Programming with Java 2e  
Author(s): C. Muthu
Published by Vijay Nicole Imprints Private Limited
Publication Date:  Available in all formats
ISBN: 9789393665669




ISBN: 9788182091993   Price: INR 525.00   

Designed in a style that is simple. Comprehensive and user-friendly, this book provides complete coverage of all important topics in Java programming. A significant highlight of the book is numerous example programs and variety of exercises at the end of each chapter.


Designed in a style that is simple. Comprehensive and user-friendly, this book provides complete coverage of all important topics in Java programming. A significant highlight of the book is numerous example programs and variety of exercises at the end of each chapter.

Table of contents
  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Contents
  • Preface
  • CHAPTER 1 OOP and Java
    • Introduction
    • Objects and Classes
      • Encapsulation
      • Inheritance
      • Polymorphism
    • Java Language
    • Creating and Executing a Java Application
    • Understanding the Code of the Hello Java Program
  • CHAPTER 2 The Primaries
    • Introduction
    • Character Set
    • Tokens
    • Constants
    • Variables
    • Operators and Expressions
    • Library Methods
    • Strings
    • I/O (Input/Output) Statements ^
      • Console Output
      • Keyboard Input
    • Simple Programs
    • Formatting the Output Values
  • CHAPTER 3 Control Statements
    • Introduction
    • ‘if Statement
    • ‘switch’ Statement
    • ‘while’ Statement
    • ‘do . . while’ Statement
    • ‘for’ Statement
  • CHAPTER 4 Arrays and Methods
    • Introduction
    • One-Dimensional Arrays
    • Two-Dimensional Arrays
    • Methods
      • General Form of a Method
      • Method of Invoking a Method
    • Method Overloading
    • Recursion
  • CHAPTER 5 Classes and Objects
    • Introduction
    • General Form of a Class
    • Creation of Objects
    • Usage of Constructors
    • ‘this’Keyword
    • Constructor Overloading
    • Copy Constructors
    • Static Data Members
    • Static Methods
    • Finalize()’ Method
    • Inner Classes and Anonymous Inner Classes
  • CHAPTER 6 Inheritance and Polymorphism
    • Introduction
    • Inheriting the Variables in a Class
    • Inheriting the Methods in a Class
    • Inheritance and Constructors
    • Abstract Classes
    • Final Classes
  • CHAPTER 7 Interfaces and Packages
    • Introduction
    • Interfaces
    • Structure of an Interface
    • Implementation of an Interface
    • Interface Inheritance
    • Packages
    • The Package Statement
    • Placing the Classes in a Package
    • Package Hierarchy
    • Import Statement
    • Hiding the Classes in a Package
    • Access Control Modifiers
  • CHAPTER 8 Applets
    • Introduction
    • The Life Cycle of an Applet
    • The Applet Class
    • Development and Execution of a Simple Applet
      • Understanding the Code of HelloApplet
      • Understanding HelloApplet.html File
    • Syntax of Applet Tag
    • Methods in the Graphics Class
  • CHAPTER 9 Abstract Windowing Toolkit - I
    • Introduction
    • Events
    • Listeners
    • Event Handling Methods
    • Inheritance Hierarchy of Control Classes
    • Labels
    • Button Control
    • CheckBox Control
    • Radio Button Control
    • Choice Control
    • List Control
    • Scrollbars
    • Flow Layout
    • Border Layout
    • Grid Layout
    • Card Layout
    • Gridbag Layout
    • Panels
  • CHAPTER 10 Abstract Windowing Toolkit - II
    • Introduction
    • Windows and Frames
    • Menus
    • Dialogs
    • Mouse Events and their Listeners
    • Adapter Classes
    • Inner Classes
    • Anonymous Inner Classes
  • CHAPTER 11 Swing
    • Introduction
    • JApplet Class
    • Icons
    • JLabel Control
      • JOptionPane Class
    • JTextField Control
    • JButton Control
    • JCheckBox Control
    • JRadioButton Control
    • Menus
    • JSlider Control
    • JComboBox Control
    • JTabbedPane Control
    • JScrollPane Control
    • Tables
  • CHAPTER 12 Exception Handling
    • Introduction
    • Default Exception Handling
      • User-defined Exception Handling Mechanism
    • Exception and Error Classes
    • Catch Block Searching Pattern
    • ‘throw’Statement
    • ‘throws’Clause
    • Custom Exceptions
  • CHAPTER 13 Multi Threading
    • Introduction
    • Life Cycle of a Thread
    • Creating and Running Threads
    • Methods in the Thread Class
    • Setting the Priority of a Thread
    • Synchronization
    • Dead Lock
    • Inter-Thread Communication
    • Applets Involving Threads
  • CHAPTER 14 I/O Streams
    • Introduction
    • Text and Binary Formats of Data
    • InputStream and OutputStream Classes
    • Reader and Writer Classes
    • DataOutputStream and DatalnputStream Classes
      • DatalnputStream Class
    • StreamTokenizer Class
    • Random Access File Class
    • Filter Streams
    • Print Streams
    • Object Streams
  • CHAPTER 15 Networking
    • Introduction
    • Networks, Domain Names and Protocols
    • Layers in Network Communication
    • Ports
    • Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
      • Server Socket Class
      • Socket Class
      • Procedure for Executing the and Programs
    • UDP Approach
      • DatagramSocket and DatagramPacket Classes
      • Procedure for Execution
    • Accessing Resources on the Internet
  • CHAPTER 16 The java.lang Package
    • Introduction
    • Type Wrappers
    • The Number Class
    • The Byte, Short, Integer and Long Classes
    • The Float and Double Classes
    • The Character Class
    • The Boolean Class
    • The Process Class
    • The Runtime Class
    • The System Class
    • The Object Class
    • The Class Class
    • The Math Class
    • The String Class
      • Construction of Strings
      • char At ( ) and indexOf ( ) Methods
      • Extracting the Substrings
      • Case Conversions
      • Character Replacement in a String
      • getChars ( ) and getBytes () Methods
      • Comparison of Strings
    • StringBuffer Class
      • length ( ) and capacity ( ) Methods
      • charAt ( ) and setCharAt ( ) Methods
      • setLength ( ) Method
      • getChars ( ) Method
      • insert ( ) Method
  • CHAPTER 17 The java.util Package
    • Introduction
    • The Collection Interface
    • The List Interface
    • The Set Interface
    • The ArrayList Class
    • The LinkedList Class
    • The HashSet Class
    • The Map Interface
    • The HashMap Class
    • The Collection Algorithms
    • The Enumeration Interface
    • The Vector Class
    • The Stack Class
    • The Dictionary and Hashtable Classes
    • The Properties Class
    • The Date Class
    • The GregorianCalendar Class
    • The StringTokenizer Class
    • The Random Class
  • CHAPTER 18 Java Database Connectivity
    • Introduction
    • Establishing a Connection
    • Creation of Data Tables
    • Entering Data into the Tables
    • Table Updating
    • Use of PreparedStatement
    • Obtaining Metadata
    • Using Transactions
    • Scrollable Result Sets
    • Stored Procedures
  • CHAPTER 19 Servlets
    • Introduction
    • Servlets and Dynamic Webpages
    • Life Cycle of a Servlet
    • A Simple Servlet
    • Constituents of javax.servlet Package
    • Retrieving the Values of Parameters
      • Procedure for Execution
    • Retrieving the Values of Initialization Parameters
    • The javax.servlet.http Package
      • Constituents of javax.servlet.http Package
    • Cookies
    • Creating a Cookie and Sending it to the Client
    • Retrieving the Stored Cookies
    • Session Tracking
  • CHAPTER 20 Remote Method Invocation
    • Introduction
    • Remote Interface
    • java.rmi.Server Package
    • The Naming Class
    • RMISecurityManager Class
    • RMI Exceptions
    • Steps Involved in Creating RMI Client and Server Classes
  • CHAPTER 21 Java Beans
    • Introduction
    • Procedure for Running the Juggler Bean
      • Procedure for Running the OurButton Bean
    • Connecting the Juggler and OurButton Beans
    • The Molecule Bean
    • The TickTock Bean
    • Connecting the Molecule Bean and the TickTock Bean
    • Creating Our Own Bean—ConcentricCircles Bean
    • Creating Our Own Bean-Message Bean
    • Creating Our Own Bean-MathsBean Bean
  • Index
Biographical note
Dr C Muthu is currently Reader, Department of Information and Statistics, St. Josephs College, Trichy, Tamil Nadu. An experienced computing professional of over 23 years, Dr C Muthu has been teaching Java for 9 years. He is a visiting associate at Bharathidasan University and a Senior Faculty at Visual Soft, a popular IT training organization in Trichy. He is also honorary technical advisor to Shalom InfoTech (P) Ltd, a fledgling software development company in Trichy. A prolific writer, his books include VB.Net, Visual C#.Net and Programming with JAVA.
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