Engineering Materials and Metallurgy  
Published by Vijay Nicole Imprints Private Limited
Publication Date:  Available in all formats
ISBN: 9789394524286




ISBN: 9788182095540   Price: INR 325.00   

This best-selling textbook, now in its fourth edition, revised to address the requirements of latest Anna University regulations, continues to provide a thorough understanding of structure and properties of engineering materials.


This best-selling textbook, now in its fourth edition, revised to address the requirements of latest Anna University regulations, continues to provide a thorough understanding of structure and properties of engineering materials.

Table of contents
  • Cover
  • About the Author
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Dedication
  • Contents
  • Preface
    • Chapter 1 Introduction
      • What is Material
      • Engineering Materials
        • Metallic Materials
        • Non-metallic Materials
        • Composites
      • History of Materials
      • Materials and Engineering
      • Branches of Metallurgy
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 2 Structure of Materials
      • Atomic Structure
        • Electronic Structure of the Atom
        • Atomic Bonding
        • Bonding and Properties
      • Structure of Solids
        • Crystal Structure
        • Metallic Crystal Structures
        • Directions and Planes in an Unit Cell
      • Crystallisation of Pure Metals
        • Nuclei Formation
        • Crystal Growth
      • Grain Size
      • Crystal Defects
        • Point Defects
        • Line Defects
        • Planar Defects
      • Microstructure
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 3 Alloys and Phase Diagrams
      • Classification of Alloys
        • Solid Solutions
        • Intermediate Phases or Compounds
      • Phase Diagrams
        • Phase Rule
        • Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams
      • Isomorphous System
        • Chemical Composition of Phases
        • Amount of Each Phase (Lever Rule)
        • Equilibrium Cooling
        • Non-equilibrium Cooling
      • Eutectic System—I Type
        • Cooling of Alloy 1 (60Bi–40Cd)—Eutectic
        • Cooling of Alloy 2 (80Bi–20Cd)—Hypoeutectic
        • Cooling of Alloy 3 (20Bi–80Cd)—Hypereutectic
      • Eutectic System—II Type
        • Cooling of Alloy 1 (98Pb–2Sn)
        • Cooling of Alloy 2 (38Pb–62Sn)—Eutectic
        • Cooling of Alloy 3 (60Pb–40Sn)
        • Cooling of Alloy 4 (90Pb–10Sn)
      • Peritectic System
        • Cooling of Alloy 1 (46Ag–54Pt)
        • Cooling of Alloy 2 (60Ag–40Pt)
      • Solid State Reactions
        • Eutectoid Reaction
        • Peritectoid Reaction
      • Solved Problems
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 4 Iron-Iron Carbide Equilibrium Diagram and Plain Carbon Steels
      • Allotropy of Iron
      • The Iron-Iron Carbide Diagram
      • Plain Carbon Steels
        • Slow Cooling of Plain Carbon Steels
        • Critical Temperatures
        • Properties and Uses of Plain Carbon Steels
      • Solved Problems
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 5 Heat Treatment of Steels
      • Heat Treatment
      • Isothermal Transformation
      • TTT Diagram
        • Transformation Mechanisms
        • Cooling Curves and the IT Diagrams
      • CCT Diagram
      • Heat Treatment Processes for Steels
      • Annealing
        • Full Annealing
        • Spheroidising Annealing
        • Stress Relief Annealing
        • Recrystallisation Annealing
      • Normalising
        • Normalising Versus Annealing
      • Hardening
        • Mechanism of Heat Removal During Quenching
        • Factors Affecting Hardening Process
      • Tempering
      • Austempering or Isothermal Quenching
      • Martempering or Marquenching
      • Hardenability
        • Jominy End Quench Test
        • Representation of Hardenability Data
        • Use of Hardenability Data
      • Surface and Selective Hardening
      • Carburising
        • Methods of Carburising
        • Heat Treatment after Carburising
      • Carbonitriding
      • Cyaniding
      • Nitriding
      • Vacuum and Plasma Surface Hardening
        • Vacuum Surface Hardening
        • Plasma Surface Hardening
      • Flame Hardening
      • Induction Hardening
      • Solved Problems
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 6 Alloy Steels
      • Purpose of Alloying
      • General Effects of Alloying Elements
      • Classification of Alloy Steels
      • Structural Grade Alloy Steels
        • Nickel Steels
        • Chromium Steels
        • Nickel-Chromium Steels
        • Manganese Steels
        • Silicon Steels
        • Molybdenum Steels
        • Vanadium Steels
        • Boron Steels
        • Tungsten Steels
        • Steels with Titanium
      • Stainless Steels
        • Ferritic Stainless Steels
        • Martensitic Stainless Steels
        • Austenitic Stainless Steels
        • Precipitation Hardening (PH) Stainless Steels
        • Duplex Stainless Steels
      • Tool and Die Steels
        • Water Hardening Tool Steels
        • Shock Resisting Tool Steels
        • Cold Work Tool Steels
        • Hot Work Tool Steels
        • High Speed Steels
        • Mould Steels
        • Special Purpose Tool Steels
      • Special Alloy Steels
        • Free Machining Alloy Steels
        • Austenitic High Manganese Steels
        • High Strength Low Alloy (HSLA) Steels
        • Interstitial Free (I-F) Steels
        • Dual Phase Steels
        • Maraging Steels
      • Indian Standard Code for Designation of Steels (IS: 1762–1974)
        • Steels Designated on the Basis of Mechanical Properties
        • Steels Designated on the Basis of Chemical Properties
      • Solved Problems
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 7 Cast Irons
      • Classification of Cast Iron
      • Factors Influencing Structure of Cast Iron
        • Effect of Rate of Cooling
        • Effect of Chemical Composition
      • White Cast Iron
      • Grey Cast Iron
      • Chilled Cast Iron
      • Malleable Cast Iron
        • Malleabilisation Heat Treatment
        • Types of Malleable Cast Iron
      • Nodular Cast Iron
      • Compacted Graphite Iron
      • Alloy Cast Irons
      • Indian Standard Code for Designation of Cast Irons (IS: 4843–1968)
      • Solved Problems
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 8 Non-ferrous Alloys
      • Copper and Copper Alloys
      • Brasses
        • α-Brasses
        • α-β Brasses
        • Cast Brasses
      • Bronzes
        • Tin Bronzes
        • Aluminium Bronzes
        • Silicon Bronzes
        • Beryllium Bronzes
      • Copper-Nickel Alloys
      • Indian Standard Code for Designation of Copper Alloys (IS: 2378–1974)
      • Aluminium Alloys
      • Wrought Alloys
        • Work Hardenable Alloys
        • Heat Treatable Alloys
      • Cast Alloys
        • Aluminium-Silicon Alloys
        • Aluminium-Magnesium Alloys
        • Aluminium-Zinc Alloys
        • Aluminium-Copper Alloys
        • Complex Casting Alloys
      • Indian Standard Code for Designation of Aluminium Alloys (IS: 5052–1993)
        • Alloy Designation
        • Temper Designation
      • Magnesium Alloys
        • Cast Alloys
        • Wrought Alloys
      • Zinc Alloys
      • Nickel Alloys
        • Monel Alloys
        • Nickel-Chromium Alloys
        • Nickel-Molybdenum Alloys
        • Nickel based Super Alloys
      • Titanium Alloys
      • Lead and Tin Alloys
      • Precipitation Hardening or Age Hardening
      • Bearing Alloys
        • White Bearing Metals
        • Bearing Bronzes
        • Aluminium-Tin Bearing Alloys
        • Silver Bearings
      • Solved Problems
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 9 Polymers
      • Polymerisation
      • Characteristics of Polymer Molecules
        • Molecular Weight
        • Chain Shape
        • Type of Mers
        • Chain Structure
      • Crystallinity of Polymers
      • Glass Transition
      • Additives in Polymers
      • Classification of Polymers
      • Thermoplastic Polymers
        • Commodity Thermoplastic Polymers
        • Engineering Thermoplastic Polymers
      • Thermoset Polymers
      • Elastomers
        • Types of Elastomers
      • Biodegradable Polymers
      • Solved Problems
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 10 Ceramics
      • Traditional Ceramics
        • Clay Products
        • Glasses
        • Cements
        • Refractories
      • Advanced Ceramics
        • Oxide Ceramics
        • Carbides
        • Nitrides
        • Sialon (Si3Al3O3N5)
        • Borides
        • Some Special Applications of Advanced Ceramics
      • Solved Problems
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 11 Composites
      • Definition and Classification of Composites
      • Matrix Materials
      • Reinforcements
        • Fibres
        • Whiskers and Particulates
      • Fibre Reinforced Composites
        • Fibre Reinforced Plastics (FRP)
        • Fibre Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites
        • Fibre Reinforced Ceramic Composites
        • Carbon-Carbon Composites
      • Particulate Composites
        • Particulate Reinforced Polymers
        • Particulate Reinforced Metal Composites
        • Ceramic Matrix Particulate Composites
      • Laminar Composites
        • Laminates
        • Clad Metals
        • Sandwich Structure
      • Fabrication of Polymer Matrix Composites
      • Fabrication of Metal Matrix Composites
        • Liquid Phase Processes
        • Solid Phase Processes
      • Fabrication of Ceramic Matrix Composites
      • Solved Problems
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 12 Plastic Deformation and Fracture of Materials
      • Plastic Deformation of Metals
      • Slip
        • Slip in a Perfect Lattice
        • Slip by Dislocation Movement
        • Critical Resolved Shear Stress
        • Dislocation Sources
      • Twinning
        • Difference between Slip and Twinning
      • Plastic Deformation in Polycrystalline Metals
        • Preferred Orientation and Anisotropy
      • Strengthening of Metals
        • Strain Hardening or Cold Working
        • Grain Boundary Hardening
        • Solid Solution Strengthening
        • Strengthening from Fine Particles
      • Fracture of Metals
        • Ductile Fracture
        • Brittle Fracture
        • Ductile–Brittle Transition
      • Fatigue Failure of Metals
        • Fatigue Stress Cycles
        • Mechanism of Fatigue Failure
        • Fracture Appearance
        • Factors Affecting Fatigue Strength
        • Methods for Improving Fatigue Properties
      • Creep of Metals
        • Mechanisms of Creep Deformation and Rupture
        • Creep Resistance Alloys
      • Deformation of Polymers
        • Macroscopic Deformation
        • Deformation Mechanisms
        • Viscoelasticity and Creep
      • Fracture of Polymer Materials
      • Deformation and Fracture of Ceramics
        • Low Temperature Brittle Fracture
        • High Temperature Creep Rupture
        • Thermal Shock
      • Fracture of Fibre Reinforced Composites
      • Solved Problems
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 13 Mechanical Testing of Materials
      • Tensile Test
        • Properties Obtained from the Tensile Test
        • Types of Engineering Stress-Strain Curves
      • Compression Test
      • Bend Test
      • Shear Test and Torsion Test
      • Hardness Test
        • Brinell Hardness Test
        • Vickers Hardness Test
        • Rockwell Hardness Test
        • Knoop Microhardness Test
        • Durometer Test
      • Impact Test
        • Charpy Test
        • Izod Test
        • Properties Obtained from the Impact Test
      • Fatigue Test
        • Endurance Limit
        • Fatigue Life
      • Creep Test
        • Creep Curve
        • Use of Creep Data
      • Solved Problems
      • Review Questions
  • Two Marks Questions and Answers
  • Solved Question Papers
  • Index
Biographical note

R Srinivasan is currently working as a AssociateProfessor,Department of Mechanical Engineering, RVS College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul. He completed his BE and ME from Government College of Technology, Coimbatore. He has 15 years of teaching experience

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