Elements of Organisational Behaviour  
Published by Vijay Nicole Imprints Private Limited
Publication Date:  Available in all formats
ISBN: 9789393161864




ISBN: 9788182094123   Price: INR 250.00   

Sathya Raj O
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Table of contents
  • Cover
  • Halftitle Page
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Contents at a Glance
  • Contents
  • Preface
  • Chapter 1. Introduction to Organisational Behaviour
    • Meaning and Definition of OB
    • Nature or Characteristics of OB
    • Objectives of OB
    • Scope/Elements Dimensions of OB
    • Disciplines Contributing to OB
    • Contribution of Other Disciplines to OB
    • Challenges Confronting OB
    • Approaches to OB
    • Evolution of OB
    • Fundamental Concepts of OB
    • Challenges of OB
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 2. Individual Behaviour
    • Nature of Human
    • Determinants of Individual Behaviour
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 3. Personality
    • Definitions
    • Characteristics of Personality
    • Dimensions of Personality
    • Determinants of Personality
    • Personality Traits Influencing Organizational Behaviour
    • Theories of Personality
    • Theories of Personality Development
    • Measurement of Personality
    • Types of Personality
    • Applications of Personality Concept in Organisation
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 4. Perception
    • Meaning
    • Characteristics
    • Factors Influencing the Selection of Stimuli
    • Important Principles in the Organisation of Stimuli
    • Factors Involved in Interpretation of Stimuli
    • Application of Perception Concept
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 5. Attitudes
    • Definitions
    • Characteristics of Attitude
    • Types of Attitude
    • Formation of Attitude
    • Effect or Implications of Attitude
    • Measurement of Attitude
    • Functions of Attitude
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 6. Values
    • Concept
    • Characteristics of Values
    • Types of Values
    • Formation of Values
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 7. Learning
    • Meaning
    • Definitions
    • Features of Learning
    • Factors Determining Learning
    • Steps in Learning
    • Theories of Learning
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 8. Motivation and Morale
    • Motivation
    • Types of Motivation
    • Nature of Motivation
    • Significance of Motivation
    • Theories of Motivation
    • Morale
    • Determinants of Morale
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 9. Motivation Application
    • Incentives
    • Job Design
    • Alternative Work Schedule Options
    • Review Questions
    • Motivation
  • Chapter 10. Emotions and Emotional Intelligence
    • Types of Emotions
    • Differences Between Affect, Emotion and Mood
    • Dimensions of Mood
    • Theories of Emotion
    • Expression of Emotions
    • External Constraints in Emotions
    • Emotional Intelligence (EI)
    • Benefits or Significance of EQ
    • Applications of EI in Organisation
    • Steps Involved in Developing EI
    • Emotions Management
    • Practising Emotional Quality Management (EQM)
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 11. Interpersonal Behaviour/Transaction Analysis
    • Transaction Analysis
    • Components of Transactional Analysis (TA)
    • Analysis of Self Awareness
    • Analysing the Ego States
    • Analysis of Transactions
    • Script Analysis
    • Stroking
    • Games Analysis
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 12. Group Behaviour and Dynamics
    • Group: Meaning
    • Group Dynamics
    • Reasons for Joining a Group
    • Theories of Group Formation
    • Types of Groups
    • Characteristics of Formal Organisation
    • Informal Organisation
    • Stages of Group Development
    • Group Norms
    • Group Cohesiveness
    • Role Behaviour
    • Group Status
    • Group Process
    • Group Synergy
    • Social Loafing
    • Group Composition
    • Group Decision Making
    • Intergroup Behaviour
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 13. Organisational Conflict
    • Conflict
    • Features of Conflict
    • Sources of Conflict
    • Different Stages of Conflict
    • Types of Conflict
    • Level of Conflict
    • Negotiation
    • Bargaining Strategies
    • Situational Variables in Negotiation
    • Issues in Negotiation
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 14. Power and Politics
    • Sources of Power
    • Power – Authority Differences
    • Politics
    • Organisational Politics
    • Response to Organizational Politics
    • Defensive Behaviour
    • Impression Management (IM)
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 15. Organisation and Organisation Structure
    • Introduction
    • Process of Designing the organisation
    • Principles of Organisation
    • Theories of Organisation
    • Organisation Structure
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 16. Types of Organisation
    • Formal and Informal Organisation
    • Types of Organisation
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 17. Organisational Culture
    • Concept of Organisational Culture
    • Definitions
    • Features of Organisational Culture
    • Essential Characteristics of Organizational Culture
    • Types of Culture
    • Functions of Culture
    • Barriers of Culture
    • Impact of Culture
    • Stages in Socialisation Process
    • Methods of Learning New Culture or Methods of Imparting Culture
    • Types of Socialization
    • Process of Socialisation of Employees
    • Changing Organisational Culture
    • Sustaining the Culture
    • Spirituality and Organizational Culture
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 18. Organisational Climate
    • Features of Organisational Climate
    • Significance of Organisational Climate
    • Dimensions of OC
    • Determinants of OC
    • Impact of Organisational Climate
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 19. Organisational Effectiveness
    • Definition
    • Efficiency and Effectiveness
    • Approaches to Measure Effectiveness
    • Factors Influencing OE
    • Managerial Effectiveness
    • Organisational Climate and Organisational Effectiveness
    • Adaptability and Organisational Effectiveness
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 20. Organisational Development
    • Meaning and Definition of OD
    • Features of OD
    • OD Interventions
    • Group Focused Interventions
    • Evaluation of OD
    • Limitations of OD
    • Guidelines for OD or Suggestions to Make OD Effective
    • Factors Influencing Choice of OD Intervention
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 21. Change Management
    • Introduction
    • Factors Influencing Change
    • Response to Change
    • Resistance to Change
    • Overcoming Resistance to Change (Change Management Strategies)
    • Change Agents
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 22. Stress Management
    • Introduction
    • Features of Stress
    • Causes of Stress
    • Consequences of Stress
    • Management of Stress
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 23. Counselling and Mentoring
    • Counselling
    • Mentoring
    • Reverse Mentoring
    • Coaching
    • Key Terms
    • Review Questions
    • Mentoring
  • Glossary
  • Index
Biographical note


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Sathya Raj O
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