Essentials of Java Programming  
Published by Vijay Nicole Imprints Private Limited
Publication Date:  Available in all formats
ISBN: 9789394828162




ISBN: 9788182091078   Price: INR 450.00   

Java the general purpose programming language is the choice programming language of professional programmers. This book Essentials of Java Programming introduces the fundamentals of Java and moves on to cover concepts like AWT, Multithreading and Networking. Written in a lucid and reader-friendly manner, a significant highlight of this book is its numerous programs.


Java the general purpose programming language is the choice programming language of professional programmers. This book Essentials of Java Programming introduces the fundamentals of Java and moves on to cover concepts like AWT, Multithreading and Networking. Written in a lucid and reader-friendly manner, a significant highlight of this book is its numerous programs.

Table of contents
  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Contents
  • Preface
  • 1. OOP and Java
    • Introduction
    • Objects and Classes
    • Encapsulation
    • Inheritance
    • Polymorphism
      • Message Communication
    • Evolution of Java Language
    • Java Development Kit
    • Features of Java
      • Simplicity
      • Robustness
      • Object-orientation
      • Security
      • Platform Independence
      • Multithreading
      • Compilation and Interpretation
      • Good Performance
      • Distributed Development
    • Java and C++
    • Java and Internet
    • Structure of a Java Program
      • Documentation Section
      • Package Statement
      • Import Statement
      • Interface Statement
      • Class Definition
    • Creating and Executing a Simple Java Application
    • Understanding the Code of the Hello.Java Program
    • Summary
    • Try Yourself
  • 2. The Primaries
    • Introduction
    • Character Set
    • Lexical Issues
      • Reserved Keywords
      • Identifiers
      • Literals
      • Operators
      • Separators
      • Whitespaces
    • Constants
    • Variables
    • Operators
      • Arithmetic Operators
      • Relational Operators
      • Logical Operators
      • Assignment Operators
      • Increment and Decrement Operators
      • Conditional Operator
      • Bitwise Operators
    • Arithmetic Expressions
    • Automatic Type Conversion in Expressions
    • Casting a Value
    • Operator Precedence and Associativity
    • Library Methods
    • I/O (Input/Output) Statements
      • Console Output
      • Keyboard Input
    • Simple Programs
    • Formatting the Output Values
    • Summary
    • Try Yourself
  • 3. Control Statements
    • Introduction
    • if Statement
    • switch Statement
    • while Statement
    • do while Statement
    • for Statement
    • Summary
    • Try Yourself
  • 4. Arrays and Methods
    • Introduction
    • One-dimensional Arrays
    • Two-dimensional Arrays
    • Methods
      • General Form of a Method
      • Method of Invoking a Method
    • Method Overloading
    • Recursion
    • Summary
    • Try Yourself
  • 5. Classes and Objects
    • Introduction
    • General Form of a Class
    • Creation of Objects
    • Usage of Constructors
    • this Keyword
    • Constructor Overloading
    • Copy Constructors
    • Static Data Members
    • Static Methods
    • fmalize() Method
    • Access Control Modifiers
    • String Class
    • Inner Classes and Anonymous Inner Classes
    • Summary
    • Try Yourself
  • 6. Inheritance and Polymorphism
    • Introduction
    • Inheriting the Variables in a Class
    • Inheriting the Methods in a Class
      • Overriding
      • super Keyword
    • Inheritance and Constructors
    • Abstract Classes
    • Final Classes
    • Summary
    • Try Yourself
  • 7. Interfaces and Packages
    • Introduction
    • Interfaces
      • Structure of an Interface
      • Implementation of an Interface
      • Interface Inheritance
    • Packages
    • Package Statement
    • Placing the Classes in a Package
      • Package Hierarchy
      • Import Statement
    • Hiding the Classes in a Package
    • Access Control Modifiers
    • Summary
    • Try Yourself
  • 8. Applets
    • Introduction
    • Life Cycle of an Applet
    • Applet Class
    • Development and Execution of a Simple Applet
      • Understanding the Code of HelloApplet
      • Understanding HelloApplet.html File
    • Syntax of Applet Tag
    • Methods in the Graphics Class
    • Summary
    • Try Yourself
  • 9. Abstract Windowing Toolkit-I
    • Introduction
    • Events
    • Listeners
    • Event Handling Methods
      • Inheritance Hierarchy of Control Classes
    • Labels
    • Button Control
    • CheckBox Control
    • Radio Button Control
    • Choice Control
    • List Control
    • ScrollBars
    • Flow Layout
    • Border Layout
    • Grid Layout
    • Card Layout
    • GridBag Layout
    • Panels
    • Summary
    • Try Yourself
  • 10. Abstract Windowing Toolkit-II
    • Introduction
    • Windows and Frames
    • Menus
    • Dialogs
    • Mouse Events and their Listeners
    • Adapter Classes
    • Inner Classes
    • Anonymous Inner Classes
    • Summary
    • Try Yourself
  • 11. Exception Handling
    • Introduction
    • Default Exception Handling
      • User-defined Exception Handling Mechanism
    • Exception and Error Classes
    • Catch Block Searching Pattern
    • throw Statement
    • throws Clause
    • Custom Exceptions
    • Summary
    • Try Yourself
  • 12. Multithreading
    • Introduction
    • Life Cycle of a Thread
    • Creating and Running Threads
    • Runnable Interface
    • Methods in the Thread Class
    • Setting the Priority of a Thread
    • Synchronization
    • Deadlock
    • Inter-thread Communication ,
    • Applets Involving Threads
    • Summary
    • Try Yourself
  • 13. I/O Streams
    • Introduction
    • Text and Binary Formats of Data
    • InputStream and OutputStream Classes
    • Reader and Writer Classes
    • DataOutputStream and DatalnputStream Classes
    • DatalnputStream Class
    • StreamTokenizer Class
    • Random Access File Class
    • Filter Streams
    • Print Streams
    • Object Streams
    • Summary
    • Try Yourself
  • 14. Networking
    • Introduction
    • Networks, Domain Names and Protocols
    • Layers in Network Communication
    • Ports
    • Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
      • ServerSocket Class
      • Socket Class
      • Procedure for Executing the and Programs
    • UDP Approach
      • DatagramSocket and DatagramPacket Classes
      • Procedure for Execution
    • Accessing Resources on the Internet
    • Summary
    • Try Yourself
  • 15. The java. long Package
    • Introduction
    • Type Wrappers
    • The Number Class
    • The Byte, Short, Integer and Long Classes
    • The Float and Double Classes
    • The Character Class
    • The Boolean Class
    • The Process Class
    • The Runtime Class
    • The System Class
    • The Object Class
    • The Class Class
    • The Math Class
    • The String Class
    • Construction of Strings
      • char At () and indexOf() Methods
      • Extracting the Substrings
      • Case Conversions
      • Character Replacement in a String
      • getChars ( ) and getBytes ( ) Methods
      • Comparison of Strings
    • StringBuffer Class
      • length () and capacity () Methods
      • charAt () and setCharAt () Methods
      • setLength () Method
      • getChars () Method
      • insert () Method
      • Summary
      • Try Yourself
  • 16. The java.util Package
    • Introduction
    • The Collection Inter face
    • The List Interface
    • The Set Interface
    • The ArrayList Class
    • The LinkedList Class
    • The HashSet Class
    • The Map Interface
    • The HashMap Class
    • The Collection Algorithms
    • The Enumeration Interface
    • The Vector Class
    • The Stack Class
    • The Dictionary and Hashtable Classes
    • The Properties Class
    • The Date Class
    • The GregorianCalendar Class
    • The StringTokenizer Class
    • The Random Class
    • Summary
    • Try Yourself
  • Appendix
  • Index
Biographical note

Dr C Muthu is currently Reader, Department of Information and Statistics, St. Josephs College, Trichy, Tamil Nadu. An experienced computing professional of over 23 years, Dr C Muthu has been teaching Java for 9 years. He is a visiting associate at Bharathidasan University and a Senior Faculty at Visual Soft, a popular IT training organization in Trichy. He is also honorary technical advisor to Shalom InfoTech (P) Ltd, a fledgling software development company in Trichy. A prolific writer, his books include VB.Net, Visual C#.Net and Programming with JAVA.

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