Published by Vijay Nicole Imprints Private Limited
Publication Date:  Available in all formats
ISBN: 9789393161345




ISBN: 9788182092372   Price: INR 350.00   

The objective of the present book is to provide basic E-Commerce skills and knowledge for Commerce and Management students and to enhance the understanding of students of the usefulness of E-Commerce applications in business operations.


The objective of the present book is to provide basic E-Commerce skills and knowledge for Commerce and Management students and to enhance the understanding of students of the usefulness of E-Commerce applications in business operations.

Table of contents
  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Contents
  • Preface
  • 1. Introduction to E-Commerce
    • Introduction
    • Computers
    • E-Commerce: Meaning
    • Developments
    • Utilities of E-Commerce
    • Features of E-Commerce
    • E-Commerce Transactions
  • 2. Developments of E-Commerce
    • Historical Development of E-Commerce
    • Business Practices
    • Forces Fueling E-Commerce
    • Business Practices and Forces
    • Factors Inducing Expansion
    • I-Way
    • Classification of Factors
    • External Integration
    • Customer Interaction Forces
  • 3. E-Commerce Framework
    • Communication
    • Major Factors for Framework
    • Information Super Highway
    • Data Highway Forms
    • Traffic Handling
    • Addressing
    • Warehouse
    • Concept of Convergence
    • Servers
    • Digital Convergence
    • Competition
  • 4. Types of E-Commerce
    • E-Commerce – Types
    • E-Commerce Utilities
    • Scope of E-Commerce
    • E-Commerce Activities
    • Advantages of E-Commerce
  • 5. Technologies in E-Commerce
    • Normal Technologies in E-Commerce
    • General Business Applications
    • Modern Business
    • Factors Influencing Internal Structure
    • E-Commerce and Data Communication
    • The Common Ground
    • Units of Measure
  • 6. Anatomy of E-Commerce Applications
    • Multimedia Components
    • Client Server Architecture In E-Commerce
    • E-Commerce Market
    • Technical Components of E-Commerce
    • E-Commerce Functional Areas
    • E-Commerce Transactions
    • E-Commerce Intermediaries
  • 7. Network and I-Way
    • Internet Service Providers
    • Functions of ISP
    • Profitability in Internet
    • Components of I-Way
    • Models
    • Expectations of I-Way
    • Access Roads
    • Network Access Equipments
    • Computer Based Telephony
    • Digital Switches, Routers and Hubs
    • Local Roads and Access Ramps
    • Wireless Cable Tv
    • Global Information Distribution Network
    • Issues in Information Super Highway
    • Policy Implications in Global Access
  • 8. Access and Networking
    • Internet
    • Historical Developments
    • The Internet Technology
    • Growth of Internet
    • HPCC Program
    • National Research and Education Network (NREN)
    • Gigabit Network Research
    • International Computer Networks
    • Internet Governance Society
    • Internet Service Providers
    • Inter Connectivity
    • Light Usage Option
    • Mid-Range Option
    • High Volume Users
    • Internet Service Provider – Logistic
    • Internet Access Provider Market
    • Internet Connection Process
    • Access Provider Technology
    • Intranet
    • Extranet
    • Internet
    • E-mail Working
    • Procedure to Get Internet Connection
    • Web Page
    • Types of Network
    • Topology
    • Open System Interconnection
    • Network Advantages
    • Web Sites
    • Modem
    • Internet Service Providers and Internet Access Providers
    • Functions of ISP
    • Profitability in Internet
    • Voice Mail
    • Net Meetings
    • Tele-Conferencing
    • Voice Messaging
  • 9. World Wide Web
    • World Wide Web (WWW)
    • Web Attributes
    • Search Engine
    • E-Commerce – Meaning
    • Modern Business Goals
    • Framework of E-Commerce
    • Layers
    • E-Commerce Application Architecture
    • World Wide Web
    • Architecture of WWW
    • URL
    • Terms Used in Internet Security
    • Firewalls
    • Transaction Security
    • Security Provisions in WWW
    • Encryption
    • Sender Authentication
    • Reasons for the Fast Development of Web Technology
    • Importance of Web in Electronic Commerce
    • Decision Making
    • Developments in WWW Concept
    • Interactive Web Applications
    • Information Integration and WWW
    • Web Extensions
    • Web Database Products
    • Multimedia Extensions
    • Search Engines and Directories
  • 10. Consumer Oriented Applications
    • Traditional Retailing
    • Online Retailing
    • Customer Oriented Applications
    • Personal Finance and Home Banking
    • Television Based Retailing
    • Catalog Based Shopping
    • Online-Based Shopping
    • Advantages of Online Retailing
    • Management Issues
    • Home Entertainment
    • Home Entertainment Market Size
    • Electronic Market Place
    • Payment Pattern and Micro Transactions Information
    • Characteristic of Electronic Market Place
    • Models of Mercantile Process
    • Pre-Purchase Stage
    • Consumer-Online Retailer Model
    • Search for Information
    • Types of Consumer Search
    • Information Brokers
    • Purchase Consummation
    • Simplified Online Mercantile Model
    • Process Using Digital Cash
    • Credit Card Transaction
    • Cost of Transaction
    • Mercantile Process - Seller Models
    • Online Strategies
  • 11. Electronic Payment System
    • Components of EPS
    • Secure Electronic Transactions
    • Importance of EPS
    • Factors
    • Procedure and Institutional Framework
    • Electronic Fund Transfer
    • Digital Tokens
    • Dimension of Digital Tokens
    • Designing EPS
  • 12. Electronic Data Interchange
    • Introduction
    • EDI – Transmission
    • EDI Modern Applications
    • EDI Architecture
    • EDI Process
    • EDI Applications in Business
    • Financial EDI
    • EDI Legal, Security and Privacy
    • EDI Implementation
    • EDI Envelopes
    • Workflow Management
    • Product Customization
    • Internal Information Systems
    • Modern Information Architecture
    • Workflow Automation
    • Customization
    • Supply Chain Management
    • Electronic Fund Transfer
    • Electronic Mail
    • General Business Applications
    • Modern Business
    • Factors Influencing Changes In Business
  • 13. Online Advertisement and Marketing
    • Advertising on the Internet
    • Customer Interaction
    • Customer Information
    • Advertising Plan
    • Contents to Customer
    • Marketing on the Internet
    • Recent Developments
    • Online Marketing Process
    • Online Advertising Guidelines
    • Advertising on Internet
    • Target Marketing
    • Problem of E-Marketing
    • Modern Information Based Marketing
    • Retailers
    • Market Research
    • E-Commerce Directories and Catalogs
    • Information Filtering
    • Information Search and Retrieval
    • Indexing Methods
    • Indexing Package Types
    • Electronic Directories
    • Information Filtering
    • Digital Copyright
  • 14. Multimedia
    • Multimedia Concepts
    • Compression
    • Compression Methods
    • Multimedia Servers
    • Multi-Processing
    • Multimedia Storage Technology
    • Digital Video and E-Commerce
    • Elements of Digital Video
    • Compression Techniques
    • Type of Codecs
    • Desktop Video Processing
    • Video Play Back
    • Desktop Video-Conferencing
    • Frame Relay
    • Switching Technique
    • Frame Relay – Structure
    • Cell Relay Structure
    • Congestion Control
  • 15. Mobile Computing
    • Introduction
    • Need for Mobility
    • Services
    • Protocols
    • Definition of Mobile Computing
    • Software
    • Communication Models
    • Mobile Computing Framework
    • Mobile Access Devices
    • Mobile Data Internet Working Standards
    • Cellular Data Communication Protocol
    • Communication Technologies
    • Availability of Various Models
    • Mobile Computing Applications
    • Horizontal
    • Contents
    • Direct Advantages
    • Quality Improvement
    • Accessibility to Information
    • Increased Operational Efficiency
    • Mobile Sales
    • Transportation
    • Distribution
    • Restaurants
    • News Reporting
    • Health Care
    • Hiring Agencies
    • Fieldwork
    • Management Effectiveness
    • Government
    • Other Areas
    • Mobile Computing is Versatile
    • Five Competitive Forces
    • Strategic Systems
    • Application of Information Technology
    • Shortcomings of Mobile Computing
    • Problems Faced in Mobile Computing
    • Modern Technology
    • Changing Technology
    • Mobile Computing Applications
  • Objective Type Questions
  • Index
Biographical note


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