Business Management  
Published by Vijay Nicole Imprints Private Limited
Publication Date:  Available in all formats
ISBN: 9789393161628




ISBN: 9788182095045   Price: INR 195.00   

This book is desogned for undergraduate students of Madras and Thiruvalluvar University.

Salient Features

Includes chapter on Management Concepts, planning, dicision-making, organisation, departmentation, directing, leadership, communication and controlling

All chapters have illustrations

Pedagogical features include introduction, summary, objective type questions and theory questions

Provides various university question papers


This book is desogned for undergraduate students of Madras and Thiruvalluvar University.

Salient Features

Includes chapter on Management Concepts, planning, dicision-making, organisation, departmentation, directing, leadership, communication and controlling

All chapters have illustrations

Pedagogical features include introduction, summary, objective type questions and theory questions

Provides various university question papers

Table of contents
  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Contents
  • Preface
  • Part One Introduction
    • Chapter 1 Basic Management Concepts
      • Introduction
      • Management and Administration
      • Management — An Art or Science: A Debate
      • Management as a Profession
      • Levels of Management
      • Managerial Skills
      • Role of Manager
      • Importance of Management
      • Scope of Management or Functional Areas of Management
      • Functions of Management
      • Management by Objectives (MBO)
      • Management by Exception (MBE)
      • Summary Chart
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 2 Evolution of Management Concepts
      • Introduction
      • Schools of Management Thought or Approaches to Management
      • Contributions to Management Thought
      • Summary Chart
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 3 Social Aspects of Business
      • Introduction
      • Social Responsibility to Stakeholders
      • Review Questions
  • Part Two Planning
    • Chapter 4 Planning
      • Definitions of Planning
      • Nature of Planning
      • Importance of Planning
      • Obstacles to Planning or Limitations of Planning
      • Steps to Make Plans Effective
      • Process of Planning
      • Approaches to Planning
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 5 Classification of Planning
      • Hierarchy Based Classification
      • Classification on the Basis of Scope
      • Classification on the Basis of Time Horizon
      • Classification on the Basis of Challenges
      • Classification on the Basis of Formalities
      • Classification Based on Utility
      • Comparison between Usage Based Plans
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 6 Forecasting and Planning Premises
      • Forecast
      • Forecasting Techniques
      • Planning Premises
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 7 Decision-Making
      • Introduction
      • Features of Managerial Decisions
      • Characteristics of Decision-Making
      • Types of Decisions
      • Importance/Advantages of Decision-making
      • Steps in Decision-Making
      • Review Questions
  • Part Three Organizing
    • Chapter 8 Organization and Organization Structure 149
      • Introduction
      • Process of Designing the Organization
      • Principles of Organization
      • Theories of Organization
      • Organization Structure
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 9 Types of Organization
      • Formal and Informal Organization
      • Types of organization
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 10 Supervision and Span of Control
      • Supervision
      • Span of Management (or Control)
      • Summary Chart
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 11 Departmentation
      • Introduction
      • Bases of Division/Departmentation
      • Principles of Departmentation
      • Need for Departmentation
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 12 Organization Charts
      • Introduction
      • Organization Charts
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 13 Authority and Responsibility
      • Authority
      • Types of Authority
      • Authority and Power
      • Responsibility
      • Accountability
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 14 Delegation and Decentralization
      • Delegation
      • Decentralization of Authority
      • Summary Chart
      • Centralization
      • Summary Chart
      • Review Questions
  • Part Four Directing
    • Chapter 15 Directing
      • Introduction
      • Techniques of Direction
      • Importance of Direction
      • Principles of Direction
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 16 Motivation and Morale
      • Motivation
      • Theories of Motivation
      • Morale
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 17 Leadership
      • Introduction
      • Functions of Managerial Leadership
      • Need for Leadership and its Importance
      • Styles of Leadership
      • Theories of Leadership or Approaches to Leadership
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 18 Communication
      • Nature and Scope of Business Communication
      • Definitions of Communication
      • Characteristics of Communication
      • Process of Communication
      • Principles of Communication
      • Means of Communication
      • Dimensions or Directions or Flow of Communication
      • Formal and Informal Communication
      • Barriers to Communication
      • Measures to Overcome Communication Barriers
      • Review Questions
  • Part Five Coordinating
    • Chapter 19 Coordination
      • Introduction
      • Importance of Coordination/Benefits of Coordination
      • Constraints to Coordinations/Problems Encountered in Achieving Coordination
      • Steps for Effective Coordination
      • Techniques of Coordination
      • Types of Coordination
      • Coordination and Managerial Function
      • Review Questions
  • Part Six Controlling
    • Chapter 20 Control
      • Introduction
      • Need for Control or Importance of Control
      • Types of Controls
      • Measures to Address Opposition to Control Measures
      • Steps in Controlling Process
      • Review Questions
    • Chapter 21 Techniques of Control
      • Introduction
      • Accounting
      • Control through Audit
      • Quality Control
      • Control through Network
      • Management Information System (MIS)
      • Overall Control System
      • Review Questions
  • Previous Year Question Papers
  • Glossary
  • Index
Biographical note


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