Essentials of Human Resource Management  
Published by Vijay Nicole Imprints Private Limited
Publication Date:  Available in all formats
ISBN: 9789393161970




ISBN: 9788182095274   Price: INR 195.00   

Comprehensive and student – friendly,this book Essentials of Human Resource Management provides broad coverage of all aspects of the subject. The book is targeted at B.Com, B.B.A, B.Com Corporate courses for students of all Universities.


Comprehensive and student – friendly,this book Essentials of Human Resource Management provides broad coverage of all aspects of the subject. The book is targeted at B.Com, B.B.A, B.Com Corporate courses for students of all Universities.

Table of contents
  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Contents at a Glance
  • Detailed Contents
  • Preface
  • 1 Introduction To Human Resource Management
    • Meaning and Definition of Human Resource Management
      • Definitions
    • Characteristics of Human Resource Management
    • Objectives of HRM
    • Significance of HRM
    • Functions of HRM
      • Managerial Function
      • Operating Function
    • HRM Environment
      • External Factors
      • Internal Factors
    • Scope of HRM
    • Is HRM a Profession?
    • HRM and Personnel Management
    • Similarities between Personnel Management and HRM
    • Limitations of HRM
    • Pre-conditions for the Success of HRM
    • Review Questions
  • 2 Job Analysis and Job Design
    • Job Analysis
      • Job Description
      • Job Specification
      • Process of Job Analysis
      • Techniques of Job Analysis
      • Uses of Job Analysis
    • Job Design
      • Factors Affecting Job Design
      • Approaches to Job Design
      • Techniques for Designing Jobs
    • Review Questions
  • 3 Human Resource Planning (HRP)
    • Human Resource Planning
      • Features and Characteristics of HRP
      • Objectives of HRP
      • Importance of HRP
      • Factors Influencing HRP
      • Limitations of HRP
      • Process of HRP
      • Techniques and Methods of Forecasting Human Resource Demand
      • Techniques of Forecasting Human Resource Supply
    • Review Questions
  • 4 Recruitment
    • Introduction
      • Importance of Recruitment
      • Recruitment Process
    • Sources of Recruitment
      • Internal Sources
      • External Sources
    • Recent Trends in Recruitment
    • Internal vs External Recruitment
    • Factors Affecting Recruitment
      • Internal Factors
      • External Factors
    • Review Questions
  • 5 Selection
    • Introduction
    • Selection Process
      • Scrutinizing the Application/Initial Screening
      • Application Blank
      • Selection Tests
      • Conducting Interviews
      • Physical Examination
      • Reference Check
      • Final Selection
    • Review Questions
  • 6 Placement, Induction and Socialization
    • Placement
      • Process of Employee Placement
    • Induction
      • Objectives of Induction/Orientation
      • Contents of Induction
      • Merits of Induction Programme
      • Requisites for Effective Induction Programme
    • Socialization
      • Process of Socialization
    • Review Questions
  • 7 Job Evaluation
    • Definitions
    • Characteristics of Job Evaluation
    • Objectives of Job Evaluation
    • Principles of Job Evaluation
    • Prerequisites of a Job Evaluation Programme
      • Guidelines for Conducting Job Evaluation Programme
    • Benefits of Job Evaluation
    • Limitations of Job Evaluation
    • Process of Job Evaluation
    • Methods of Job Evaluation
      • Ranking Methods
    • Steps in Job Evaluation
      • Paired Compensation Method
      • Ranking Along a Number Line
      • Grading Method
      • Point System
      • Factor Comparison Method
    • Review Questions
  • 8 Training and Development
    • Introduction
      • Definitions of Training
      • Features of Training
    • Training and Development
      • Development
      • Training vs Education
      • Learning
      • Experience
    • Principles of Training
    • Need for Training
    • Purpose of Training
    • Objectives of Training
    • Prerequisites of Sound Training
    • Benefits of Training and Development
    • Training Methods
      • On the Job Training
      • Off the Job Training
    • Evaluation of Training
    • Review Questions
  • 9 Executive Development/Management Development
    • Definition
    • Characteristics of Executive Development
    • Objectives of Executive Development
    • Importance of Executive Development
    • Benefits of Executive Development
    • Nature of Managerial or Executive Functions
    • Composition of Managerial Employees
      • Top Management
      • Middle Management
    • Skill Requirements for Executive
      • Focus of Skill Development
    • Process of Executive or Managerial Development
    • Organization of Executive Management Development Programme
      • In-house Programme
      • External Agency
    • Methods of Executive Development
      • Executive Development Methods
    • Evaluation of Executive Development Programmes
    • Reason for the Failure of EDP
    • Steps to Make the EDP a Success
    • Review Questions
  • 10 Performance Appraisal
    • Introduction
      • Origin of Performance Appraisal
      • Definitions of Performance Appraisal
      • Features of Performance Appraisal
      • Need for Performance Appraisal
      • Objectives of Performance Appraisal
      • Purposes of Performance Appraisal
      • Prerequisites for Performance Appraisal
    • Process of Performance Appraisal
    • Methods of Performance appraisal
      • Traditional Methods
      • Defects in Traditional Appraisal Methods
      • Contemporary Methods
    • Review Questions
  • 11 Career Planning and Development
    • Introduction
      • Career: Current Notion
      • Concept of Career
      • Understanding the Terms
    • Process of Career Planning
    • Career Development
      • Definitions of Career Development
      • Characteristics of Career Development
      • Importance of Career Development
      • Stages in Career Development
    • Review Questions
  • 12 Promotion, Transfer and Demotion
    • Promotion
      • Need for Promotion
      • Types of Promotion
      • Defects of Internal Promotion
      • Criteria for a Sound Promotion Policy
      • Basis of Promotion
    • Transfer
      • Need for Transfer
      • Causes for Transfer
    • Demotion
      • Causes for Demotion
      • Demotion Policy
    • Separations
      • Forms of Separation
    • Review Questions
  • 13 Wage and Salary Administration (or) Compensation Management
    • Compensation and Rewards Management
      • Compensation and Rewards
      • Objectives of Compensation and Rewards
    • Determinants of Compensation and Rewards
      • External Determinants of Compensation
      • Internal Determinants of Compensation
    • Essentials of a Wage System
    • Wage Structure
      • Method of Structuring Salary/Wage
      • Types of Wages
      • Methods of Wage Payment
    • Compensation
      • Financial Compensation
      • Non-Financial Rewards
    • Wage Legislations in India
      • The Payment of Wages Act, 1936
      • The Minimum Wages Act, 1948
      • The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965
      • The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976
    • Review Questions
  • 14 Incentives and Benefits
    • Introduction
      • Definitions of Incentives
      • Essentials of an Incentive Scheme
      • Features of Incentives
    • Financial Incentives
    • Individual Incentives Plan
    • Group Incentive Plans
    • Non-Financial Benefits
    • Benefit Management
    • Review Questions
  • 15 Employee Welfare
    • Definitions
    • Salient Features of Labour Welfare
    • Significance or Benefits of Labour Welfare
    • Principles of Labour Welfare Programme
    • Labour Welfare Services
    • Act-wise Outline of Welfare Facilities
      • The Factories Act, 1948
      • The Mines Act, 1952 and The Mines Rules
      • The Plantations Labour Act, 1951
      • The Motor Transport Workers Act, 1961
      • The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970
      • The Merchant Shipping Act, 1958
      • Dock Workers (Safety, Health and Welfare) Scheme, 1961
      • Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1979
    • Labour Welfare in India
      • Agencies for Labour Welfare in India
    • Labour Welfare Officer
    • Approaches to Labour Welfare
    • Review Questions
  • 16 Employee Safety and Health
    • Safety
      • Types of Accidents
      • Causes of Accidents
      • Safety Measures
      • Safety Engineering
    • Industrial Health
      • Objectives of Industrial Health
      • Importance of Industrial Health
      • Occupational Hazards
      • Occupational Diseases
      • Industries Involving Hazardous Process
      • Health Management Programmes (HMP)
      • Statutory Provisions Concerning Health
    • Review Questions
  • 17 Motivation and morale
    • Motivation
      • Definitions of Motivation
      • Types of Motivation
      • Nature of Motivation
      • Significance of Motivation
    • Theories of Motivation
      • Maslow’s Theory of Hierarchical Needs
      • Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory
      • Maslow’s Theory and Herzberg’s Theory – A Comparison
      • Douglas McGregor’s X Theory and Y Theory
    • Morale
      • Promotion of Employee Morale
      • Determinants of Morale
    • Review Questions
  • 18 Job Satisfaction
    • Meaning and Definition of Job Satisfaction
    • Definitions
    • Features of Job Satisfaction
    • Determinants of Job Satisfaction
      • Organizational Factors
      • Individual Factors
    • Outcomes/consequences/Effects of Job Satisfaction
      • Satisfaction and Absenteeism
      • Satisfaction and Turnover
      • Job Satisfaction and Work Behaviour
      • Employee – Customer – Profit
    • Measures to Boost Job Satisfaction
    • Theories of Job Satisfaction
      • Frederick Herzberg Two Factor Theory
      • Locke’s Value Theory
      • Adam’s Equity Theory
      • Opponent Process Theory
    • Measurement of Job Satisfaction
    • Job Dissatisfaction
    • Job Frustration
      • Sources of Frustration
    • Review Questions
  • 19 Social Security
    • Concept of Social Security
    • Features of Social Security
    • Scope of Social Security
    • Social Security in India
      • The Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923
      • Employee State Insurance (ESI) Act, 1948
      • Employer’s Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Act, 1952
      • The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961
      • Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972
      • Group Insurance Scheme
    • Review Questions
  • 20 Employee Grievance
    • Introduction
      • Definitions of Grievance
      • Features of Grievance
    • Causes or Sources of Grievance
    • Identification of Grievance
    • Importance of Grievance Redressal System
    • Essentials of a Good Grievance Redressal System
    • Features of a Good Grievance Procedure
    • Review Questions
  • 21 Employee Discipline
    • Introduction
      • Definitions of Discipline
    • Objectives of Discipline
    • Types of Discipline
      • Positive Discipline
      • Negative Discipline
    • Causes of Indiscipline
      • Organizational Factors
      • Individual Factors
      • Environmental Factors
    • Acts of Indiscipline or Misconduct
    • Procedure for Disciplinary Action
    • Principles of Natural Justice
    • Red Hot Stove Rule
    • Requisites of a Sound Disciplinary System
    • Kinds of Punishment
      • Minor Punishment
      • Major Punishment
    • Review Questions
  • 22 Collective Bargaining
    • Introduction
    • Objectives of Collective Bargaining
    • Importance of Collective Bargaining
    • Characteristics of Collective Bargaining
    • Functions of Collective Bargaining
    • Prerequisites for Success of Collective Bargaining
    • Collective Bargaining in India
    • Suggestions to Make Collective Bargaining Effective
    • Review Questions
  • 23 Absenteeism and Labour Turnover
    • Absenteeism
      • Causes of Absenteeism
      • Consequences of Higher Degree of Absenteeism
      • Absenteeism in Indian Industries
      • Measures to Control Absenteeism
    • Labour Turnover
      • Causes of Employee Turnover
      • Effects of Labour Turnover
      • Measurement of Labour Turnover
      • Control of Employee Turnover
    • Review Questions
  • 24 Workers’ Participation in Management (WPM)
    • Introduction
    • Workers’ Participation in Management — Conceptual Clarity
      • Characteristics of WPM
      • Objectives of WPM
    • Levels of Participation
    • Forms of Participation
    • Evaluation of WPM Scheme
    • Suggestions for Making WPM Effective
    • Review Questions
  • 25 Trade Unions
    • Introduction
      • Definitions of Trade Union
    • Motives behind Joining a Trade Union
    • Characteristics of Trade Union
    • Functions of Trade Union
      • General Functions
      • Special Functions
    • Registration of Trade Union
      • Appointment of Registrar
      • Registration Process
    • Recognition of Trade Union
    • Rights of a Recognized Union
    • Problems/Challenges Facing Trade Unions
    • Suggestions to Tone Up Trade Union Movement in India
    • Review Questions
  • 26 Industrial Relations (IR)
    • Introduction
    • Concept of IR
    • Scope of IR
    • Characteristics of IR
    • Objectives of IR
    • Factors Influencing IR
    • Significance of IR
    • Causes for Poor IR
    • Developing Sound or Congenial IR
    • Review Questions
  • 27 Industrial Dispute
    • Introduction
      • Definition of Industrial Dispute
    • Classification of Industrial Disputes
    • Causes or Factors Influencing Industrial Dispute
      • Economic Factors
      • Management Attitude
      • Trade Union Practices
      • Legal and Political Factors
      • Government Machinery
    • Types of Industrial Conflicts
      • Strikes
      • Lockout
    • Prevention of Industrial Conflicts/Disputes
      • Functions of a Labour Welfare Officer
      • Tripartite and Bipartite Bodies
      • Standing Orders
      • Grievance Committee
      • Joint Management Council (JMC)
      • Code of Discipline
      • Collective Bargaining
    • Settlement of Disputes
      • Investigation
      • Mediation
      • Conciliation
      • Arbitration
      • Adjudication
    • Suggestions to Make Dispute Settlement Effective
    • Review Questions
  • 28 Quality of Work life (QWL)
    • Introduction
    • Definitions of QWL
    • Objectives of QWL
    • Factors Contributing to the Growing Importance of QWL
    • Measures to Improve QWL
    • Benefits of QWL
    • Review Questions
  • 29 Stress Management
    • Introduction
      • Meaning
    • Features of Stress
    • Causes of Stress
      • Individual Stressors
      • Group Stressors
      • Environmental Stressors
      • Organizational Stressors
    • Consequences of Stress
    • Management of Stress
      • Individual Coping Strategy
      • Organizational Coping Strategies
    • Review Questions
  • 30 Organization Development (OD)
    • Introduction
      • Definitions of OD
      • Features of OD
      • Characteristics of OD
      • Objectives of OD
    • Organization Development and Management Development
    • Process of Organizational Development
    • Evaluation of OD
      • Positives
      • Shortcomings
    • Review Questions
  • 31 Conflict Management
    • Introduction
      • Definitions of Conflict
      • Nature of Conflict
    • Causes of Conflict in an Organization
    • Types/Levels of Conflict in an Organization
    • Conflict Management Strategies
      • Conflict Stimulation
      • Conflict Prevention
      • Conflict Resolution
    • Different Stages of Conflict
    • Outcomes/Consequences of Conflict
      • Positive Outcomes of Conflict
      • Negative Outcomes of Conflict
    • Review Questions
  • 32 Organizational Change and Change Management
    • Introduction
      • Definition of Change
    • Factors Influencing Change
      • Internal Factors Influencing Change
      • External Factors Influencing Change
    • Response to Change
    • Resistance to Change
      • Individual Resistance Factors
      • Group Resistance Factors
    • Overcoming Resistance to Change (Change Management Strategies)
      • Individual Level Initiatives
      • Group Level Initiatives
      • Changes Not Resisted by Employees
      • Changes Not Favoured by Management
      • Benefits of Resistance
    • Change Agents
    • Review Questions
  • 33 HR Audit and Research
    • HRM Evaluation
      • Need for HRM Evaluation
    • Evaluation Methods
      • HR Audit
      • HR Audit Checklist
      • HR Research
    • Balance Score Card
    • Benchmarking
    • Review Questions
  • 34 Recent Trends in Hrm & Hrm in India
    • HRM in India
    • Legal Phase
    • Welfare Phase
    • Development Phase
    • Roadblocks or Hindrance to progress of HRM in India
    • Challanges to HRM
      • Globalization
    • Changes Impacting HRM in 21st Century
    • Measures to Speed Up the Growth of HRM in India
    • Review Questions
  • University Question Papers
  • Glossary
  • Index
Biographical note


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