Operations Research, 2e  
Published by Vijay Nicole Imprints Private Limited
Publication Date:  Available in all formats
ISBN: 9789393665546




ISBN: 9788182095038   Price: INR 995.00   

This book combines clarity of concepts with academic rigours. It adopts a step-by-step approach to learning concepts and solving problems in Operations Research. It is designed to demystify the subject, considered tough by students, and aims at ease of understanding and non-mathematical treatment of the subject.


This book combines clarity of concepts with academic rigours. It adopts a step-by-step approach to learning concepts and solving problems in Operations Research. It is designed to demystify the subject, considered tough by students, and aims at ease of understanding and non-mathematical treatment of the subject.

Table of contents
  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Contents
  • Preface
  • CHAPTER 1 OOP and Java
    • Introduction
    • Objects and Classes
      • Encapsulation
      • Inheritance
      • Polymorphism
    • Java Language
    • Creating and Executing a Java Application
    • Understanding the Code of the Hello Java Program
  • CHAPTER 2 The Primaries
    • Introduction
    • Character Set
    • Tokens
    • Constants
    • Variables
    • Operators and Expressions
    • Library Methods
    • Strings
    • I/O (Input/Output) Statements ^
      • Console Output
      • Keyboard Input
    • Simple Programs
    • Formatting the Output Values
  • CHAPTER 3 Control Statements
    • Introduction
    • ‘if Statement
    • ‘switch’ Statement
    • ‘while’ Statement
    • ‘do . . while’ Statement
    • ‘for’ Statement
  • CHAPTER 4 Arrays and Methods
    • Introduction
    • One-Dimensional Arrays
    • Two-Dimensional Arrays
    • Methods
      • General Form of a Method
      • Method of Invoking a Method
    • Method Overloading
    • Recursion
  • CHAPTER 5 Classes and Objects
    • Introduction
    • General Form of a Class
    • Creation of Objects
    • Usage of Constructors
    • ‘this’Keyword
    • Constructor Overloading
    • Copy Constructors
    • Static Data Members
    • Static Methods
    • Finalize()’ Method
    • Inner Classes and Anonymous Inner Classes
  • CHAPTER 6 Inheritance and Polymorphism
    • Introduction
    • Inheriting the Variables in a Class
    • Inheriting the Methods in a Class
    • Inheritance and Constructors
    • Abstract Classes
    • Final Classes
  • CHAPTER 7 Interfaces and Packages
    • Introduction
    • Interfaces
    • Structure of an Interface
    • Implementation of an Interface
    • Interface Inheritance
    • Packages
    • The Package Statement
    • Placing the Classes in a Package
    • Package Hierarchy
    • Import Statement
    • Hiding the Classes in a Package
    • Access Control Modifiers
  • CHAPTER 8 Applets
    • Introduction
    • The Life Cycle of an Applet
    • The Applet Class
    • Development and Execution of a Simple Applet
      • Understanding the Code of HelloApplet
      • Understanding HelloApplet.html File
    • Syntax of Applet Tag
    • Methods in the Graphics Class
  • CHAPTER 9 Abstract Windowing Toolkit - I
    • Introduction
    • Events
    • Listeners
    • Event Handling Methods
    • Inheritance Hierarchy of Control Classes
    • Labels
    • Button Control
    • CheckBox Control
    • Radio Button Control
    • Choice Control
    • List Control
    • Scrollbars
    • Flow Layout
    • Border Layout
    • Grid Layout
    • Card Layout
    • Gridbag Layout
    • Panels
  • CHAPTER 10 Abstract Windowing Toolkit - II
    • Introduction
    • Windows and Frames
    • Menus
    • Dialogs
    • Mouse Events and their Listeners
    • Adapter Classes
    • Inner Classes
    • Anonymous Inner Classes
  • CHAPTER 11 Swing
    • Introduction
    • JApplet Class
    • Icons
    • JLabel Control
      • JOptionPane Class
    • JTextField Control
    • JButton Control
    • JCheckBox Control
    • JRadioButton Control
    • Menus
    • JSlider Control
    • JComboBox Control
    • JTabbedPane Control
    • JScrollPane Control
    • Tables
  • CHAPTER 12 Exception Handling
    • Introduction
    • Default Exception Handling
      • User-defined Exception Handling Mechanism
    • Exception and Error Classes
    • Catch Block Searching Pattern
    • ‘throw’Statement
    • ‘throws’Clause
    • Custom Exceptions
  • CHAPTER 13 Multi Threading
    • Introduction
    • Life Cycle of a Thread
    • Creating and Running Threads
    • Methods in the Thread Class
    • Setting the Priority of a Thread
    • Synchronization
    • Dead Lock
    • Inter-Thread Communication
    • Applets Involving Threads
  • CHAPTER 14 I/O Streams
    • Introduction
    • Text and Binary Formats of Data
    • InputStream and OutputStream Classes
    • Reader and Writer Classes
    • DataOutputStream and DatalnputStream Classes
      • DatalnputStream Class
    • StreamTokenizer Class
    • Random Access File Class
    • Filter Streams
    • Print Streams
    • Object Streams
  • CHAPTER 15 Networking
    • Introduction
    • Networks, Domain Names and Protocols
    • Layers in Network Communication
    • Ports
    • Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
      • Server Socket Class
      • Socket Class
      • Procedure for Executing the ServerDemol.java and ClientDemol.java Programs
    • UDP Approach
      • DatagramSocket and DatagramPacket Classes
      • Procedure for Execution
    • Accessing Resources on the Internet
  • CHAPTER 16 The java.lang Package
    • Introduction
    • Type Wrappers
    • The Number Class
    • The Byte, Short, Integer and Long Classes
    • The Float and Double Classes
    • The Character Class
    • The Boolean Class
    • The Process Class
    • The Runtime Class
    • The System Class
    • The Object Class
    • The Class Class
    • The Math Class
    • The String Class
      • Construction of Strings
      • char At ( ) and indexOf ( ) Methods
      • Extracting the Substrings
      • Case Conversions
      • Character Replacement in a String
      • getChars ( ) and getBytes () Methods
      • Comparison of Strings
    • StringBuffer Class
      • length ( ) and capacity ( ) Methods
      • charAt ( ) and setCharAt ( ) Methods
      • setLength ( ) Method
      • getChars ( ) Method
      • insert ( ) Method
  • CHAPTER 17 The java.util Package
    • Introduction
    • The Collection Interface
    • The List Interface
    • The Set Interface
    • The ArrayList Class
    • The LinkedList Class
    • The HashSet Class
    • The Map Interface
    • The HashMap Class
    • The Collection Algorithms
    • The Enumeration Interface
    • The Vector Class
    • The Stack Class
    • The Dictionary and Hashtable Classes
    • The Properties Class
    • The Date Class
    • The GregorianCalendar Class
    • The StringTokenizer Class
    • The Random Class
  • CHAPTER 18 Java Database Connectivity
    • Introduction
    • Establishing a Connection
    • Creation of Data Tables
    • Entering Data into the Tables
    • Table Updating
    • Use of PreparedStatement
    • Obtaining Metadata
    • Using Transactions
    • Scrollable Result Sets
    • Stored Procedures
  • CHAPTER 19 Servlets
    • Introduction
    • Servlets and Dynamic Webpages
    • Life Cycle of a Servlet
    • A Simple Servlet
    • Constituents of javax.servlet Package
    • Retrieving the Values of Parameters
      • Procedure for Execution
    • Retrieving the Values of Initialization Parameters
    • The javax.servlet.http Package
      • Constituents of javax.servlet.http Package
    • Cookies
    • Creating a Cookie and Sending it to the Client
    • Retrieving the Stored Cookies
    • Session Tracking
  • CHAPTER 20 Remote Method Invocation
    • Introduction
    • Remote Interface
    • java.rmi.Server Package
    • The Naming Class
    • RMISecurityManager Class
    • RMI Exceptions
    • Steps Involved in Creating RMI Client and Server Classes
  • CHAPTER 21 Java Beans
    • Introduction
    • Procedure for Running the Juggler Bean
      • Procedure for Running the OurButton Bean
    • Connecting the Juggler and OurButton Beans
    • The Molecule Bean
    • The TickTock Bean
    • Connecting the Molecule Bean and the TickTock Bean
    • Creating Our Own Bean—ConcentricCircles Bean
    • Creating Our Own Bean-Message Bean
    • Creating Our Own Bean-MathsBean Bean
  • Index
Biographical note

Dr. Gurusamy holds a doctorate in Financial Services. He is currently Professor and Head, Department of Commerce, University of Madras, Chennai. He has more than 30 years of teaching and research experience. His area of interest includes accounting and finance, banking and insurance. A prolific writer, he has published books on Financial Services and Systems, Financial Markets and Institutions, Banking Theory Law and Practice and Merchant Banking and Financial Services.

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