Environmental Studies  
Published by Vijay Nicole Imprints Private Limited
Publication Date:  Available in all formats
ISBN: 9789394681316




ISBN: 9788182094659   Price: INR 225.00   

Designed to address the requirements of undergraduate students of Arts and Science, this book covers the basic aspects of environment including natural resources, ecosystem and biodiversity.


Designed to address the requirements of undergraduate students of Arts and Science, this book covers the basic aspects of environment including natural resources, ecosystem and biodiversity.

Table of contents
  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Contents
  • Preface
  • UNIT 1 Introduction to EVS - Natural Resources
    • 1.1 Introduction to Environmental Studies
      • Definitions
    • 1.2 Types of Environment
      • Objectives of Environmental Studies
      • Need of Public Awareness about Environment
    • 1.3 Forest Resources
      • Introduction
      • Forest Classification
      • Importance of Forests
      • Role of Forests in Environmental Protection
      • Deforestation
      • Causes of Deforestation
      • Deforestation—Effects
      • Indian Forests
      • Deforestation—Some Facts in India
      • Environmental Impacts of Deforestation
      • Consequences of Deforestation on Environment
    • 1.4 Water Resources
      • Introduction
      • Resources of Water
      • Major Water Compartments
      • Oceans
      • Ground Water
      • Surface Water
      • Wetlands
      • Water Availability and Use
      • Water Utilization
      • Freshwater Shortages
      • Over Utilization of Groundwater
      • Water Conservation
      • Dams, Reservoirs, and Canals
    • 1.5 Mineral Resources
      • Introduction
      • Non-Metal Resources
      • Minerals and Rocks
      • Minerals
      • Metals
      • Non-Metallic Minerals
      • Environmental Effects of Resource Extraction
      • Mining
      • Environment Impacts of Mine Waste
    • 1.6 Food Resources
      • Food Distribution Around the World and their Problems
      • Changes Caused by Modern Agriculture
      • Overgrazing
    • 1.7 Land Use Pattern
      • Land Degradation
    • 1.8 Fertilizers
      • Impacts on Environment
      • Alternatives
    • 1.9 Pesticide
      • Pesticides in Agriculture
      • Harmful Effects of Pesticides
    • 1.10 Case Studies
      • Review Questions
  • UNIT 2 Ecosystem, Biodiversity and its Conservation
    • 2.1 Ecosystem
      • Concept of an Ecosystem
      • Development and Evolution of an Ecosystem
      • Origin and Evolution of Life
      • Types of Ecosystems
    • 2.2 Structure and Function
      • Matter and Energy
      • Organic Compounds
      • Cells—The Fundamental Units of Life
      • Enzymes
    • 2.3 Producers, Consumers and Decomposers
      • Producers
      • Consumers
      • Decomposers
    • 2.4 Food Chain
    • 2.5 Food Web
      • Individual Food Chains Interconnect to Form a Food Web
    • 2.6 Ecological Pyramids
      • Energy Pyramid
    • 2.7 Energy Flow
    • 2.8 Biomes
      • Forest Ecosystem
      • Grasslands
      • Deserts
      • Aquatic Ecosystem
      • Freshwater Ecosystem
      • Wetlands
      • Estuaries
      • Coastal Marine Ecosystem
      • Coral Reefs
      • Components of Marine Ecosystem
    • 2.9 Biodiversity
      • Classification
      • Value of Biodiversity
      • Measurement of Biodiversity
    • 2.10 Biodiversity at Global Level
    • 2.11 Biodiversity in India - Endemic
      • Megadiverse India
      • Biosphere Reserves of India
      • Role of Biosphere Reserve
    • 2.12 Biodiversity Hotspots
      • Biodiversity Hotspots In India
    • 2.13 Endangered, Vulnerable and Endemic Species of India
      • Definitions
      • Factors Affecting Endemic Species
    • 2.14 Threats to Biodiversity
      • Habitat Destruction
      • Fragmentation
      • Hunting and Fishing
      • Man-Wildlife Conflict
    • 2.15 Conservation of Biodiversity
      • In-Situ Conservation and Ex-Situ Conservation
      • Types of Conservation
      • In-Situ Conservation
      • Ex-Situ Conservation
    • 2.16 Case Studies
      • Review Questions
  • UNIT 3 Environmental Pollution and Management
    • 3.1 Environmental Pollution
      • Introduction to Environmental Pollution
      • Classification of Pollution
    • 3.2 Air Pollution
      • Gases
      • Particulates
      • Air Pollution Control
    • 3.3 Water Pollution
      • Point Source Pollution
      • Non-Point Pollution Sources
      • Sources of Water Pollution
      • Water Pollution Treatment
    • 3.4 Marine Pollution
      • Waste Disposal
      • Control Measures
    • 3.5 Land Pollution—Soil Degradation
    • 3.6 Solid Waste Management
      • Waste
      • Urban Waste Management
      • Industrial Waste Management
    • 3.7 Thermal Pollution
      • Introduction
      • Sources of Thermal Pollution
      • Harmful Effects of Thermal Pollution
      • Control of Thermal Pollution
    • 3.8 Radioactive Pollution/Hazards
      • Sources of Radioactive Pollution
      • Effects of Radioactive Pollution
      • Preventive Measures from Radiation
    • 3.9 Disaster Management
      • Floods
      • Earthquake
      • Tsunami
      • Cyclone
      • Landslides
    • 3.10 Role of an Individual in Prevention of Pollution
    • 3.11 Case Studies
      • Review Questions
  • UNIT 4 Social Issues and Human Pollution
    • 4.1 Urban Problems Related to Energy
    • 4.2 Water Management and Conservation
      • Rainwater Harvesting
      • Benefits of Rainwater Harvesting
    • 4.3 Environmental Ethics
      • Issues and Possible Solutions
      • Global Population and Ethical Consideration
      • Environmental Ethics in India
    • 4.4 Climate Change
      • The Green House Effect
    • 4.5 Global Warming
      • Perspective on Global Atmospheric Change
      • Acid Rain
      • Ozone Depletion
    • 4.6 Resettlement and Rehabilitation of People
    • 4.7 Environmental Protection Acts
      • Environmental Legislation in India
      • Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
      • Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 (amended in 1987)
      • Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 (amended in 1988)
      • The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess Act, 1977 (Amended in 1991)
      • Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 (Amended in 1983, 1986 & 1991)
      • The Forest Conservation Act, 1980 (Amended in 1988)
    • 4.8 Population Growth
      • Some Observations
    • 4.9 Population Explosion
      • Why Population Explosion?
      • An Introduction to the Human Rights Movement
      • Introduction to the UN Human Rights Treaty System
      • Summary – Human Rights
    • 4.11 Environment and Public Health
    • 4.12 Value Education - HIV/AIDS
      • Why the Knowledge of HIV and AIDS is Must?
      • Symptoms of Affected Persons
    • 4.13 Information Technology and Environment
      • Advantages
      • Disadvantages
      • Applications of GIS
    • 4.14 Women and Child Welfare
      • Women Welfare
      • Child Welfare
      • Women and Child Welfare
      • Women and Child Welfare in India
    • 4.15 Case Studies
      • Review Questions
  • UNIT 5 Field Work
    • 5.1 Local Polluted Site
      • Introduction
      • Analysis
      • Steps Taken to Treat Effluents
      • Conclusion
      • Suggested Activity
  • Index
Biographical note

Dr Raman Sivakumar is pressently Professor, Head of the Department of Physical Science, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Erode

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