Engineering Thermodynamics Made Easy  
Published by Vijay Nicole Imprints Private Limited
Publication Date:  Available in all formats
ISBN: 9789394524354




ISBN: 9788182093676   Price: INR 995.00   

Engineering Thermodynamics Made Easy is tailor-made for the Engineering Thermodynamics paper offered in mechanical, automobile and automation engineering courses. This book is designed for the Anna University affilated engineering colleges syllabus R-2013 and for courses of other Indian universities. The book is useful for competitive exams such as GATE UPSC engineering service and AMIE.


Engineering Thermodynamics Made Easy is tailor-made for the Engineering Thermodynamics paper offered in mechanical, automobile and automation engineering courses. This book is designed for the Anna University affilated engineering colleges syllabus R-2013 and for courses of other Indian universities. The book is useful for competitive exams such as GATE UPSC engineering service and AMIE.

Table of contents
  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Dedication
  • Quote
  • Syllabus
  • Contents
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgements
  • List of Notations
  • List of Solved Problems
  • List of Equations
    • 1.1 Basic Concepts
    • 1.2 The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics
    • 1.3 First Law of Thermodynamics
    • 1.4 Ideal gas Equation
    • 1.5 To Derive the SFEE
    • 1.6 Variable (Unsteady or Transient) Flow Process
    • 1.7 Relationship Between Temperature Scales
    • 1.8 Total and Specific Quantities
    • 1.9 Modes of work Other than Displacement work
    • 1.10 Review Questions with Answers
    • 1.11 Hints for Problem Solving
    • 1.12 Solved Problems (42 Nos.)
    • 1.13 Exercise Problems with Answers
    • 1.14 Summary
    • 2.1 Cyclic Heat Engine
    • 2.2 Thermal Energy Reservoir
    • 2.3 Mechanical Energy Reservoir
    • 2.4 Kelvin Planck and Clausius Statement of Second Law
    • 2.5 Reversibility and the Conditions for Reversibility
    • 2.6 Proving various Irreversibility’s Through the Second Law
    • 2.7 The Thermodynamic Temperature Scale
    • 2.8 Reversible Adiabatic Lines
    • 2.9 Clausius Theorem
    • 2.10 The Concept of Entropy
    • 2.11 Entropy of an Ideal gas
    • 2.12 Inequality of Clausius
    • 2.13 Temperature Entropy Plot
    • 2.14 The Carnot Cycle
    • 2.15 The Reversed Carnot Cycle
    • 2.16 The Carnot Theorem
    • 2.17 The Corollary of Carnot Theorem
    • 2.18 The Principle of Increase of Entropy
    • 2.19 The Applications of the Entropy Principle
    • 2.20 To find the Maximum Work Obtainable From Two Bodies at Different Temperatures
    • 2.21 The Third Law of Thermodynamics
    • 2.22 Directional Law of Nature
    • 2.23 The general Equation for Entropy Change
    • 2.24 Entropy generation for a Closed and Open System
    • 2.25 Review Questions with Answers
    • 2.26 Hints for Problem Solving
    • 2.27 Solved Problems (46 Nos.)
    • 2.28 Exercise Problems with Answers
    • 2.29 Summary
    • 3.1 Introduction to Availability Analysis
    • 3.2 Availability of a Steady Flow Process
    • 3.3 Availability in a Closed System
    • 3.4 Exergy Balance for a Closed System
    • 3.5 Exergy Balance for an Open System
    • 3.6 Second Law Efficiency
    • 3.7 First Law Efficiency and Second Law Efficiency for Various Thermal Devices
    • 3.8 Irreversibility and gouy–Stodola Theorem
    • 3.9 Reversible work and Irreversible work
    • 3.10 Available Energy From a Finite Energy Source
    • 3.11 Availability of an Ideal gas in terms of P, V and T
    • 3.12 gibbs Function
    • 3.13 Helmhotz Function
    • 3.14 Law of Degradation of Energy
    • 3.15 High grade and Low grade Energy
    • 3.16 Review Questions with Answers
    • 3.17 Hints for Problem Solving
    • 3.18 Solved Problems (18 Nos.)
    • 3.19 Exercise Problems with Answers
    • 3.20 Summary
    • 4.1 Pure Substance
    • 4.2 Saturation States
    • 4.3 Critical State
    • 4.4 Normal Boiling Point
    • 4.5 Saturation Temperature and Saturation Pressure
    • 4.6 Triple Point
    • 4.7 P–V Phase Equilibrium Diagram
    • 4.8 P–T Phase Equilibrium Diagram
    • 4.9 T–S Phase Equilibrium Diagram
    • 4.10 H–S Phase Equilibrium Diagrams (also known as the Mollier Chart)
    • 4.11 Dryness Fraction of Steam
    • 4.12 Degree of Super Heat and Degree of Sub Cooling
    • 4.13 The Steam Table and the Thermodynamic Properties of wet Steam
    • 4.14 Calculations for work and Heat Transfer in Various Non Flow Process of Steam
    • 4.15 Expression for the work and Heat Transfer for Various Steady Flow Thermal Devices
    • 4.16 The Four Basic Components of a Steam Power Plant
    • 4.17 The Ideal Rankine Cycle
    • 4.18 Steam Rate and Heat Rate
    • 4.19 why Carnot Cycle is not Practical for a Steam Power Plant ?
    • 4.20 Mean Temperature of Heat Addition
    • 4.21 Fixation of the Maximum Pressure and Temperature in a Rankine Cycle
    • 4.22 The Reheat Rankine Cycle
    • 4.23 The Ideal Regenerative Cycle
    • 4.24 Practical Simple Single Stage Regenerative Cycle
    • 4.25 Practical Regenerative Cycle with Two Open Feed water Heaters
    • 4.26 Combined Cycle
    • 4.27 Binary Vapor Cycle
    • 4.28 The Economizer and the Air Preheater
    • 4.29 Determination of Dryness Fraction of Steam Using the Throttling Calorimeter
    • 4.30 The Cycle Improvement Methods on a Simple Ideal Rankine Cycle
    • 4.31 The Actual Rankine Cycle
    • 4.32 Application of First and Second Law on Pure Substances
    • 4.33 P–V–T Surface
    • 4.34 Review Questions with Answers
    • 4.35 Hints for Problem Solving
    • 4.36 Solved Problems (24 Nos.)
    • 4.37 Exercise Problems with Answers
    • 4.38 Summary
    • Introduction
    • 5.1 Exact Differentials
    • 5.2 Maxwell’s Relations
    • 5.3 TdS Relations
    • 5.4 Difference in Heat Capacities
    • 5.5 Ratio of Heat Capacities
    • 5.6 The Energy Equation
    • 5.7 Clausius Clapeyron Equation
    • 5.8 Joule Thomson Experiment
    • 5.9 Avogadro’s Law
    • 5.10 Other Equations of State for Real gases
    • 5.11 Principles of Corresponding State and the generalized Compressibility Chart
    • 5.12 Internal Energy, Enthalpy and Specific Heats of Ideal Gas Mixtures
    • 5.13 Entropy of an Ideal Inert gas Mixture
    • 5.14 Derivation of R Using Avogadro’s Law and the Equation of State
    • 5.15 Difference Between Ideal gas and Real gas
    • 5.16 Van der waals Equation of State
    • 5.17 Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressure
    • 5.18 Mole Fraction
    • 5.19 Partial Pressure
    • 5.20 Partial Volume and Amagat’s Law
    • 5.21 The Characteristics gas Constant of the Inert Ideal gas Mixture
    • 5.22 Equivalent Molecular weight of Ideal gas Mixture
    • 5.23 Specific Volume of Inert Ideal Gas Mixture
    • 5.24 Compressibility Factor
    • 5.25 Compressibility Chart
    • 5.26 Volume Expansivity
    • 5.27 gibbs Function for a Mixture of Ideal Inert gas
    • 5.28 Introduction to Real gas Mixture
    • 5.29 Phase Change Process
    • 5.30 Review Questions with Answers
    • 5.31 Hints for Problem Solving
    • 5.32 Solved Problems (10 Nos.)
    • 5.33 Exercise Problems with Answers
    • 5.34 Summary
    • 6.1 Definitions of Psychrometric Properties
    • 6.2 Psychrometric Chart and its Significance
    • 6.3 Psychrometric Processes
    • 6.4 Fundamentals of Air Conditioning
    • 6.5 Review Questions with Answers
    • 6.6 Hints for Problem Solving
    • 6.7 Solved Problems (8 Nos.)
    • 6.8 Exercise Problems with Answers
    • 6.9 Summary
    • PART 7 Special Solved Problems (68 Nos.)
    • PART 8 Anna University Fully Solved Question Papers (25 Nos.)
    • PART 9 Anna University Fully Solved Two Mark Questions
    • PART 10 Objective Type Questions
    • PART 11 Special Questions And Answers
    • PART 12 Anna University Fully Solved Latest Questions
    • PART 13 Additional 75 Questions and Answers
    • PART 14 glossary of Some Important Terms
  • References
  • Index
Biographical note

Raju P. Pillai received his B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering from Kerala University and M.E. in Production Engineering from Annamalai University. He has over 30 years of teaching experience.

Dr. N. Chittaranjan is a retired professor from College of Engineering, Anna University, Chennai with more than 34 years of teaching experience. He has wide industrial exposure and has published more than 100 national and international papers to his research credibility.

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