Business and Corporate Laws  
Published by Vijay Nicole Imprints Private Limited
Publication Date:  Available in all formats
ISBN: 9789395245456




ISBN: 9789395245432   Price: INR 275.00   

This book Business and Corporate Laws is designed in two parts. The first part covers Business Law. The second part covers the important topics on Company Law.


 Extensive coverage of Law of Contract, Essential Elements of a Valid Contract, Classification of Contracts, Performance of Contract and Discharge and Remedies for Breach of Contract.

 In-depth coverage of Quasi Contracts, Contract of Indemnity and Guarantee, Bailment and Pledge, Contract of Agency and Sale of Goods Act.

 Includes text on Corporate Laws like Nature of a Company, Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association, Prospectus, SEBI Guidelines and Meetings.


This book Business and Corporate Laws is designed in two parts. The first part covers Business Law. The second part covers the important topics on Company Law.


 Extensive coverage of Law of Contract, Essential Elements of a Valid Contract, Classification of Contracts, Performance of Contract and Discharge and Remedies for Breach of Contract.

 In-depth coverage of Quasi Contracts, Contract of Indemnity and Guarantee, Bailment and Pledge, Contract of Agency and Sale of Goods Act.

 Includes text on Corporate Laws like Nature of a Company, Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association, Prospectus, SEBI Guidelines and Meetings.

Table of contents
  • Cover
  • Halftitle Page
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Table of Contents
    • Preface
    • Chapter 1 Nature and Formation of Contract
      • Introduction
      • Key Definitions Used in the Indian Contract Act
      • Nature of Contract
      • Elements of Contracts
      • Classification of Contracts
        • On the Basis of Validity/Enforceability
        • On the Basis of Formation/Creation
        • On the Basis of Performance/Execution
      • English Law
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 2 Offer and Acceptance
      • Introduction
      • Proposal
        • Express Offer and Implied Offer
        • Specific or General Offer
        • Facts of the Case
        • Decision
      • Essential Requirements of a Valid Offer
      • Revocation of Offer
      • Cross Offers
      • Counter Offer
      • Tenders
      • Acceptance
        • Essentials of a Valid Acceptance
        • Effect of Silence on Acceptance
        • Agreement to Agree in Future
        • Counter Offer is Not an Acceptance
      • Communication of Offer, Acceptance and Revocation
        • Revocation of Proposal and Acceptance
        • Termination of Offer
        • Revocation or Lapse of Offer — Sec. 6
      • Offer and Acceptance by Post
        • Contracts over Telephone or Telex
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 3 Consideration
      • Introduction
      • Definition
      • Types of Consideration
      • Essentials of Consideration
      • Privity of Contract
      • No consideration – No Contract
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 4 Capacity of Parties
      • Introduction
      • Definition
      • Minors
        • Minors in Indian Law
        • Decision
        • Legal Decisions Constituting Necessities
        • Liability of the Minor for Torts and Crimes
      • Persons of Unsound Mind
        • Idiocy
        • Lunacy
        • Drunken Persons
      • Disqualified Persons
        • Aliens
        • Foreign Sovereigns
        • Statutory Corporations
        • Married Women
        • Insolvent Person
        • Convicts
        • Professionals
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 5 Free Consent
      • Introduction
      • Free Consent
      • Coercion
        • Essentials of Coercion
        • Burden of Proof
        • Duress
        • Effect of Coercion
      • Undue influence
        • Essentials of Undue Influence
        • Undue Influence–Consequences
        • Defences Available against Undue Influence
        • Pardanashin Women
      • Fraud
        • Elements of Fraud
        • Mere Silence is not Fraud
        • Fraud—Consequences
      • Misrepresentation
        • Essentials of Misrepresentation
        • Consequences of Misrepresentation
      • Mistake
        • Mistake of Law
        • Mistake of Fact
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 6 Legality of Object and Consideration
      • Introduction
      • Agreements against Public Policy
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 7 Void Agreements
      • Introduction
      • Classification of Unlawful Agreements
      • Agreements in Restraint of Trade
      • Agreements in Restraint of Legal Proceedings
        • Exceptions
        • Uncertain Agreements
      • Wagering Agreements
        • Essentials of Wagering Agreements
        • Effects of Wagering Agreements
      • Agreements Contingent on Impossible Events [Sec. 36]
      • Agreement to Agree in Future
      • Illegal Agreement
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 8 Contingent and Quasi-contracts
      • Definition
      • Essentials of Contingent Contracts
        • Rules Regarding Enforcement of Contingent Contracts (Secs. 32 - 36)
      • Quasi-Contracts
        • Quantum Meruit
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 9 Performance of Contracts
      • Introduction
      • Tender
        • Essentials of a Valid Tender Performance
        • By Whom must the Contracts be Performed?
        • Performance of Reciprocal Promise (Secs. 51 – 54 and 57)
        • Time, Place and Manner of Performance (Secs. 46 – 50 and 55)
        • Assignment of Contracts
        • Contracts Which Need Not be Performed
        • Who can Demand Performance?
        • Appropriation of Payments
        • Rule in the Hallett’s Estate Case
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 10 Modes of Discharge of Contracts
      • Introduction
      • Discharge by Performance
        • Tender
      • Discharge By Mutual Consent (Sec. 62)
        • Novation
        • Rescission
        • Alteration
        • Remission
        • Waiver
        • Merger
      • Discharge by Impossibility of Performance
        • Impossibility at the Time of Contract
        • Subsequent or Supervening Impossibility
        • The Doctrine of Frustration
        • Effects of Supervening Impossibility
      • Discharge by Lapse of Time
      • Discharge by Operation of Law
      • Discharge by Breach of Contract
        • Actual Breach of Contract
        • Anticipatory Breach of Contract
      • Termination by Material Alteration
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 11 Remedies for Breach of Contract
      • Introduction
      • Cancellation or Rescission
      • Restitution
      • Specific Performance
      • Injunction
      • Damages
        • General or Compensatory Damages
        • Special Damages
        • Nominal Damages
        • Exemplary or Vindictive Damages
        • Rules Regarding the Amount of Damages
        • Difficulty in Calculating Damages
        • Liquidated Damages and Penalty
        • Conditions Regarding Payment of Interest
      • Quantum Meruit
        • Contract not Enforceable
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 12 Indemnity and Guarantee
      • Introduction
      • Contract of Indemnity
      • Contract of Guarantee
        • Essential Features of a Contract of Guarantee
        • Extent of Surety’s Liability
      • Kinds of Guarantee
        • Specific Guarantee
        • Continuing Guarantee
      • Rights of Surety
        • Rights against Creditor
        • Rights against Principal Debtor
        • Rights against Co-sureties
      • Discharge of Surety
        • Discharge of Surety by Revocation
        • Discharge of Surety by the Conduct of the Creditor
      • Discharge of Surety by Invalidation of Contract
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 13 Bailment and Pledge
      • Introduction
      • Definition of Bailment
      • Requisites of Bailment
      • Does Deposit of Money Constitute Bailment?
      • Bailment and Sale
      • Bailment and Hire-purchase
      • Classification of Bailments
        • On the Basis of Charge
        • On the Basis of Benefits
      • Duties and Rights of Bailor and Bailee
        • Duties of Bailor
        • Duties of Bailee
        • Rights of Bailor
        • Rights of Bailee
      • Termination of Bailment
      • Lien
      • Pledge
        • Rights of Pawnor
        • Rights of Pawnee
        • Duties of Pawnor
        • Duties of Pawnee
      • Finder of Goods
        • Duties of Finder of Goods
        • Rights of Finder of Goods
        • Pledge by Non-Owners
      • Carrier of Goods
        • Meaning of Charge
        • Meaning of Mortgage
        • Sale Vs. Mortgage, Pledge and Hypothecation
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 14 Law of Agency
      • Introduction
      • Contract of Agency—Special Features
        • General Rules Regarding Agency
      • Classification of Agents
      • Creation of Agency
        • Rules of Ratification (Elements of Ratification)
        • Effects of Ratification
      • Liabilities of the Principal towards Third Parties
        • Named Principal/ Disclosed Principal
        • Unnamed Principal
        • Undisclosed Principal
        • Revocation/Renunciation
        • Termination of Agent’s Authority as to Third Persons
      • Duties and Rights of Principal and Agent
        • Duties of Principal
        • Rights of Principal
        • Duties of Agent
        • Rights of Agent
      • Delegation of Authority of Agent
        • Exceptions to the General Rule [Sec. 190]
        • Effects of Delegation of Authority
        • Personal Liability of an Agent
      • Termination of Agency
        • By the Act of the Parties
        • By Operation of Law
        • Effects of Termination
        • Irrevocable Agency
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 15 Formation of Contracts Under the Sale of Goods Act, 1930
      • Introduction
      • Contract of Sale
        • Sale
        • Elements of Contract of Sale
        • Making of Contract of Sale
        • Subject-matter of Contract
        • Distinction between Sale and Agreement to Sell
      • Sale and Hire-purchase Agreement
        • Essentials of Hire-purchase Agreement
      • Meaning of Goods [Sec. 2 (7)]
        • Documents of Title to Goods [Sec. 2 (4)]
      • Classification of Goods
        • Existing Goods
        • Future Goods
        • Contingent Goods
      • Price of Goods
        • Modes of Fixing the Price
        • Ascertainment of Price (Sec. 9)
        • Agreement to Sell at Valuation (Sec. 10)
        • Earnest Money
      • Conditions and Warranties
        • Stipulations as to Time
        • Condition and Warranty (Sec. 12)
        • Distinction between Condition and Warranty
        • Circumstances when a Condition can be Treated as Warranty
      • Implied Conditions and Warranties [Secs. 14 – 17]
        • Implied Warranties as to the Title and Possession (Sec. 14)
        • Implied Conditions as to the Description (Sec. 15)
        • Implied Conditions as to Quality or Fitness (Caveat Emptor) [Sec. 16]
        • The Exceptions to the Doctrine
        • Implied Condition as to the Mercantile Quality [Sec. 16 (2)]
        • Usage of Trade [Sec. 16 (3)]
        • Sale by Sample [Sec. 17 (1)]
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 16 Transfer of Property and Rights of an Unpaid Seller
      • Introduction
      • Transfer of Title By Non-owners (Secs. 27–30)
        • General Rule as to Transfer of Title (Sec. 27)
        • Exceptions to the Rule
      • Performance of the Contract
        • Rules Regarding Delivery of Goods
      • Rights of the Buyer
        • Acceptance
      • Rights of an Unpaid Seller
        • Rights of an Unpaid Seller against Goods (Sec. 46)
        • Stoppage in Transit
        • Rights of Unpaid Seller against the Buyer Personally
        • Auction Sale
      • Review Questions
  • Part - II   COMPANY LAW
    • Chapter 17 Nature of a Company
      • Company - Meaning
      • Company - Definition
      • Characteristics of a Company
      • Is Company a Citizen?
      • Lifting of Corporate Veil
      • Illegal Association
      • Kinds of Company
        • Classification of Companies
        • Association Not for Profit [Section 8]
        • One Man Company
      • Body Corporate
      • Special Privileges and Exemptions to a Private Company
      • Distinction between a Private Company and a Public Company
      • Distinction between Partnership and a Company
      • Advantages of Association Not for Profit Companies
      • Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
      • Distinction between a Company and Limited Liability Partnership
      • One Person Company
      • Privileges Granted to One Person Company
      • Small Company
      • Privileges of a Small Company
      • Investment Companies
      • Producer Companies
      • Dormant Companies
      • Public Financial Institution
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 18 Formation of a Company
      • Introduction
      • Who is a Promoter?
      • Legal Position of a Promoter
      • Duties of Promoters
      • Remuneration of Promoters
      • Liabilities of Promoters
        • Liabilities under Companies Act
      • Pre-incorporation Contracts
      • Pre-registration Requirements
      • Registration / Incorporation of a Company
        • Types of Company
        • Situation of the Registered Office of the Company
        • Application for Availability of Name
        • Preparation of Memorandum and Articles of Association
        • Drafting of Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association of the Company
        • Stamping of Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association
        • Subscription to Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association
        • Power of Attorney
        • Additional Documents Required to be Filed
        • Statutory Declaration in Form No. INC 8
        • Payment of Registration Fees
      • Certificate of Incorporation
      • Allotment of Corporate Identity Number
      • Certificate of Commencement of Business
      • Distinction between Certificate of Incorporation and Certificate of Commencement of Business
      • Documents to be Filed with Registrar of Companies at the Time of Incorporation of a Company
      • Procedure for Conversion of Private Company into Public Company
      • Procedure for Conversion of Public Company into a Private Company
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 19 Memorandum and Articles of Association
      • Memorandum of Association - Meaning
      • Memorandum of Association - Definition
      • Purpose of Memorandum of Association
      • Contents of Memorandum of Association
      • Alteration of Memorandum of Association
        • Alteration of Name Clause
        • Alteration of Situation Clause
        • Alteration of Objects Clause
        • Alteration of Liability Clause
        • Alteration of Capital Clause
        • Alteration of Subscription Clause
      • Doctrine of Ultra Vires
      • Articles of Association - Meaning
      • Articles of Association - Definition
      • Importance of Articles of Association
      • Distinction between Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association
      • Registration of Articles
      • Form and Signature of Articles
      • Contents of Articles of Association
      • Alteration of Articles of Association
      • Doctrine of Constructive Notice
      • Doctrine of Indoor Management
        • Exceptions to the Doctrine of Indoor Management
      • Legal Effect of Memorandum and Articles of Association
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 20 Prospectus
      • Prospectus - Meaning
      • Prospectus - Definition
      • Is it compulsory for Every Public Company to Issue Prospectus?
      • Public Offer
      • Private Placement
      • Red Herring Prospectus
      • Shelf Prospectus – Section 31
      • Abridged Prospectus
      • Deemed Prospectus / Prospectus by Implication
      • Contents of Prospectus
      • Registration of Prospectus
      • Circumstances Under which Registration of Prospectus must be Refused
      • Mis-statement in Prospectus
      • Remedies for Mis-statement in Prospectus
        • Onus for Proof of Mis-statement
        • Remedies against the Company
        • Remedies against the Directors
      • Defences Available to Avoid Civil and Criminal Liability
      • Criminal Liability for Mis-statement in Prospectus
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 21 Shares and Share Capital
      • Share - Meaning
      • Share - Definition
      • Kinds of Share Capital
      • Equity Shares - Meaning
        • Shares with Differential Voting Rights
        • Conditions for Issuing Shares with Differential Rights
      • Preference Shares - Meaning
      • Types of Preference Shares
        • Participating Preference Shares
        • Non-participating Preference Shares
        • Cumulative Preference Shares
        • Non-cumulative Preference Shares
        • Redeemable Preference Shares
        • Irredeemable Preference Shares
        • Convertible Preference Shares
        • Non-convertible preference Shares
      • Distinction between Equity Shares and Preference Shares
      • Issue of Sweat Equity Shares
      • Conditions for Issue of Sweat Equity Shares
      • Inclusion About the Details of Sweat Equity Shares in Board’s Reports
      • Stock
      • Distinction between Shares and Stock
      • Raising of Capital by Issue of Shares
      • Formalities to be Complied while Issuing Public Issue of Shares
      • SEBI Guidelines for Public Issue of Shares
        • Eligibility Norms for an Unlisted Company for Making a Public Issue
        • Eligibility Norms for a Listed Company for Making a Public Issue
        • Filing of offer document
        • Application for Listing
        • Approval from recognised stock exchanges
        • Issue of Securities in Dematerialised Form
        • Documents to be Submitted Before Opening of the Issue
        • Draft offer document to be Made Public
        • Underwriters
        • Minimum subscription
        • Pricing of Issue
        • Price Band
        • Payment of Discounts/ Commissions, etc.
        • Freedom to Determine the Denomination of Shares for Public / Rights Issues and to Change the Standard Denomination
        • Promoter’s Contribution and Lock-in Period
        • Issue to be kept open
        • Issue opening and issue closing advertisement for public issue
        • Mandatory Collection Centres
        • Authorised Collection Agents
        • Compulsory Listing
        • Appointment of Compliance Officer
        • Abridged Prospectus
        • Agreements with Depositories
        • Minimum Application Size
        • Green Shoe Option
        • Book Building
        • Minimum Number of Days for Which Bid should Remain Open in Book Building
        • Floor Price in Case of Book Building
        • Basis of Allotment
        • Period Within the Refund Order/Allotment Advise should be Made
        • Time Limit to Get its Securities Listed
      • Issue of Securities at a Premium
      • Issue of Shares at a Discount
      • Share Certificate
      • Share Warrant
      • Distinction between Share Certificate and Share Warrant
      • Rights Shares
      • Guidelines for Issuing Rights Shares
      • Issue of Shares to Persons other than Existing Shareholders
      • Procedure for Issue of Rights Shares
      • Bonus Shares
      • Guidelines for Bonus Issue
        • Rights of FCD/PCD Holders
        • Out of Free Reserves
        • Revaluation reserves
        • Bonus Issue not to be in Lieu of Dividend
        • Fully Paid Shares
        • No Default in Respect of Fixed Deposits/ Debentures
        • Statutory Dues of the Employees
        • Time Limit for Completion of Bonus Issue
        • Provision for Capitalisation of Reserves in Articles of Association
        • Authorised Capital
        • Resolution for Bonus Issue
        • Return of Allotment
      • Procedure for Issue of Bonus Shares
      • Distinction between Rights Shares and Bonus Shares
      • Forfeiture of Shares
      • Surrender of Shares
      • Transfer of Shares
        • Time Limit for Transfer of Shares
      • Transfer of Shares in Depository Mode
      • Benefits of Depository System
      • Dematerialization of Shares
      • Procedure for Dematerialization of Shares
      • Re-materialization of Shares
      • Procedure for Re-materialization of Shares
      • Refusal by the Board to Register Transfer of Shares
      • Transmission of Shares
      • Distinction between Transfer of Shares and Transmission of Shares
      • Blank Transfer
      • Forged Transfer
      • Certification of Transfer
      • Share Capital - Meaning
      • Different Kinds of Share Capital
        • Authorized / Nominal / Registered Capital
        • Issued Capital
        • Subscribed Capital
        • Called Up Capital
        • Uncalled Capital
        • Paid Up Capital
        • Unpaid Capital
      • Alteration of Share Capital
      • Reduction of Share Capital
      • Notice by Tribunal [Section 66(2)]
        • Confirmation of Reduction of Capital
        • Publication of the Order of Tribunal
        • Deliver a Copy of Order of Tribunal to Registrar
      • Reduction of Capital without the Sanction of the Tribunal
      • Diminution of Share Capital
      • Reduction of Capital Vs Diminution of Capital
      • Lien on Shares
      • Lien Vs Forfeiture
      • Alteration of Share Capital Vs Reduction of Share Capital
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 22 Company Meetings
      • What is a Meeting?
      • Kinds of Meeting
      • Annual General Meeting
        • Time Limit for Convening the First Annual General Meeting
        • Time Limit for Conducting Subsequent Annual General Meetings
        • Extension of Time
        • Time and Place for holding Annual General Meeting
        • Notice of the Annual General Meeting
        • Purpose of Holding Annual General Meeting
      • Business Transacted at Annual General Meeting
        • Ordinary Business (Section 102)
        • Special Business
      • Default in Holding Annual General Meeting
      • Extraordinary General Meetings
      • Who may Call Extraordinary General Meetings?
        • Board of Directors
        • Board of Directors on Requisition
        • Requisitionists Themselves
        • Tribunal
      • Class Meetings
      • Meetings of Creditors and Debenture Holders
      • Meetings of the Board of Directors
      • Notice of the Board Meeting
      • Time and Place of Board Meetings
      • Agenda
      • Minutes of the Board Meeting
      • Quorum for Board Meetings
      • Requisites of a Valid Meeting
      • Quorum for General Meetings
      • Can One Member Constitute a Quorum?
      • Proxy
      • Form of Proxy
      • Voting and Demand for Poll
      • Chairman
      • Powers of Chairman
      • Duties of Chairman
      • Motion
      • Resolutions
      • Ordinary Resolution
      • Matters Requiring Ordinary Resolution
      • Special Resolution
      • Matters Requiring Special Resolution
      • Resolutions Requiring Special Notice
      • Circulation of Members Resolution
      • Minutes of General Meeting
      • Registration of Resolutions and Agreements
      • Adjournment of Meeting
      • Postponement of Meeting
      • Distinction between Adjournment and Postponement
      • Review Questions
      • Index
Biographical note
Registrar-in-Charge and Dean - Faculty of Management, Sr. Professor & Head, Department of Corporate Secretaryship, Alagappa University. He is a Fellow Member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India, New Delhi. He has over 35 years of teaching and research experience. A prolific author, he has written books on GST, Office Management, Legal Aspects of Business, Economic and Other Legislations, Company Law and Secretarial Practice and Business Taxation.
Assistant Professor, PG & Research Department of Commerce, The New College (Autonomous), Chennai. He has over 22 years of teaching experience and is a prolific author of books on Business Law, Legal Aspects of Business, etc.
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