Published by Vijay Nicole Imprints Private Limited
Publication Date:  Available in all formats
ISBN: 9789394681293




ISBN: 9788182092594   Price: INR 195.00   

One universe is but one of many millions, a mere fantasy to the denizens afar. Humanity representated stability, and nineteen-year-old Gale a sense of harmony. He was no child of destiny, but when lady opportunity calls, it is but our duty to answer. Dragged into a world filled with creatures of myth and beauty, plagued by a treacherous and old war, Gale must learn to overcome his mellow nature. There is no choice, and failure to adapt would only mean a simple and common death, free of a bard’s attention. And all this from just a phone call…


One universe is but one of many millions, a mere fantasy to the denizens afar. Humanity representated stability, and nineteen-year-old Gale a sense of harmony. He was no child of destiny, but when lady opportunity calls, it is but our duty to answer. Dragged into a world filled with creatures of myth and beauty, plagued by a treacherous and old war, Gale must learn to overcome his mellow nature. There is no choice, and failure to adapt would only mean a simple and common death, free of a bard’s attention. And all this from just a phone call…

Table of contents
  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Acknowledgements
  • Chapter I
  • Chapter II
  • Chapter III
  • Chapter IV
  • Chapter V
  • Chapter VI
  • Chapter VII
  • Chapter VIII
  • Chapter IX
  • Chapter X
  • Chapter XI
  • Chapter XII
  • Chapter XIII
  • Chapter XIV
  • Chapter XV
  • Chapter XVI
  • Chapter XVII
  • Chapter XVIII
  • Chapter XIX
  • Chapter XX
  • Chapter XXI
Biographical note

Nishant Muralidharan is twenty years old. He writes on and admires the epic-fantasy genre.

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