Principles of Energy, Environment, Ethics and Society  
Published by Vijay Nicole Imprints Private Limited
Publication Date:  Available in all formats
ISBN: 9789394681972




ISBN: 9780070677685   Price: INR 495.00   

This bookprovides clear and comprehensive coverage of major topics on environment and a brief on ethics and society. The book focuses on important topics such as Greenhouse Effect, Population Growth, Environmental Problems and impact of PAT, clean technology options, pollution, code of ethics, etc.


This bookprovides clear and comprehensive coverage of major topics on environment and a brief on ethics and society. The book focuses on important topics such as Greenhouse Effect, Population Growth, Environmental Problems and impact of PAT, clean technology options, pollution, code of ethics, etc.

Table of contents
  • Cover
  • Halftitle Page
  • Front Matter
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Dedication
  • Contents
  • Preface
  • Roadmap to the Syllabus
  • Chapter 1 Environmental Studies, Natural Resources and Energy
    • 1.1 Introduction to Environmental Stud ies
      • Definitions
      • Planet Earth—Origin and Evolution
      • Types of Environment
    • 1.2 Environmental Awareness
      • Environmental Education
    • 1.3 Natural Resources
    • 1.4 Forest Resources
      • Forests—Introduction
      • Forest Classification
      • Importance of Forests
      • Role of Forests in Environmental Protection
      • Forest Cover—World
      • Deforestation
      • Global Deforestation
      • Deforestation—Effects
      • Indian Forests
      • Deforestation—Some Facts in India
      • Case Study
      • Irrigation and Dams—Impacts on Forests in India
      • Case Studies
    • 1.5 Water Resources
      • Introduction
      • Physical Properties of Water
      • Water and Human Body
      • Resources of Water
      • Major Water Compartments
      • Oceans
      • Ground Water
      • Surface Water
      • Wetlands
      • Water Availability and Use
      • Water Utilization
      • Freshwater Shortages
      • Over Utilization of Ground Water
      • Water Conservation
      • Environmental Concerns of Dams
      • Benefits of Dams
      • Water Management and Conservation
      • Case Study
    • 1.6 Mineral Resources
      • Introduction
      • Non-Metal Resources
      • Minerals and Rocks
      • Non-Metallic Minerals
      • Strategic Metals and Minerals
      • Environmental Effects of Resource Extraction
      • Mining
      • Environment Impacts of Mine Waste
      • Case Study
      • Restoration Work
      • Case Studies
      • Environmental Impact on Processing of Minerals
      • Case Study
      • Case Study
      • Conservation Methods
    • 1.7 Food Resources
      • Food Distribution Around the World and their Problems
      • Eating a Balanced Diet
      • Major food Resources
      • Modern Agriculture Development
      • Changes Caused by Modern Agriculture
      • Main Classes of Pesticides Based on Chemical Structure
      • Harmful Effects of Pesticides
      • Case Studies
      • Case Study
    • 1.8 Energy Sources
      • Energy
      • Linkage with Development
      • Growing Needs
      • Energy and Environment
      • Energy Conservation
      • Energy Consumption
      • Energy Distribution—World Scenario
      • Energy Calculations
    • 1.9 India’s Energy Scenario
      • Introduction
      • India’s Energy Sources
      • Growth of Power Sector
      • Electricity Consumption
      • Per Capita Consumption of Electricity
      • Plant Load Factor (PLF)
      • 16th Electric Power Survey (EPS) Projections
      • Unbalanced Growth & Shortages
      • Energy Security
      • Key Imperatives for India
    • 1.10 Fusion Power
      • Advantages
      • Current Status
    • 1.11 Alternate Energy Sources
      • Case Study
      • Case Study
    • 1.12 Synergy between Energy and Environment
      • Sunlight and Life
    • 1.13 Green Energy Solution
      • What is Green Energy?
      • Why do We Need Green Energy?
      • What are the Benefits of Green Energy?
      • Green Sources
      • Purchasing Green Energy through the Electrical Grid
      • Controversy over Green Energy
      • Conclusion
    • 1.14 Land Resources
      • Land Degradation
      • Case Study
      • Steps to Reduce Desertification
    • 1.15 Global Environmental Issues
    • 1.16 The Green House Effect and Climate Change
      • Consequences of Green House Effect
      • El Niño
    • 1.17 Environmental Conservation—Individual Role
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 2 Society and Environment
    • 2.1 Population Growth
      • Population Growth and Environment
      • Population Growth—World Scenario
      • Case Study
    • 2.2 Population Explosion
      • Some Statistics
      • World’s Population Distribution—Brief Analysis
    • 2.3 Exponential Growth in Population
    • 2.4 A Path to Sustainability
    • 2.5 Free Access Resources and Tragedy of Commons
      • Resources
      • Environmental Degradation
      • The Tragedy of the Commons
      • What is the Solution?
    • 2.6 Environmental Problems and Impact of PAT (Population—Affluence—Technology)
      • Environmental Problems and their Basic Causes
      • Poverty and Environmental Problem
      • Resource Consumption and Environmental Problems
      • Positive Effect of Affluenza
      • Connection between Environmental Problems and their Causes
      • Different Population, Different Problems
      • Demand Vs Need
      • Developed Countries—Enter Stewardship
    • 2.7 Environment and Public Health
      • Hazardous Products
      • Epidemiology
      • Vector-borne Diseases and Control
      • Water-borne Diseases
      • Pesticide Contamination
      • Heavy Metal Contamination
      • Environment Pollutants
    • 2.8 Environmentally Beneficial Harmful Technologies
      • Waste Minimization Techniques
      • Benefits of Waste Minimization
    • 2.9 Environment Impact Assessment
      • Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
    • 2.10 EIA-Policies and Audit Interaction between Environment
    • 2.11 Clean Technology Options
      • Clean Technology Concept
      • Environment Friendly Products—Eco Mark
      • Green Chemistry
      • Green Chemistry Expert System (GCES)
      • Case Study
    • 2.12 Socio-culture System
      • Major Human Socio-cultural Changes
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 3 Ecosystem
    • 3.1 Elements of the Environment
      • Interrelationship at Different Levels and Components of Environment
      • Important Elements in Environment
    • 3.2 Ecosystem
    • 3.3 Structure and Function of an Ecosystem
      • Matter and Energy
      • Conservation of Matter
      • Thermodynamics and Energy Transfer
      • Thermodynamics and Organisms
      • Organic Compounds
      • Cells—The Fundamental Units of Life
      • Enzymes
    • 3.4 Development and Evolution of an Ecosystem
      • Origin and Evolution of Life
    • 3.5 Energy Exchange in an Ecosystem
    • 3.6 Biogeochemical Cycles
      • The Hydrological Cycle
      • The Oxygen Cycle
      • The Nitrogen Cycle
      • The Carbon Cycle
      • The Phosphate Cycle
      • The Sulphur Cycle
    • 3.7 Ecological Succession
      • Primary Succession
      • Secondary Succession
    • 3.8 Producers, Consumers and Decomposers
      • Producers
      • Consumers
      • Decomposers
    • 3.9 Food Chains and Food Web
      • Food Chains
      • Food Web
      • Ecological Pyramids
      • Energy Pyramid
    • 3.10 Biomes
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 4 Biodiversity
    • 4.1 Introduction to Biodiversity
    • 4.2 Biodiversity Classification
    • 4.3 Value of Biodiversity
      • Food
      • Drugs and Medicines
      • Case Study
      • Ecological Benefits
      • Aesthetic Benefits
      • Social Value
    • 4.4 Biodiversity at Global level
    • 4.5 Biodiversity Hot Spots
    • 4.6 Biogeographical Classification of India
    • 4.7 India—The Mega Diversity Nation
      • Biosphere Reserves of India
    • 4.8 Endangered, Vulnerable and Endemic Species of India
      • Some Definitions
      • Threatened Animals
      • Plants
    • 4.9 Threats to Biodiversity
      • Habitat Destruction
      • Fragmentation
      • Hunting and Fishing
      • Man-wildlife Conflict
      • Case Study
    • 4.10 Conservation of Biological Diversity
      • Conserving Biodiversity in Protected Habitats
      • Advantages
      • Disadvantages
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 5 Sustainable Development and Environment
    • Introduction
    • 5.1 Concept of Sustainable Development
      • Agenda for Sustainable Development
      • Case Study
    • 5.2 Design for Environment
      • Major Elements of Design for the Environment
      • Non-toxic Processes and Production Materials
      • Safer Electronics
      • Safer Flame Retardants
      • Safer Formulations
      • Best Practices and Technologies
      • Safer Detergents Stewardship Initiative (SDSI)
    • 5.3 Product Life Cycle Assessment of Environment
      • Introduction
      • Goals and Purpose of LCA
      • Phases
      • LCA Uses and Tools
      • Variants
      • Economic Input-Output Life Cycle Assessment
      • Life Cycle Energy Analysis
      • Energy Production
      • Critiques
    • 5.4 Environment Management System (MIS) Standard—ISO 14000 Series
    • 5.5 Triple Bottom Line
      • Definition
      • The bottom lines
      • Arguments for the Concept
      • Arguments Against the Concept
      • Legislation
    • 5.6 Environmental Ethics
      • Marshall’s Categories of Environmental Ethics
      • Libertarian Extension
      • Ecologic Extension
      • Conservation Ethics
      • Humanist Theories
      • Anthropocentrism
      • Issues and Possible Solutions
    • 5.7 Global Population and Ethical Consideration
    • 5.8 Environmental Ethics in India
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 6 Environmental Pollution
    • 6.1 Air Pollution
      • Introduction: Air
      • Air Pollution
    • 6.2 Acid Rain
    • 6.3 Ozone Depletion
    • 6.4 Air Pollution Control
    • 6.5 Water Pollution
      • Introduction: Water
      • Water Pollution
    • 6.6 Water Pollution Treatment
      • Case Study
    • 6.7 Land Pollution
      • Introduction: Land
      • Land pollution—Soil Degradation
    • 6.8 Noise Pollution
      • Introduction: Noise
      • Noise Pollution
      • Case Study
      • Case Study
    • 6.9 Industrial Pollution
      • Pulp and Paper Industry
      • Distillary
      • Tanning Industry
      • Fertilizer Industry
      • Pharmaceutical Industry
      • Food Process
    • 6.10 Marine Pollution
      • Case Study
      • Case Study
      • Case Study
    • 6.11 Thermal Pollution
      • Introduction
    • 6.12 Radioactive Pollution
      • Introduction
      • Sources of Radioactive Pollution
      • Case Study
      • Case Study
      • Case Study
    • 6.13 Solid Waste Management
      • Waste
      • Urban Waste Management
      • Industrial Waste Management
      • Case Study
      • Case Study
    • 6.14 Biomedical Wastes
    • 6.15 Pollution Prevention
      • Waste Minimization Techniques
      • Benefits of Waste Minimization
    • 6.16 Disaster Management
      • Floods
      • Earthquake
      • What is Tsunami?
      • 2004 Tsunami of Asia
      • Cyclones
      • Landslides
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 7 Ethics
    • 7.1 Professional Ethics
      • Advantages of Code of Ethics
      • Drawbacks of Code of Ethics
    • 7.2 Engineering Ethics
    • 7.3 Morality
      • Moral Reasons
      • Purpose of Morality
      • Varieties of Moral Issues
    • 7.4 Ethical Theories
      • Utilitarianism
      • Duty Ethics
      • Virtues Ethics
      • Right Ethics
    • 7.5 Code of Ethics
      • Introduction
      • What is Code of Ethics?
      • Need of Code of Ethics
      • Roles of Codes
      • Functions of Codes
      • Limitations of Codes
      • Objections to Codes
    • 7.6 Code of Ethics for Institution of Engineers
      • Introduction
    • 7.7 Codes of Ethics for Corporate Members
      • Preamble
      • The Tenets of the Code of Ethics
      • General Guidance
      • And, as such, a Corporate Member
    • 7.8 Codes of Ethics for IEEE
      • Who IEEE Serves?
      • IEEE Quick Facts
      • IEEE Code of Ethics
    • 7.9 ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
      • Preamble
      • Contents and Guidelines
    • Review Questions
  • References
  • Solved RGTU Question Papers
    • June 2008December 2008
  • Index
Biographical note

Dr Raman Sivakumar has served as Scientist, Professor in various organizations including SACON-MoEF, Govt of India, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Erode, Maxxam Analytics International, Canada, PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research, Coimbatore. He has written 8 books, published more than 25 research papers, filed a patent on natural dyes and visited more than 18 countries in connection with research. Apart from guiding Ph.D and M.Phil scholars, he has completed more than 12 EIA and many funding projects related to environmental conservation.

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