Cooperative Finance and Banking  
Published by Vijay Nicole Imprints Private Limited
Publication Date:  Available in all formats
ISBN: 9789394828216




ISBN: 9789394828018   Price: INR 295.00   
  • Description:
  • This book Cooperative Finance and Banking is designed to address the requirements of students undergoing graduate and post graduate courses of Cooperation, Cooperative Finance and Cooperative Credit.

Table of Contents:

  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Contents
  • Preface
  • Chapter 1 Cooperative Credit: Meaning, Classification And Structure
    • Meaning of Credit
    • Types of Credit
    • Agriculture Credit
    • Credit Cooperatives
    • Integration of Short-term and Long-term Credit Structures
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 2 Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (Pacs)
    • Evolution and Growth
    • Area of Operation of PACS
    • Functions
    • Resources
    • Loans
    • Crop Loan System
    • Kisan Credit Card
    • Linking of Credit with Marketing
    • Overdues
    • Farmers Service Cooperative Societies (FSCS)
    • Large-Sized Adivasis Multi-Purpose Cooperative Societies (LAMPS)
    • State Tribal Cooperative Development Corporation/Federation
    • Tribal Cooperative Marketing Federation (TRIFED)
    • Non Credit Activities of PACS
    • National Agricultural Insurance Scheme
    • Problems of PACS
    • Suggestions for Development of PACS
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 3 Banking
    • Genesis and Progress of Banking
    • Banking in India
    • Modern Banking in India
    • Nationalization of Banks
    • Banking Sector Reforms
    • Deregulation
    • Consolidation of Public Sector Banks
    • Banking System
    • Cooperative Banks
    • Commercial Banks
    • Regional Rural Banks
    • Local Area Banks (LABS)
    • Differentiated Banks
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 4 District Central Cooperative Banks
    • Origin
    • Types of DCCBS
    • Area of Operation
    • Membership
    • Objectives
    • Management
    • Organization
    • Resources
    • Minimum Involvement
    • Loans and Advances
    • Scale of Finance
    • Seasonality in Lending
    • Overdues
    • Non-Overdue Cover
    • Recovery
    • Supervision
    • Development Action Plan (DAP)
    • Problems of DCCBS
    • Suggestions for Development
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 5 State Cooperative Banks
    • Need for State Cooperative Banks
    • Origin and Growth
    • Objectives
    • Membership
    • Management
    • Resources
    • Seasonal Agricultural Operation (SAO)
    • Support to Weavers Cooperatives
    • Loan and Advances
    • Problems of SCBS
    • Suggestions for Development
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 6 Cooperative Agriculture Rural Development Banks (Cardbs)
    • Need for Separate Agency for Long-term Credit
    • Origin and Growth
    • Present Position
    • Structure
    • Primary Cooperative Agriculture Rural Development Banks (PCARDBS)
    • Loans and Advances
    • State Cooperative Agriculture Rural Development Banks (SCARDBS)
    • Debentures
    • Loans and Advances
    • Problems of CARDBS
    • Suggestions for Development
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 7 Urban Cooperative Banks (Ucbs)
    • Genesis and Progress Prior to Bringing UCBS Under BR Act
    • Genisis and Progress after Bringing UCBS Under BR Act
    • Area of Operation
    • Objectives
    • Structure
    • Membership
    • Management
    • Board of Management
    • Source of Finance
    • Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation (DICGC)
    • Investment
    • Loans and Advances
    • Unit Banking Vs. Branch Banking
    • Branch Licensing Policy of RBI
    • Mahila Banks
    • Rating Model for UCBS
    • Role of RBI in the Development of UCBS
    • Committees Appointed by RBI for UCBS
    • Problems
    • Suggestions for Development
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 8 Employee Cooperatives
    • Need
    • Progress
    • Types
    • Membership
    • Objectives
    • Management
    • Deposits
    • Borrowings
    • Loans
    • Problems
    • Suggestions for Development
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 9 Industrial Cooperative Bank
    • Origin
    • Working Group on Industrial Finance
    • Importance of Industrial Cooperative Banks
    • State Industrial Cooperative Bank – Taico Bank Ltd
    • Membership and Management
    • Resources
    • Loans
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 10 National Level Federations
    • National Federation of State Cooperative Banks (NAFSCOB)
    • National Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks Federation (NCARDBF)
    • National Federation of Urban Cooperative Banks and Credit Societies (NAFCUB)
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 11 National Bank For Agriculture And Rural Development
    • Genesis
    • Objectives
    • Management
    • Role of Nabard in Assisting Credit Cooperatives
    • Task Force on Revival of Cooperative Credit Institutions (STCCS)
    • Self Help Groups (SHGS)
    • Joint Liability Groups (JLGS)
    • Farmers’ Clubs
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 12 Financial Inclusion
    • Reasons for Financial Exclusion
    • Committee on Financial Inclusion
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 13 Overdues, Non-Performing Assets And Prudential Norms
    • Overdues
    • Causes of Overdues
    • Non Performing Assets
    • Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 14 Banking Laws
    • Banking Regulation Act, 1949
    • Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) 2002 and Know Your Customer (KYC) Norms
    • Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881
    • Protection to Paying Banker
    • No Protection to Paying Banker
    • Crossing of Cheque
    • Double Crossing (Section 127)
    • Endorsement (Section 15)
    • Dishonour of Cheque
    • Dishonour of Cheque for Insufficiency of Funds (Section 138)
    • Ingredients for Considering as an Offence
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 15 Banking Operations
    • Products Offered by Banks
    • Priority Sector Lending
    • Consortium Scheme
    • Types of Customers
    • Banker-Customer Relationship
    • Banking Technology
    • Management of Funds in Banks
    • Profit Planning
    • Break-even Level of Business
    • Basel Norms
    • Banking Ombudsman
    • Productivity in Banks
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 16 Investment Management
    • Investment Management in Banks
    • Concept of Risk in Investment
    • Investment Management
    • Investment Banking
    • Investment Bank
    • Money Market Instruments
    • Treasury Operator
    • Government Securities
    • Treasury Bills
    • Bonds
    • Mutual Funds
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 17 Common Accounting System And Mis
    • Role of NABARD in CAS
    • Components of CAS
    • Features of CAS
    • Books Prescribed under CAS
    • Financial Statements of PACS
    • Management Information System (MIS)
    • Review Questions
  • Annexure
  • References
  • Index
Table of contents
  • Description:
  • This book Cooperative Finance and Banking is designed to address the requirements of students undergoing graduate and post graduate courses of Cooperation, Cooperative Finance and Cooperative Credit.

Table of Contents:

  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Contents
  • Preface
  • Chapter 1 Cooperative Credit: Meaning, Classification And Structure
    • Meaning of Credit
    • Types of Credit
    • Agriculture Credit
    • Credit Cooperatives
    • Integration of Short-term and Long-term Credit Structures
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 2 Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (Pacs)
    • Evolution and Growth
    • Area of Operation of PACS
    • Functions
    • Resources
    • Loans
    • Crop Loan System
    • Kisan Credit Card
    • Linking of Credit with Marketing
    • Overdues
    • Farmers Service Cooperative Societies (FSCS)
    • Large-Sized Adivasis Multi-Purpose Cooperative Societies (LAMPS)
    • State Tribal Cooperative Development Corporation/Federation
    • Tribal Cooperative Marketing Federation (TRIFED)
    • Non Credit Activities of PACS
    • National Agricultural Insurance Scheme
    • Problems of PACS
    • Suggestions for Development of PACS
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 3 Banking
    • Genesis and Progress of Banking
    • Banking in India
    • Modern Banking in India
    • Nationalization of Banks
    • Banking Sector Reforms
    • Deregulation
    • Consolidation of Public Sector Banks
    • Banking System
    • Cooperative Banks
    • Commercial Banks
    • Regional Rural Banks
    • Local Area Banks (LABS)
    • Differentiated Banks
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 4 District Central Cooperative Banks
    • Origin
    • Types of DCCBS
    • Area of Operation
    • Membership
    • Objectives
    • Management
    • Organization
    • Resources
    • Minimum Involvement
    • Loans and Advances
    • Scale of Finance
    • Seasonality in Lending
    • Overdues
    • Non-Overdue Cover
    • Recovery
    • Supervision
    • Development Action Plan (DAP)
    • Problems of DCCBS
    • Suggestions for Development
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 5 State Cooperative Banks
    • Need for State Cooperative Banks
    • Origin and Growth
    • Objectives
    • Membership
    • Management
    • Resources
    • Seasonal Agricultural Operation (SAO)
    • Support to Weavers Cooperatives
    • Loan and Advances
    • Problems of SCBS
    • Suggestions for Development
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 6 Cooperative Agriculture Rural Development Banks (Cardbs)
    • Need for Separate Agency for Long-term Credit
    • Origin and Growth
    • Present Position
    • Structure
    • Primary Cooperative Agriculture Rural Development Banks (PCARDBS)
    • Loans and Advances
    • State Cooperative Agriculture Rural Development Banks (SCARDBS)
    • Debentures
    • Loans and Advances
    • Problems of CARDBS
    • Suggestions for Development
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 7 Urban Cooperative Banks (Ucbs)
    • Genesis and Progress Prior to Bringing UCBS Under BR Act
    • Genisis and Progress after Bringing UCBS Under BR Act
    • Area of Operation
    • Objectives
    • Structure
    • Membership
    • Management
    • Board of Management
    • Source of Finance
    • Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation (DICGC)
    • Investment
    • Loans and Advances
    • Unit Banking Vs. Branch Banking
    • Branch Licensing Policy of RBI
    • Mahila Banks
    • Rating Model for UCBS
    • Role of RBI in the Development of UCBS
    • Committees Appointed by RBI for UCBS
    • Problems
    • Suggestions for Development
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 8 Employee Cooperatives
    • Need
    • Progress
    • Types
    • Membership
    • Objectives
    • Management
    • Deposits
    • Borrowings
    • Loans
    • Problems
    • Suggestions for Development
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 9 Industrial Cooperative Bank
    • Origin
    • Working Group on Industrial Finance
    • Importance of Industrial Cooperative Banks
    • State Industrial Cooperative Bank – Taico Bank Ltd
    • Membership and Management
    • Resources
    • Loans
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 10 National Level Federations
    • National Federation of State Cooperative Banks (NAFSCOB)
    • National Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks Federation (NCARDBF)
    • National Federation of Urban Cooperative Banks and Credit Societies (NAFCUB)
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 11 National Bank For Agriculture And Rural Development
    • Genesis
    • Objectives
    • Management
    • Role of Nabard in Assisting Credit Cooperatives
    • Task Force on Revival of Cooperative Credit Institutions (STCCS)
    • Self Help Groups (SHGS)
    • Joint Liability Groups (JLGS)
    • Farmers’ Clubs
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 12 Financial Inclusion
    • Reasons for Financial Exclusion
    • Committee on Financial Inclusion
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 13 Overdues, Non-Performing Assets And Prudential Norms
    • Overdues
    • Causes of Overdues
    • Non Performing Assets
    • Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 14 Banking Laws
    • Banking Regulation Act, 1949
    • Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) 2002 and Know Your Customer (KYC) Norms
    • Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881
    • Protection to Paying Banker
    • No Protection to Paying Banker
    • Crossing of Cheque
    • Double Crossing (Section 127)
    • Endorsement (Section 15)
    • Dishonour of Cheque
    • Dishonour of Cheque for Insufficiency of Funds (Section 138)
    • Ingredients for Considering as an Offence
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 15 Banking Operations
    • Products Offered by Banks
    • Priority Sector Lending
    • Consortium Scheme
    • Types of Customers
    • Banker-Customer Relationship
    • Banking Technology
    • Management of Funds in Banks
    • Profit Planning
    • Break-even Level of Business
    • Basel Norms
    • Banking Ombudsman
    • Productivity in Banks
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 16 Investment Management
    • Investment Management in Banks
    • Concept of Risk in Investment
    • Investment Management
    • Investment Banking
    • Investment Bank
    • Money Market Instruments
    • Treasury Operator
    • Government Securities
    • Treasury Bills
    • Bonds
    • Mutual Funds
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 17 Common Accounting System And Mis
    • Role of NABARD in CAS
    • Components of CAS
    • Features of CAS
    • Books Prescribed under CAS
    • Financial Statements of PACS
    • Management Information System (MIS)
    • Review Questions
  • Annexure
  • References
  • Index
Biographical note
Senior Faculty Member Institute of Cooperative Management Thiruvananthapuram KeralaAssociate Professor (Rtd.) VAMNICOM Pune
Senior Faculty Member Institute of Cooperative Management Thiruvananthapuram KeralaAssociate Professor (Rtd.) VAMNICOM Pune



Dr. A. K. Zakir Hussain

Senior Faculty Member

Institute of Cooperative Management



Prof. K. A. Abdul Kuddus

Associate Professor (Rtd.)



Vijay Nicole Imprints Private Limited

Published by

Vijay Nicole Imprints Private Limited

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ISBN: 978-93-9482-801-8

e-PUB: 978-93-94828-21-6

e-PDF: 978-93-94828-15-5

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Meaning of Credit

Types of Credit

Agriculture Credit

Credit Cooperatives

Integration of Short-term and Long-term Credit Structures

Review Questions


Evolution and Growth

Area of Operation of PACS




Crop Loan System

Kisan Credit Card

Linking of Credit with Marketing


Farmers Service Cooperative Societies (FSCS)

Large-Sized Adivasis Multi-Purpose Cooperative Societies (LAMPS)

State Tribal Cooperative Development Corporation/Federation

Tribal Cooperative Marketing Federation (TRIFED)

Non Credit Activities of PACS

National Agricultural Insurance Scheme

Problems of PACS

Suggestions for Development of PACS

Review Questions

Chapter 3 BANKING

Genesis and Progress of Banking

Banking in India

Modern Banking in India

Nationalization of Banks

Banking Sector Reforms


Consolidation of Public Sector Banks

Banking System

Cooperative Banks

Commercial Banks

Regional Rural Banks

Local Area Banks (LABS)

Differentiated Banks

Review Questions



Types of DCCBS

Area of Operation






Minimum Involvement

Loans and Advances

Scale of Finance

Seasonality in Lending


Non-Overdue Cover



Development Action Plan (DAP)

Problems of DCCBS

Suggestions for Development

Review Questions


Need for State Cooperative Banks

Origin and Growth





Seasonal Agricultural Operation (SAO)

Support to Weavers Cooperatives

Loan and Advances

Problems of SCBS

Suggestions for Development

Review Questions


Need for Separate Agency for Long-term Credit

Origin and Growth

Present Position


Primary Cooperative Agriculture Rural Development Banks (PCARDBS)

Loans and Advances

State Cooperative Agriculture Rural Development Banks (SCARDBS)


Loans and Advances

Problems of CARDBS

Suggestions for Development

Review Questions


Genesis and Progress Prior to Bringing UCBS Under BR Act

Genisis and Progress after Bringing UCBS Under BR Act

Area of Operation





Board of Management

Source of Finance

Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation (DICGC)


Loans and Advances

Unit Banking Vs. Branch Banking

Branch Licensing Policy of RBI

Mahila Banks

User Reviews