Principles of Management  
Published by Vijay Nicole Imprints Private Limited
Publication Date:  Available in all formats
ISBN: 9789393665645




ISBN: 9788182093119   Price: INR 225.00   

This book covers the entire gamut of the subject principles of management/ Business Management. Targeted at undergraduate students of commerce and management, the book, in 31 chapters, is pedagogy-rich, comprehensive and student-friendly.


This book covers the entire gamut of the subject principles of management/ Business Management. Targeted at undergraduate students of commerce and management, the book, in 31 chapters, is pedagogy-rich, comprehensive and student-friendly.

Table of contents
  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Title Page
  • Copyright
  • Preface
  • PART ONE Introduction
  • Basic Management Concepts
  • Introduction
  • • Meaning of Management
  • • Definitions of Management
  • • Features of Management
  • Management and Administration
  • Management— An Art or Science : A Debate
  • • Management as an Art
  • • Management as a Science
  • • Conclusion
  • Management as a Profession
  • • Attributes of Profession
  • • Conclusion
  • • Additional Barriers to Get Recognition as Profession
  • Levels of Management
  • • Top Level Management
  • • Intermediate Management
  • • Middle Level Management
  • • Supervisory or Operating Management or Lower Level
  • Managerial Skills
  • Role of Manager
  • Importance of Management
  • • Importance to Organisation
  • • Importance to Economy
  • Scope of Management or Functional Areas of Management
  • • Production Management
  • • Marketing Management
  • • Financial Management
  • • Human Resource Management
  • Functions of Management
  • • Planning
  • • Organizing
  • • Staffing
  • • Directing
  • • Controlling
  • • Co-ordination
  • Features
  • Summary Chart
  • Review Questions
  • 2 Evolution of Management Concepts
  • Introduction
  • • Pre-Scientific Management Era (Before 1980)
  • Theories of Management
  • • Classical Theory •
  • Neo Classical Theory
  • • Summary Chart
  • • Modern Theory
  • • Summary Chart
  • Schools of Management Thought or Approaches to Management
  • • The Empirical or Case Approach Management by Custom School
  • • The Interpersonal Behavior Approach (Behavior School)
  • • The Group Behavior Approach (Social School)
  • • The Operational Approach (Management Process School)
  • • The Decision Theory Approach
  • • The Communication Centre Approach
  • • Systems Approach to Management (Systems Management School)
  • • The Mathematical or ‘Management Science’ • Approach
  • • The Socio Technical Systems Approach (E.L. Trist)
  • • Contingency Approach
  • Contributions to Management Thought
  • • Hendry Fayol
  • • FW. Taylor Scientific Management
  • • Max Webers Theory of Bureaucracy
  • • Mary Follet’s Philosophy of Management
  • • Contribution of Douglas Mc Gregor
  • • Contributions of Peter F. Drucker
  • • Frank Bunker Gilbreth’s Contribution to Management Thought
  • • George Elton Mayo’s Contribution to Management Thought
  • • Emerson’s Contribution to Management Thought
  • • Contributions of Oliver Sheldon
  • • B.S. Rountree’s Contribution to Management
  • • Henry Lawrence Gantt’s Contribution to Management
  • • Chester I Bernard’s Contribution to Management
  • Summary Chart
  • Recent Developments in Management Thoughts
  • Review Questions
  • 3 Social Aspects of Business
  • Introduction
  • • Social Responsibility Strategies
  • • Definitions
  • Social Responsibility to Stakeholders
  • • Responsibility to Owners (Shareholders)
  • • Responsibility to its Employees
  • • Responsibility Towards Consumers
  • • Responsibility to the Community and the Society
  • • Responsibility to Government
  • Social Responsibility: A Discussion
  • • Arguments for Social Responsibility
  • • Arguments Against Social Involvement
  • Business Ethics
  • • Code of Business Ethics
  • • The Importance of Business Ethics
  • • Role of Trade Associations in Promoting Business Ethics
  • • Code of Business Ethics
  • • Educating the Members of the Trade Association
  • Review Questions
  • PART TWO Planning
  • 4 Planning
  • Definitions of Planning
  • Nature of Planning
  • • Constitutional Features
  • • Operational Features
  • • Desirable Features
  • Importance of Planning
  • Obstacles to Planning or Limitations of Planning
  • Steps to Make Plans Effective
  • Process of Planning
  • Approaches to Planning
  • Review Questions
  • 5 Classification of Planning
  • Hierarchy Based Classification
  • • Top Level Planning or Corporate Planning
  • • Middle Level Planning or Functional Planning
  • • Lower Level Planning
  • Classification on the Basis of Scope
  • • Strategic Planning
  • • Tactical Planning
  • • Operational Planning
  • Classification on the Basis of Time Horizon
  • • Long Range Planning
  • • Medium Term Planning
  • • Short Range Planning
  • Classification on the Basis of Challenges
  • • Proactive Plans
  • • Reactive Planning
  • Classification on the Basis of Formalities
  • • Formal Planning
  • • Informal Planning
  • Classification Based on Utility
  • • Single Use Plans
  • • Multi Use Plans
  • Comparison Between Usage Based Plans
  • Review Questions
  • 6 Objectives
  • Introduction
  • • Definitions
  • Characteristics of Organizational Objectives
  • Importance and Role of Objectives
  • Prerequisites/Essentials of Valid Objectives/Guidelines for Objectives Setting
  • Limitations in Objectives Formulation
  • Management by Objectives (MBO)
  • • Definitions of MBO
  • • Principles of MBO or Steps in MBO
  • • Characteristics
  • • Process of MBO
  • • Benefits of MBO
  • • Limitations
  • • Suggestions to Make MBO Workable
  • Forms of Objectives
  • • Vision
  • • Mission
  • • Goals
  • • Target
  • • Standards
  • • Quota
  • Memory Chart
  • Review Questions
  • 7 Forecasting and Planning Premises
  • Forecast
  • • Definitions
  • • Features
  • • Importance of Forecasting
  • • Hazards/Problems in Forecasting
  • • Kinds of Forecasting
  • • Measures to Make Forecast Effective
  • • Steps Involved in Forecasting
  • • Types of Forecast
  • Forecasting Techniques
  • • Qualitative Technique
  • • Quantitative Techniques
  • Planning Premises
  • • Concept
  • • Types of Planning Premises
  • • Process of Selecting Appropriate Premises
  • Memory Chart
  • Review Questions
  • 8 Decision Making
  • Introduction
  • • Definitions of Decision-Making
  • Features of Managerial Decisions
  • Factors Influencing Decision-Making
  • Characteristics of Decision-Making
  • Approaches or Theories of Decision-Making
  • • Classical Theory
  • • Administrative Model or Behavioural Theory
  • • Quantitative Theory of Decision-Making
  • • Non-Quantitative Techniques
  • Types of Decisions
  • • Procedures
  • • Decision on the Basis of Beneficiary
  • • Decisions Based on Activity
  • • Decisions Based on Nature
  • • Decisions on the Basis of Responsibility
  • • Decisions Based on Number of Persons
  • Importance/Advantages of Decision-Making
  • Administrative Constraints/Problems in Decision-Making
  • Bases for Decision-Making
  • Steps in Decision-Making
  • • Identification of Problem
  • • Analysis of Problem
  • • Examination of the Problem
  • • Evolving Alternative Courses of Action
  • • Evaluation of Alternatives
  • • Selection of the Best Course
  • • Implementation
  • • Chapter Snapshot
  • Review Questions
  • 9 Policies
  • Introduction
  • • Definitions of Policy
  • • Need for Policy
  • Characteristics of Policies/Considerations in Policy Making
  • Types of Policies or Sources of Policy
  • Limitations of Policy Formulation
  • Advantages
  • Review Questions
  • 10 Strategy
  • Definitions
  • Features of Strategy
  • Strategies and Tactics
  • Levels of Strategy
  • • Corporate Level Strategy
  • • Business Level Strategy
  • • Function Level Strategy
  • Strategy Formulation
  • • Strategy Implementation
  • Review Questions
  • PART THREE Organising
  • 11 Organisation and Organisation Structure
  • Introduction
  • • Definitions of Organisation
  • • Nature of Organisation
  • Process of Designing the Organisation
  • Principles of Organisation
  • • Overall Principles
  • • Structural Principles
  • • Operational Principles
  • Theories of Organisation
  • • Classical Theory
  • • Human Relation Approach
  • • Systems Theory
  • • Contingency Approach
  • Organisation Structure
  • • Characteristics
  • • Importance
  • • Factors Influencing Organisation Structure
  • • Designing an Organisational Structure
  • • Types of Organisation Structure
  • Review Questions
  • 12 Types of Organisation
  • Formal and Informal Organisation
  • • Formal Organisation
  • • Informal Organisation
  • Types of Organisation
  • • Line Organisation
  • • Functional Organisation
  • • Line and Staff Organisation
  • • Committee Organisation
  • • Team Based Organisation
  • • Project Organisation
  • • Matrix Organisation
  • • Boundryless Organisations
  • Review Questions
  • 13 Supervision and Span of Control
  • Supervision
  • • Meaning
  • • Definitions of Supervision
  • • Responsibilities of a Supervisor
  • • Attributes of a Good Supervisor
  • • Role/Functions of a Supervisor
  • • Factors Influencing Effective Supervision
  • Span of Management (or Control)
  • • Concept of a Reasonable Span
  • • Factors Determining Span of Management
  • Summary Chart
  • Review Questions
  • 14 Departmentation
  • Introduction
  • Bases of Division/Departmentation
  • • Functional Departmentation
  • • Product Based Departmentation
  • • Territory Based Departmentation
  • • Departmentation By Customers
  • • Departmentation Based on Process
  • • Departmentation By Time
  • • Departmentation By Number
  • • Composite Departmentation
  • Principles of Departmentation
  • Need for Departmentation
  • Memory Chart
  • Review Questions
  • 15 Organisation Charts and Manuals
  • Introduction
  • Organisation Charts
  • • Vertical Chart
  • • Horizontal Chart
  • • Circular Chart
  • • Principles of Organisation Chart
  • • Uses of Chart
  • • Limitations
  • Organisation Manual
  • • Content of the Manual
  • • Types of Manual
  • • Advantages of Manuals
  • Review Questions
  • 16 Authority and Responsibilities
  • Authority
  • • Definitions of Authority
  • • Characteristics
  • Sources of Authority
  • • Formal Authority
  • • Acceptance Theory
  • • Competence Theory
  • • Situation Theory of Authority
  • Types of Authority
  • • Line Authority
  • • Staff Authority
  • • Functional Authority
  • Limits of Authority
  • Authority and Power
  • Responsibility
  • • Characteristics
  • Accountability
  • Review Questions
  • 17 Delegation and Decentralization
  • Delegation
  • • Definitions of Delegation of Authority’
  • • Meaning
  • • Principles Governing Delegation
  • • Process of Delegation and Elements of Delegation
  • • Advantages of Delegation
  • • Problems (Obstacles) in Delegation
  • • Steps to Make Delegation Effective
  • Decentralisation of Authority
  • • Meaning
  • • Characteristics of Decentralisation
  • • Distinction between Delegation and Decentralisation
  • • Advantages of Decentralisation
  • • Disadvantages of Decentralisation
  • • Factors that Determine the Degree of Decentralisation of Authority
  • • Summary Chart
  • Centralisation
  • • Advantages (Pros) of Centralisation
  • • Disadvantages (Cons) of Centralisation of Authority
  • • Summary Chart
  • Review Questions
  • PART FOUR Staffing
  • 18 Job Analysis and Job Design
  • Job Analysis
  • • Job Description
  • • Job Specification
  • • Process of Job Analysis
  • • Techniques of Job Analysis
  • • Uses of Job Analysis
  • Job Design
  • • Factors affecting Job Design
  • • Approaches to Job Design
  • • Techniques for Designing Jobs
  • Review Questions
  • 19 Recruitment
  • Introduction
  • • Importance of Recruitment
  • • Recruitment Process
  • Sources of Recruitment
  • • Internal Sources
  • • External Sources
  • Recent Trends in Recruitment
  • Internal Vs External Recruitment
  • Factors Affecting Recruitment
  • • Internal Factors
  • • External Factors
  • Review Questions
  • 20 Selection
  • Introduction
  • Selection Process
  • • Scrutinizing the Application/Initial Screening
  • • Application Blank
  • • Selection Tests
  • • Conducting Interviews
  • • Physical Examination
  • • Reference Check
  • • Final Selection
  • Review Questions
  • 21 Placement, Induction and Socialization
  • Placement
  • • Process of Employee Placement
  • Induction
  • • Objectives of Induction/Orientation
  • • Contents of Induction
  • • Merits of Induction Programme
  • • Requisites for Effective Induction Programme
  • Socialization
  • • Process of Socialization
  • Review Questions
  • 22 Training and Development
  • Introduction
  • • Definitions of Training
  • • Features of Training
  • Training and Development
  • • Development
  • • Training vs Education
  • • Learning
  • • Experience
  • Principles of Training
  • Need for Training
  • Purpose of Training
  • Objectives of Training
  • Prerequisites of Sound Training
  • Benefits of Training and Development
  • Training Methods
  • • On the Job Training
  • • Off the Job Training
  • Evaluation of Training
  • Review Questions
  • 23 Promotion, Transfer and Demotion
  • Promotion
  • • Need for Promotion
  • • Types of Promotion
  • • Defects of Internal Promotion
  • • Criteria for a Sound Promotion Policy
  • • Basis of Promotion
  • Transfer
  • • Need for Transfer
  • • Causes for Transfer
  • Demotion
  • • Causes for Demotion
  • • Demotion Policy
  • Separations
  • • Forms of Separation
  • Review Questions
  • 24 Performance Appraisal
  • Introduction
  • • Origin of Performance Appraisal
  • • Definitions of Performance Appraisal
  • • Features of Performance Appraisal
  • • Need for Performance Appraisal
  • • Objectives of Performance Appraisal
  • • Purposes of Performance Appraisal
  • • Prerequisites for Performance Appraisal
  • Process of Performance Appraisal
  • Methods of Performance Appraisal
  • • Traditional Methods
  • • Defects in Traditional Appraisal Methods
  • • Contemporary Methods
  • • Steps in MBO
  • • Advantages of MBO
  • Review Questions
  • PART FIVE Directing
  • 25 Directing
  • Introduction
  • • Definitions
  • • Features of Directing
  • Techniques of Direction
  • • Consultative Direction
  • • Free-rein Direction
  • • Autocratic Direction
  • • Supervision
  • • Motivation
  • • Leadership
  • • Communication
  • • Delegation
  • • Orders
  • • Orientation
  • Importance of Direction
  • Principles of Direction
  • Review Questions
  • 26 Motivation and Morale
  • Motivation
  • • Definitions of Motivation
  • • Types of Motivation
  • • Nature of Motivation
  • • Significance of Motivation
  • Theories of Motivation
  • • Maslow’s Theory of Hierarchical Needs
  • • Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory
  • • Maslow’s Theory and Herzberg’s Theory – A Comparison
  • • Douglas McGregor’s X Theory and Y Theory
  • Morale
  • • Promotion of Employee Morale
  • • Determinants of Morale
  • Review Questions
  • 27 Leadership
  • Introduction
  • • Definitions of Leadership
  • • Qualities of Leadership
  • • Qualities of Good Leadership
  • Functions of Managerial Leadership
  • Functions of a Leader
  • Need for Leadership and its Importance
  • • Differences between Leader and Boss
  • Styles of Leadership
  • • Autocratic Style
  • • Participative or Democratic Style
  • • Free Rein Style or Laissez Faire Style
  • • Paternalistic Leadership Style
  • Theories of Leadership or Approaches to Leadership
  • • Great Man Theory (Approach)
  • • Traits Theory (Approach)
  • • Behavioural Theory (Approach)
  • • Managerial Grid Theory
  • Review Questions
  • 28 Communication
  • Nature and Scope of Business Communication
  • Definitions of Communication
  • Characteristics of Communication
  • Need for Communication
  • Importance of Effective Business Communication
  • Process of Communication
  • • Components of the Communication Process
  • Principles of Communication
  • Means of Communication
  • • Verbal Communication
  • • Non-Verbal Communication
  • Dimensions or Directions or Flow of Communication
  • • Downward Communication
  • • Upward Communication
  • • Horizontal Communication
  • • Diagonal or Multidimensional Communication
  • Formal and Informal Communication
  • • Formal Communication
  • • Informal Communication or Grapevine
  • Barriers to Communication
  • • Mechanical Barriers
  • • Physical Barriers
  • • Psychological Barriers
  • • Semantic and Language Barriers
  • • Interpersonal Barriers
  • • Cross Cultural Barriers
  • • Organizational Barriers
  • Measures to Overcome Communication Barriers
  • Review Questions
  • PART SIX Co-ordinating
  • 29 Co-ordination
  • Introduction
  • • Definitions
  • • Features of Co-ordination
  • • Principles of Co-ordination
  • Importance of Co-ordination/Benefits of Co-ordination
  • Constraints to Co-ordinations/Problems Encountered in Achieving Co-ordination
  • Steps for Effective Co-ordination
  • Techniques of Co-ordination
  • Types of Co-ordination
  • Co-ordination and Managerial Function
  • Review Questions
  • PART SEVEN Controlling
  • 30 Control
  • Introduction
  • • Definitions of Controlling
  • Characteristics of Control
  • Need for Control or Importance of Control
  • Types of controls
  • • Control based on Time
  • • Control based on Managerial Hierarchy
  • Areas of Control
  • Human Resistance to Control: Causes and Remedies
  • Measures to Address Opposition to Control Measures
  • Steps in Controlling Process
  • • Establishment of Performance Standards
  • • Measurement of Performance
  • • Comparison of Performance Against the Standards
  • • Analysis of Deviations
  • • Initiating Corrective Measures
  • • Feedback
  • • Memory Chart
  • Review Questions
  • 31 Techniques of Control
  • Introduction
  • Accounting
  • • Break Even Analysis
  • • Standard Costing
  • • ABC Costing
  • • Budgetary Control
  • • Inventory Control
  • Control Through Audit
  • • Management Audit
  • • External Audit
  • • Internal Audit
  • Quality Control
  • • Inspection
  • • Statistical Quality Control (SQC)
  • • Total Quality Management (TQM)
  • • Six Sigma
  • • Quality Circle (QC)
  • • Benchmarking
  • • Economic Value Addition (EVA)
  • • International Quality Standards
  • Control Through Network
  • • Programme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)
  • • Critical Path Method (CPM)
  • Management Information System (MIS)
  • • Transaction Processing System
  • • MISN
  • • Decision Supporting System (DSS)
  • • Executive Information System (EIS)
  • • Expert System
  • Overall Control System
  • • Control Through Financial Statement
  • • Return on Investment (ROI)
  • • P&L Statement
  • • Balance Sheet
  • • Ratio Analysis
  • • Personal Observation
  • Review Questions
  • University Question Papers
  • Glossary
  • Index
Biographical note


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