Cases In Marketing  
Published by Vijay Nicole Imprints Private Limited
Publication Date:  Available in all formats
ISBN: 9789393161284




ISBN: 9788182094758   Price: INR 325.00   

A book of case studies on market research, pre-purchase needs, segmentation strategies, sales promotion, cross selling, USP, Sales forecasting, delivery channels, customer interaction and CRM.


A book of case studies on market research, pre-purchase needs, segmentation strategies, sales promotion, cross selling, USP, Sales forecasting, delivery channels, customer interaction and CRM.

Table of contents
  • Cover
  • About the authors
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Contents
  • Preface
  • Introduction to Case Study Based Learning
  • Part – I. Case Studies in Customer Behaviour
    • 1. Customer Segmentation – Product Suitability
    • 2. Banking – The Global Scenario
    • 3. Cross Selling in Banking
    • 4. Sales Forecasting
    • 5. Customer Buying Behaviour – Mutual Funds
    • 6. Cultural Segmentation in Banking
    • 7. Global Banking
    • 8. Pre-Purchases Information Search
    • 9. Influence of Reference Groups
    • 10. Female Consumer Buying Behaviour
    • 11. Pockets by ICICI Bank
    • 12. Market Segmentation by Kota Bank
    • 13. Values and Consumption Pattern
    • 14. Dan Bank Facebook Pocket Service
    • 15. Consumer Behaviour of Working Women
    • 16. ADC Bank – Segmenting the Market
    • 17. Customer Attitude in Decision Making
    • 18. Customer Attitude in Banking
      • The Task
    • 19. Relationship Management in Banking
    • 20. A Case on Women Buying Behaviour
    • 21. Product Innovation
    • 22. Convenience Banking
      • Key Benefits
    • 23. New Product Development – The Banking Dilemma
    • 24. Product Placement – A Marketing Technique
    • 25. Subliminal Perception – De Beers
    • 26. Balancing Customer Expectation and   New Product Development
    • 27. Customer Privacy – Pros and Cons
    • 28. Global Consumer Banking   – Excerpts from Ernst and Young
  • Part – II. Case Studies in Assorted Marketing Topics
    • 1. Marketing to Mass Affluent
      • Banking Channel Usage by Mass Affluent
    • 2. Co-Branding
      • Aashirwad Branch Awareness Campaign
      • Campaign Objective
      • Tactics
    • 3. Competitive Analysis: The Way to Approach
      • Laurel Commercial Banking
      • Gambit Bank
    • 4. The Marketing Approach
      • Prospective Untapped Markets
      • Econometric Marketing Tools
      • Tracking of Past Sales
    • 5. Race to Become PFI for Customers
    • 6. New Product Development
      • Saving Star had Two Components
    • 7. The Re-Branding Approach
      • Complimentary Financial Planning
    • 8. Social Media Marketing
      • Develop an Attractive Content
      • Engage your Employees
      • Integrate
      • Take Advantage of Facebook Advertising
      • Run Contests
      • Making Social Media Work
    • 9. It’s Good to be Different
      • Ganga Bank
      • Kaveri Bank
    • 10. Improper Positioning
      • Step 1
      • Story Finding
      • Encounter Point Audit
      • Step 2
      • Story Telling
      • Website
      • Printed Material
      • Marketing Campaign
      • Step 3
      • Proving the Story
    • 11. Marketing Environment & Customer Need
    • 12. Mass Affluent: Opportunity or Challenge
      • Product Usage
      • Banking Channel Usage
      • Opportunity for Banks
      • How to Approach the Mass Affluent?
    • 13. Customised Product Offering
      • Banks Response in Modern Market
      • JP Morgan and Chase Bank-Single Dash Board
      • Royal Bank of Canada- Single Advisor
      • Time for Banks to Re-look at the Strategy
    • 14. People’s Bank: Communicating to Target Market
      • The First Move
      • Website – A New Look
      • Print Advertisement
      • Marketing Campaign
    • 15. Sukhna Bank Digital Marketing
    • 16. Incentive Based Marketing
      • Prospective Markets
      • Profiling Neighbourhood
      • Profiling on the Basis of Demographics
      • Sales Pursuit
      • Return on Investment
    • 17. Grand Bank: Marketing of Services
      • Segmentation
      • Research on Student Community
      • Research Outcome
  • Part – III. Case Studies in Sales and Distribution
    • 1. Jewellery Insurance
    • 2. Planning Customer Interaction & Closing Sales
    • 3. Dhanasudha Loans
      • Selling Process
    • 4. Sales Promotion: Health Insurance
    • 5. Personal Selling
    • 6. Customer Face Time
    • 7. Kano Model in Sales
    • 8. Chalking Out an Effective Sales Plan
    • 9. Unique Selling Proposition
    • 10. Sales Force Determination
    • 11. Kookmin Loans: The Selling Process
      • Selling Process
    • 12. Technology Banking
      • The Success Story
      • The Road Ahead
    • 13. Effectiveness of Service Channels
      • Easy Banking
      • The Rural Challenge
  • Index
Biographical note


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