Engineering Thermodynamics  
Published by Vijay Nicole Imprints Private Limited
Publication Date:  Available in all formats
ISBN: 9789394828469




ISBN: 9788182091405   Price: INR 275.00   

Thermodynamics is a branch of science that deals with energy and its transformation. This book introduces reader to the basic principles of thermodynamics required to be learnt at the undergraduate engineering level. Clear in its presentation, the book would also be a useful reference for students aspiring to write UPSC, TNPSC and GATE exams.


Thermodynamics is a branch of science that deals with energy and its transformation. This book introduces reader to the basic principles of thermodynamics required to be learnt at the undergraduate engineering level. Clear in its presentation, the book would also be a useful reference for students aspiring to write UPSC, TNPSC and GATE exams.

Table of contents
  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Dedication
  • Contents
  • Preface
  • Chapter 1 Basic Concepts of Thermodynamics
    • Introduction
    • Basic Concepts of Thermodynamics
      • Macroscopic and Microscopic Approach
      • Concept of Continuum
    • Thermodynamic Systems
      • Properties of a System
      • State of a System
    • Thermodynamic Equilibrium
      • Types of Equilibrium
    • Thermodynamic Process ’
      • Types of Processes
      • Process Diagram
      • Thermodynamic Cycle
      • Quasi-Equilibrium Process
    • Dimensions and Units
      • Density
      • Specific Gravity
      • Specific Volume
      • Pressure
      • Temperature
      • Point Functions and Path Functions
    • Total Energy of a System
      • Stationary Systems ,
    • Solved Problems 1
    • Review Questions 1
    • Exercise
  • Chapter 2 Energy Transfer
    • Introduction
    • Heat Transfer
    • Work
    • Similarities Between Heat Transfer and Work Boundary Work (or) P dv Work
      • Work-A Path Function
      • Boundary Work Done During the Non-flow Quasi-Equilibrium Processes
    • Other Quasi - Static Forms of Work
      • Gravitational Work
      • Accelerational Work
      • Shaft Work
      • Spring Work
    • Solved Problems ,
    • Review Questions
    • Exercise
  • Chapter 3 First Law of Thermodynamics - Closed System
    • Introduction
    • Theoretical Explanation
    • The First Law for a Cycle
    • Perpetual Motion Machine of the First Kind
    • Problem Solving Techniques
    • Specific Heats
      • Specific Heat at Constant Volume Cv>
      • Enthalpy
      • Specific Heat at Constant Pressure Cv
    • Heat Transferred AU and AH during the Non-Flow Quasi-Equilibrium Processes
      • Constant Volume Process
      • Constant Pressure Process
      • Isothermal Process
      • Polytropic Process
      • Adiabatic Process
    • Solved Problems
    • Review Questions
    • Exercise
  • Chapter 4 The First Law for a Control Volume
    • Introduction
    • Steady Flow Process
    • Flow Work
    • Total Energy of a Flowing Fluid
    • Conservation of Mass
    • Conservation of Energy
    • Some Steady Flow Engineering Devices
      • Nozzles and Diffusers
      • Turbines and Compressors
      • Throttling Devices
      • Heat Exchangers
      • Pipe and Duct Flow ;
      • Unsteady Flow Processes
      • Conservation of Mass
      • Conservation of Energy
    • Uniform Flow Processes
    • Solved Problems
    • Review Questions
    • Exercise
  • Chapter 5 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
    • Introduction
    • Thermal Energy Reservoirs
    • Heat Engines
    • Thermal Efficiency
    • The Second Law of Thermodynamics-Kelvin-Planck Statement
    • The Second Law of Thermodynamics-Clausius Statement
    • Refrigerators and Heat Pumps
      • Refrigerators
      • Heat Pumps
    • Equivalence of the Two Statements of the Second Law
    • Reversible and Irreversible Process
    • Irreversibilities
    • The Carnot Cycle
      • The P-V Diagram
      • The Reversed Carnot Cycle
      • The Carnot Principles
    • The Absolute Thermodynamic Temperature Scale
    • The Carnot Heat Engine
    • The Carnot Refrigerator and Heat Pump
    • Solved Problems
    • Review Questions
    • Exercise
  • Chapter 6 Entropy
    • Introduction
    • The Clausius Inequality
    • Entropy
    • Comparison of Energy and Entropy
    • The Increase of Entropy Principle
      • The Increase of Entropy Principle-Closed Systems
      • The Increase of Entropy Principle-Control Volumes
    • Causes of Entropy Change
    • Third Law of Thermodynamics
      • Unattainability of Absolute Zero
    • Entropy Change for a Reversible Isothermal Process
      • The T - S Diagram
      • The TdS Relations
    • The Entropy Change of Ideal Gases
    • The Isentropic Relations of Ideal Gases
    • The Polytropic Relations of Ideal Gases
    • Reversible Steady Flow Work
    • Steady Flow Work During Reversible Steady Flow Processes
      • Constant Volume Process
      • Constant Pressure Process
      • Isothermal (or) Hyperbolic (or) PV = C Process
      • Polytropic (or) PVn=C Process
      • Adiabatic (or) PVr= C Process
    • Reversible Work is Greater than the Actual Work
    • Solved Problems
    • Review Questions 1
    • Exercise
  • Chapter 7 Exergy and Anergy
    • Introduction
      • The Quality of Energy
    • Availability
    • Rreversible Work and Irreversibility
    • Availability and Irreversibility for a Closed System
      • Closed System Availability
      • Heat Transfer with Other Bodies
    • Availability and Irreversibility for a Control Volume ,
      • Control Volume Availability
      • Heat Transfer with Other Bodies
      • Availability Transfer with Heat and Work Interactions
    • Second - Law Efficiency
    • The Helmholtz Function
    • The Gibbs Function
    • Solved Problems
    • Review Questions
    • Exercise
  • Chapter 8 Properties of Pure Substances
    • Introduction
    • Phases and Phase - Change Processes of a Substance
    • Saturation Temperature and Saturation Pressure ’
    • Property Diagrams of Pure Substances
      • P-n Diagram
      • T-n Diagram
      • P-T Diagram ,
      • P-n -T Surface
      • T-s Diagram
      • h-s Diagram
    • Property Tables
      • Saturated Liquid and Saturated Vapour 21
      • Saturated Liquid-Vapour Mixture
      • Superheated Vapour
      • Compressed Liquid
    • Processes of Vapour
      • Constant Pressure Process
      • Constant Volume Process
      • Constant Temperature (or) Isothermal Process
      • Hyperbolic Process
      • Reversible Adiabatic (or) Isentropic Process
      • Reversible Polytropic Process
      • Throttling Process
    • Separating and Throttling Calorimeter
    • Solved Problems :
    • Review Questions
    • Exercise
  • Chapter 9 Vapour and Combined Power Cycles
    • Introduction
    • The Carnot Vapour Cycle
    • Rankine Cycle
      • Energy Analysis
    • Actual Rankine Cycle
      • Ways to Increase the Thermal Efficiency of the Simple Ideal Rankine Cycle
    • Performance Criteria for Vapour Power Cycles
    • The Ideal Rankine Reheat Cycle
    • The Ideal Regenerative Rankine Cycle
      • Open Feedwater Heaters
      • Closed Feedwater Heaters
      • Comparison Between Open and Closed Feedwater Heaters
    • Two Stage Regenerative Cycle
    • Reheat-Regenerative Cycle
    • Second Law Analysis of Vapour Power Cycles
    • Binary Vapour Cycles
      • Energy Analysis
      • Efficiency of the Combined Cycle
    • Combined Gas - Vapour Power Cycles ,
    • Cogeneration
    • Solved Problems
    • Review Questions
    • Exercise
  • Chapter 10 Thermodynamic Property Relations
    • Introduction
    • Derivatives
    • Partial Differentials
    • Partial Differential Relations „
    • Maxwell Relations
    • First T ds Relation
    • Second T ds Relation
    • Clapeyron Equation
    • Joule-Thomoson Coefficient
    • Solved Problems
    • Review Questions
    • Exercise
  • Chapter 11 Gas Laws
    • Introduction
    • Prominent Gas Laws
      • Boyle’s Law
      • Charle’s Law
      • Gay-Lussac’s Law
      • Avogadro’s Law
      • Graham’s Law of Diffusion
    • Kinetic Theory of Gases
    • Velocities of Gaseous Molecules
      • Average Velocity (ç )
      • Most Probable Velocity (C )
      • Root Mean Square Velocity (C)
      • Ideal Gas Equation of State
    • Ideal Gas
      • Deviation from Ideal Gas Behaviour
      • Van der Waals Equation of State :
      • Compressibility Factor
    • Solved Problems
    • Review Questions
    • Exercise
  • Chapter 12 Non-reacting Ideal Gas Mixtures
    • Mass and Mole Fractions
      • Molar Mass
    • P- v -T Relationships for Ideal Gas Mixtures
      • Properties of Ideal Gas Mixtures
    • Solved Problems
    • Review Questions
    • Exercise
  • Chapter 13 Psychrometrics
    • Introduction
    • Dry and Atmospheric Air
    • Specific and Relative Humidity of Air
    • Enthalpy of Air
    • Dry Bulb Temperature
    • Dew Point Temperature
    • Adiabatic Saturation and Wet Bulb Temperatures
      • Conservation of Mass
    • Degree of Saturation
    • Psychrometer
    • The Psychrometric Chart
    • Air Conditioning Processes
    • Wet Cooling Towers
    • Solved Problems
    • Review Questions
    • Exercise
  • Appendix
  • Index
  • List of charts Following page 462
Biographical note

Dr A Valan Arasu is a Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai. He has over 14 years of experience as a teacher of Thermodynamics and Thermal Engineering. He is a life member of ISTE and a member of SAEINDIA. He has published numerous technical papers in referred international journals and conferences and has also carried out DST, AICTE and TNSCST sponsored research projects. He is listed in Marquis Who's Who in the World 2009. He has authored two books Turbo Machines and Thermodynamics.

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