea Generation by Market Scanning
    • Sources of Business Ideas
    • Approach to Ideation
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 4 Opportunity Analysis/Project Formulation
    • Meaning of Opportunity
    • Characteristics / Attributes of Opportunity
    • Identification and Analysis of Business Opportunities
    • Kinds of Business Opportunities
    • Opportunities at Global Level
    • Sources of Opportunities
    • Steps in Selection of New Business Opportunities
    • Criteria to Assess Business Opportunity
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 5 Managerial Feasibility/Forms of Ownership
    • Introduction
    • Factors Influencing Choice of Appropriate Type of Organization
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 6 Financial and Economic Feasibility
    • Financial Feasibility
    • Financial Planning
    • Capitalization
    • Factors Influencing Pattern of Capital Structure
    • Source of Funds
    • Bank Finance
    • Venture Capital Finance
    • Estimation of Cost of Production and Marketing Cost
    • Break-Even Analysis
    • Assessment of Fixed and Working Capital Requirements
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 7 Institutional Finance and Entrepreneurship
    • Structure of Development
    • Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI)
    • Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India (ICICI)Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation
    • Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI)
    • Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI)
    • State Financial Corporation (SFC)
    • Industrial Investment Bank of India (IIBI)
    • Indian Investment Centre (IIC)
    • Tamil Nadu Industrial Investment Corporation (TIIC)
    • Commercial Banks
    • Financial Schemes of Commercial Banks
    • Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC)
    • Unit Trust of India (Uti)
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 8 District Industries Centre (DIC)
    • Introduction
    • Objectives
    • Structure
    • Functions of DIC
    • Registration
    • Operations of DIC
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 9 Industrial Estate
    • Introduction
    • Meaning
    • Definitions
    • Objectives of Industrial Estate
    • Classification of Industrial Estates
    • Features of Industrial Estate
    • Merits of Industrial Estates
    • Industrial Estates in India
    • Industrial Estates Programme During the Plan Periods
    • Reasons for Poor Performance of Industrial Estates
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 10 Incentives and Subsidies
    • Need for Incentives
    • Incentives Offered by State and Central Government to SSI
    • Subsidies to SSIs
    • Subsidies to Small Scale Industries
    • Incentives and Subsidies in Tamil Nadu
    • Subsidies for Exporters in India
    • Review Questions
Table of contents
  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Contents
  • Preface
  • Chapter 1 Small Scale Industries and Small Entrepreneurs
    • Definition of Small Business in India
    • Different Definitions of SSI
    • Characteristics of Small-Scale Industries
    • Scope and Types of SSIs
    • Objectives of SSIs
    • Role or Significance of SSIs
    • Problems of Small-Scale Industries
    • Registration of SSI
    • Documents Required for Registration at Appropriate Authority
    • Steps to be Taken for Starting SSI
    • Promoter’s Margin or Seed Capital
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 2 Governmental and Non-Governmental Agencies Promoting Entrepreneurship
    • Role of Government and Non-Government Agency in Promotion of EDP
    • Institutions Promoting EDP
    • The Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII)
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 3 Business Idea Generation
    • Introduction
    • Searching for Business Ideas or Opportunities
    • Idea Generation by Market Scanning
    • Sources of Business Ideas
    • Approach to Ideation
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 4 Opportunity Analysis/Project Formulation
    • Meaning of Opportunity
    • Characteristics / Attributes of Opportunity
    • Identification and Analysis of Business Opportunities
    • Kinds of Business Opportunities
    • Opportunities at Global Level
    • Sources of Opportunities
    • Steps in Selection of New Business Opportunities
    • Criteria to Assess Business Opportunity
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 5 Managerial Feasibility/Forms of Ownership
    • Introduction
    • Factors Influencing Choice of Appropriate Type of Organization
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 6 Financial and Economic Feasibility
    • Financial Feasibility
    • Financial Planning
    • Capitalization
    • Factors Influencing Pattern of Capital Structure
    • Source of Funds
    • Bank Finance
    • Venture Capital Finance
    • Estimation of Cost of Production and Marketing Cost
    • Break-Even Analysis
    • Assessment of Fixed and Working Capital Requirements
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 7 Institutional Finance and Entrepreneurship
    • Structure of Development
    • Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI)
    • Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India (ICICI)Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation
    • Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI)
    • Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI)
    • State Financial Corporation (SFC)
    • Industrial Investment Bank of India (IIBI)
    • Indian Investment Centre (IIC)
    • Tamil Nadu Industrial Investment Corporation (TIIC)
    • Commercial Banks
    • Financial Schemes of Commercial Banks
    • Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC)
    • Unit Trust of India (Uti)
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 8 District Industries Centre (DIC)
    • Introduction
    • Objectives
    • Structure
    • Functions of DIC
    • Registration
    • Operations of DIC
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 9 Industrial Estate
    • Introduction
    • Meaning
    • Definitions
    • Objectives of Industrial Estate
    • Classification of Industrial Estates
    • Features of Industrial Estate
    • Merits of Industrial Estates
    • Industrial Estates in India
    • Industrial Estates Programme During the Plan Periods
    • Reasons for Poor Performance of Industrial Estates
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 10 Incentives and Subsidies
    • Need for Incentives
    • Incentives Offered by State and Central Government to SSI
    • Subsidies to SSIs
    • Subsidies to Small Scale Industries
    • Incentives and Subsidies in Tamil Nadu
    • Subsidies for Exporters in India
    • Review Questions
Biographical note
Dr. K. Sundar is Professor, Department of Commerce, Annamalai University. He has over 25 years of UG and PG teaching experience. A prolific author, he has contributed over 100 articles in national and international journals. He has authored books on Business Communication, Principles of Management, Human Resource Management, Organisation Behaviour, Business Ethics, Business Management and Auditing.


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ISBN (Print): 978-93-95245-38-8

ISBN (ePub): 978-93-95245-40-1

ISBN (ePdf): 978-93-95245-39-5

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Chapter 1 Small Scale Industries and Small Entrepreneurs

Definition of Small Business in India

Different Definitions of SSI

Characteristics of Small-Scale Industries

Scope and Types of SSIs

Objectives of SSIs

Role or Significance of SSIs

Problems of Small-Scale Industries

Registration of SSI

Registration of SSI Unit

Public Deposit

Documents Required for Registration at Appropriate Authority

Steps to be Taken for Starting SSI

Promoter’s Margin or Seed Capital

Review Questions

Chapter 2 Governmental and Non-Governmental Agencies Promoting Entrepreneurship

Role of Government and Non-Government Agency in Promotion of EDP

Promotional Role or Stimulatory Role

Supportive Role

Regulatory Role

Socio-Economic Role

Institutions Promoting EDP

The Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII)

Review Questions

Chapter 3 Business Idea Generation


Searching for Business Ideas or Opportunities

Idea Generation by Market Scanning

Idea Generation by Consumer Survey

Closeness to Area Activity Intermediate

Sources of Business Ideas

Approach to Ideation

Review Questions

Chapter 4 Opportunity Analysis/Project Formulation

Meaning of Opportunity

Characteristics / Attributes of Opportunity

Identification and Analysis of Business Opportunities

Kinds of Business Opportunities

Opportunities at Global Level

Kinds of Global Opportunities

Sources of Opportunities

Steps in Selection of New Business Opportunities

Criteria to Assess Business Opportunity

Review Questions

Chapter 5 Managerial Feasibility/Forms of Ownership


Sole Trading Concern

Partnership Firms

Company Organisation

Cooperative Society

Factors Influencing Choice of Appropriate Type of Organization

Review Questions

Chapter 6 Financial and Economic Feasibility

Financial Feasibility

Financial Planning


Approaches to Capitalization

Over Capitalization

Under Capitalization

Capital Structure

Capital Gearing

Factors Influencing Pattern of Capital Structure

Source of Funds

Long-Term Finance

Medium-Term Finance

Short-Term Finance

Bank Finance

Classification of Banks Advances

Forms of Loans and Advances

Venture Capital Finance

Forms of Venture Capital

Estimation of Cost of Production and Marketing Cost

Break-Even Analysis

Assessment of Fixed and Working Capital Requirements

Fixed Capital

Working Capital

Review Questions

Chapter 7 Institutional Finance and Entrepreneurship

Structure of Development

Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI)

Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI)

Schemes of Assistance

Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India (ICICI)

Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation

Financial Activities / Assistance

Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI)

Financial Assistance

Promotional Activities

Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI)


State Financial Corporation (SFC)

Promotional Efforts

Industrial Investment Bank of India (IIBI)

Indian Investment Centre (IIC)

The Various Functions of Indian Investment Centre (IIC)

The Closure of Indian Investment Centre (IIC)

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