Fundamentals of Management Information System  
Published by Vijay Nicole Imprints Private Limited
Publication Date:  Available in all formats
ISBN: 9789393161789




ISBN: 9788182092211   Price: INR 395.00   

Modern approach to MIS—treats it as an integrated management function—reckons for the digital world. Emphasis on core of MIS—indepth coverage of systems plan, analysis, design and development Includes a caselet connections across chapters enabling conceptual understanding. Pro¬vides coverage of topics on agile development, XP and scrum ap¬proaches to software development, ECM, BPR, SCM, knowledge management and so on. In this book we look at how to make sense out of all that is happening in the field of Information Technology.

Sathya Raj O
Reviewed on

Modern approach to MIS—treats it as an integrated management function—reckons for the digital world. Emphasis on core of MIS—indepth coverage of systems plan, analysis, design and development Includes a caselet connections across chapters enabling conceptual understanding. Pro¬vides coverage of topics on agile development, XP and scrum ap¬proaches to software development, ECM, BPR, SCM, knowledge management and so on. In this book we look at how to make sense out of all that is happening in the field of Information Technology.

Table of contents
  • Cover
  • Halftitle Page
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Dedication
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgements
  • Chapter 1 MIS in the Digital World
    • MIS in the New Environment
    • Data Processing Entities
    • Definition of Management Information System
    • Evolution of Information System
    • Summary
    • Exercise
  • Chapter 2 Strategic Impact of IS
    • The Various Subsystems in an Organization
    • The Systems Approach to MIS
    • Impact of IT on an Organization
    • Summary
    • Exercise
  • Chapter 3 Information Subsystems
    • Manufacturing Information System
    • Accounting Information System
    • Sales and Marketing Information System
    • Summary
    • Exercise
  • Chapter 4 Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP)
    • Overview
    • What is ERP?
    • Structure of an ERP Application
    • Evolution of ERP
    • Implementation of ERP
    • Summary
    • Exercise
  • Chapter 5 Infrastructure for MIS – Hardware
    • Introduction
    • What Does a Computer Do?
    • Key Features and Attributes of Hardware
    • The CPU: Central Processing Unit
    • Key Server Specifications
    • Summary
    • Exercise
  • Chapter 6 Infrastructure for MIS – Software
    • What is Software?
    • Operating System
    • Evolution of UNIX
    • The Evolution of the Computer Languages
    • What’s a Package?
    • What is a Compiler?
    • What are Device Drivers?
    • Current Trends
    • Summary
    • Exercise
  • Chapter 7 Database and Client Server Architecture
    • Files Versus Database
    • Database and Database Management System
    • OODBMS – Object-Oriented Database Management Systems
    • The Client-Server Architecture
    • Summary
    • Exercise
  • Chapter 8 Networking
    • Introduction
    • Protocol
    • Modems
    • Devices for Sending and Receiving Data
    • Types of Networks
    • Network Topology
    • Introduction to Wireless Communications
    • Summary
    • Exercise
  • Chapter 9 The Decision-Making Process
    • Overview
    • The Decision-Making Process
    • Types of Decisions
    • Documenting the Decision Rule
    • Decision Support Systems (DSS)
    • Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS)
    • Executive Support (Information) Systems (ESS or EIS)
    • Summary
    • Exercise
  • Chapter 10 Business Process Modeling, Management and Re-Engineering
    • Overview
    • What is a Process?
    • Tools to Create a Business Process Model
    • Summary
    • Exercise
  • Chapter 11 Data Warehousing
    • Introduction
    • What is a Data Warehouse?
    • Evolution of the Data Warehouse
    • Development of Data Warehouse in an Organization
    • Summary
    • Exercise
  • Chapter 12 Data Mining and Business Intelligence
    • Introduction
    • Definition of Data Mining
    • What is Data Mining?
    • What is Business Intelligence?
    • Data Mining Models
    • Link Analysis
    • Neural Networks
    • The Data Mining Process
    • Limitations of Data Mining
    • Data Mining Issues
    • Summary
    • Exercise
  • Chapter 13 Enterprise Content Management
    • Overview
    • What is Enterprise Content Management?
    • Summary
    • Exercise
  • Chapter 14 Developing an Information System – The First Steps
    • Introduction
    • The Information Systems Architecture Overview
    • Summary
    • Exercise
  • Chapter 15 The Systems Analyst and the Building Blocks of an Information System
    • Overview
    • The People in the Information System
    • The Role of a Systems Analyst
    • Summary
    • Exercise
  • Chapter 16 Development of an Information System
    • Introduction
    • Development Models
    • CASE Tools
    • Summary
    • Exercise
  • Chapter 17 Requirement Management
    • Introduction
    • What is Meant by Requirements?
    • Summary
    • Exercise
  • Chapter 18 Analysis of a System
    • What is Systems Analysis?
    • Data Flow Diagrams
    • Summary
    • Exercise
  • Chapter 19 System Design
    • Introduction
    • What are E-R Diagrams
    • Why do we Need E-R Diagrams?
    • Components of an E-R Diagram
    • How to Develop an E-R Diagram?
    • Normalization
    • Summary
    • Exercise
  • Chapter 20 Designing the Input and Output
    • Introduction
    • Guiding Principles for the Design of Input and Output Methods
    • Designing the Forms or Source Documents
    • The Online Form
    • Output Design
    • Report Formats
    • Summary
    • Exercise
  • Chapter 21 Testing and Training
    • Introduction
    • Training
    • Software Testing and Software Metrics
    • What is a Test Case?
    • Verification and Validation
    • Other Types of Testing
    • Summary
    • Exercise
  • Chapter 22 Implementation and Support
    • Introduction
    • Implementation Planning
    • System Audit
    • Summary
    • Exercise
  • Chapter 23 Securing your Information System
    • Introduction
    • Securing your Information System from ‘Insiders’
    • Securing your Information System from ‘Outsiders’
    • Virus
    • Maintaining High Availability
    • Ethical Issues in Information Technology
    • Cyber Law
    • Summary
    • Exercise
  • Chapter 24 Trends in Business – Impact and Applications of IT
    • Supply Chain Management
    • Customer Relationship Management
    • Knowledge Management
    • BI Trends
    • Summary
    • Exercise
  • Index
Biographical note


User Reviews
Sathya Raj O
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