Visual Basic Net  
Published by Vijay Nicole Imprints Private Limited
Publication Date:  Available in all formats
ISBN: 9789393665225




ISBN: 9788182091290   Price: INR 650.00   

Visual Basic.Net, an object-oriented programming language implemented on .Net framework is the easiest and most productive of programming language for building windows and web applications. This book is written for beginners and intermediate learners and dose not assume programming. Knowledge as a prerequisite. The book provides complete coverage of fundamental programming concepts and introduces topics like exception handling, I/O streams, networking, windows programming, and ADO.NET, ASP.NET and web services.


Visual Basic.Net, an object-oriented programming language implemented on .Net framework is the easiest and most productive of programming language for building windows and web applications. This book is written for beginners and intermediate learners and dose not assume programming. Knowledge as a prerequisite. The book provides complete coverage of fundamental programming concepts and introduces topics like exception handling, I/O streams, networking, windows programming, and ADO.NET, ASP.NET and web services.

Table of contents
  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Contents
  • Preface
  • 1. .NETFrameworkandVB.NET
    • 1.1 Introduction
    • 1.2 Evolution of the .NET Framework
    • 1.3 Overview of the .NET Framework
    • 1.4 DLL, COM, COM-h, DCOM, and Assemblies
    • 1.5 VB.NET Language
    • 1.6 Development of a Simple VB.NET Program
    • Summary
    • Try Yourself
    • A. Objective Type Questions
    • B. Theory Questions
  • 2. Features in VS.NET
    • 2.1 Introduction
    • 2.2 Start Page
    • 2.3 The IDE Main Window
    • 2.4 Class View Window
    • 2.5 Object Browser
    • 2.6 Code Window
    • 2.7 Intellisense
    • 2.8 Compiling the Code
    • 2.9 Code Debugging
    • 2.10 Developing a Simple VB.NET Console Application Through Visual Studio IDE
    • 2.11 Developing a Simple VB.NET Project Through Visual Studio IDE
    • 2.12 Developing Another Simple VB.NET Project Through Visual Studio IDE
    • Summary
    • Try Yourself
    • A. Objective Type Questions
    • B. Theory Questions
  • 3. Variables,Constants, and Expressions
    • 3.1 Introduction
    • 3.2 Value Types and Reference Types
    • 3.3 Variable Déclarât ion and Initialization
    • 3.4 Value Data Types
    • 3.5 Reference Data Types
    • 3.6 Boxing and Unboxing
    • 3.7 Arithmetic Operators
    • 3.8 TextBox Control
    • 3.9 Label Control
    • 3.10 Button Control
    • Summary
    • Try Yourself
    • A. Objective Type Questions
    • B. Theory Questions
    • C. Programming Problems
  • 4. Control Statements
    • 4.1 Introduction
    • 4.2 If Statement
    • 4.3 RadioButton Control
    • 4.4 CheckBox Contn >1
    • 4.5 GroupBox Contre )1
    • 4.6 ListBox Control
    • 4.7 CheckedListBox ( Control
    • 4.8 ComboBox Control
    • 4.9 Select Case Statement
    • 4.10 While Statement
    • 4.11 Do Statement
    • 4.12 For Statement
    • Summary
    • Try Yourself
    • A. Objective Type Questions
    • B. Theory Questions
    • C. Programming Problems
  • 5. Methods and Arrays
    • 5.1 Introduction
    • 5.2 Types of Methods
    • 5.3 Arrays
    • 5.4 One-dimensional Array
    • 5.5 Multidimensional Arrays
    • 5.6 Jagged Arrays
    • Summary
    • Try Yourself
    • A. Objective Type Questions
    • B. Theory Questions
    • C. Programming Problems
  • 6. Classes, Properties, arid Indexers
    • 6.1 Introduction
    • 6.2 Definition and Usage of a Class
    • 6.3 Constructor Overloading
    • 6.4 Copy Constructor
    • 6.5 Instance and Shared Class Members
    • 6.6 Shared Constructors
    • 6.7 Properties
    • 6.8 Indexers
    • Summary
    • Try Yourself
    • A. Objective Type Questions
    • B. Theory Questions
    • C. Programming Problems
  • 7. Inheritance and Polymorphism
    • 7.1 Introduction
    • 7.2 Virtual Methods
    • 7.3 Abstract Classes and Abstract Methods
    • 7.4 Sealed Classes
    • Summary
    • Try Yourself
    • A. Objective Type Questions
    • B. Theory Questions
    • C. Programming Problems
  • 8. Interfaces, Namespaces, and Components
    • 8.1 Introduction
    • 8.2 Definition and Usage of Interfaces
    • 8.3 Multiple Implementation of an Interface
    • 8.4 Interface Inheritance
    • 8.5 Namespaces
    • 8.6 Components
    • 8.7 Access Modifiers
    • Summary
    • Try Yourself
    • A. Objective Type Questions
    • B. Theory Questions
    • C. Programming Problems
  • 9. Delegates, Events, and Attributes
    • 9.1 Introduction
    • 9.2 Delegates
    • 9.3 Events
    • 9.4 Attributes
    • 9.5 Reflection
    • Summary
    • Try Yourself
    • A. Objective Type Questions
    • B. Theory Questions
    • C. Programming Problems
  • 10. Exception Handling
    • 10.1 Introduction
    • 10.2 Default Exception Handling Mechanism
    • 10.3 User-defined Exception-handling Mechanism
    • 10.4 Backtracking
    • 10.5 The “Throw” Statement
    • 10.6 Custom Exception
    • Summary
    • Try Yourself
    • A. Objective Type (Questions
    • B. Theory Questions
    • C. Programming Problems
  • 11. Multi-Threading
    • 11.1 Introduction
    • 11.2 Usage of Threads
    • 11.3 “Thread” Class
    • 11.4 Start(), Abort(), Join(), and Sleep() Methods
    • 11.5 Suspend() and Resume() Methods
    • 11.6 Thread Priority
    • 11.7 Synchronization
    • Summary
    • Try Yourself
    • A. Objective Type Questions
    • B. Theory Questions
    • C. Programming Problems
  • 12. I/O Streams
    • 12.1 Introduction
    • 12.2 Streams
    • 12.3 Binary Data Files
    • 12.4 Text Files
    • 12.5 Data Files
    • 12.6 Filelnfo and Directorylnfo Classes
    • Summary
    • Try Yourself
    • A. Objective Type Questions
    • B. Theory Questions
    • C. Programming Problems
  • 13. Networking
    • 13.1 Introduction
    • 13.2 Networks, Domain Names, and Protocols
    • 13.3 Layers in Network Communication
    • 13.4 Ports
    • 13.5 Socket, TcpClient, TcpListener, and NetworkStream Classes
    • Summary
    • Try Yourself
    • A. Objective Type Questions
    • B. Theory Questions
    • C. Programming Problems
  • 14. Additional Windows Controls
    • 14.1 Introduction
    • 14.2 Docking Controls
    • 14.3 Timer Control
    • 14.4 ProgressBar Control
    • 14.5 LinkLabel Control
    • 14.6 TrackBar Control
    • 14.7 Panel Control
    • 14.8 Tree View Control
    • 14.9 Splitter Window
    • 14.10 Menu Control
    • 14.11 SDIandMDI
    • 14.12 Dialog Boxes
    • 14.13 ToolBar Control
    • 14.14 StatusBar Control
    • Summary
    • Try Yourself
    • A. Objective Type Questions
    • B. Theory Questions
    • C. Programming Problems
  • 15. Database Connectivity
    • 15.1 Introduction
    • 15.2 Advantages of ADO.NET
    • 15.3 Managed Data Providers
    • 15.4 Developing a Simple ADO.NET Based Application
    • 15.5 Creation of a Data Table
    • 15.6 Retrieving Data from Tables
    • 15.7 Table Updating
    • 15.8 Disconnected Data Access Through Dataset Object
    • Summary
    • Try Yourself
    • A. Objective Type Questions
    • B. Theory Questions
    • C. Programming Pioblems
  • 16. Basic Web Controls
    • 16.1 Introduction
    • 16.2 AdvantagesofASP.NET
    • 16.3 ASP.NET Object Model
    • 16.4 Server-side Controls
    • 16.5 Server-side Processing of Client-side Events
    • 16.6 Creating the First ASP.NET Page
    • 16.7 Calendar Control
    • 16.8 AdRotator Control
    • Summary
    • Try Yourself
    • A. Objective Type Questions
    • B. Theory Questions
    • C. Programming Problems
  • 17. Validation and List Web Controls
    • 17.1 Introduction
    • 17.2 Validation Controls
    • 17.3 List Controls
    • Summary
    • Try Yourself
    • A. Objective Type Questions
    • B. Theory Questions
    • C. Programming Problems
  • 18. User and Custom Web Controls
    • 18.1 Introduction
    • 18.2 User Controls
    • 18.3 User Controls and Custom Properties
    • 18.4 Custom Controls
    • Summary
    • Try Yourself
    • A. Objective Type Questions
    • B. Theory Questions
    • C. Programming Problems
  • 19. Mobile Application Development
    • 19.1 Introduction
    • 19.2 Mobile Web Controls
    • Summary
    • Try Yourself
    • A. Objective Type Questions
    • B. Theory Questions
    • C. Programming Problems
  • 20. Web Services
    • 20.1 Introduction
    • 20.2 Concepts Behind Web Services
    • 20.3 Creating a Simple Web Service
    • 20.4 Creating a Web Service that Makes Use of a Data Source
    • Summary
    • Try Yourself
    • A. Objective Type Questions
    • B. Theory Questions
    • C. Programming Problems
  • Appendix
  • Index
Biographical note

Dr C Muthu is currently Reader, Department of Information and Statistics, St. Josephs College, Trichy, Tamil Nadu. An experienced computing professional of over 23 years, Dr C Muthu has been teaching Java for 9 years. He is a visiting associate at Bharathidasan University and a Senior Faculty at Visual Soft, a popular IT training organization in Trichy. He is also honorary technical advisor to Shalom InfoTech (P) Ltd, a fledgling software development company in Trichy. A prolific writer, his books include VB.Net, Visual C#.Net and Programming with JAVA.

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