Essentials of Business Mathematics and Statistics  
Published by Vijay Nicole Imprints Private Limited
Publication Date:  Available in all formats
ISBN: 9788197436741
Pages: 498




ISBN: 9788197436765   Price: INR 250.00   
This book Essentials of Business Mathematics & Statistics is a comprehensive text book covering fundamental mathematics and statistical concepts relevant for decision making. It is suitable for the UG Students of various Tamil Nadu universities. Salient Features: Covers TANCSE syllabus in two parts, Business Mathematics and Business Statistics. Covers Skewness and Kurtosis, Correlation, Regression, Time Series and Index Numbers. Includes numerous solved examples and exercise problems. Covers Indices and Logarithms and Annuities.
This book Essentials of Business Mathematics & Statistics is a comprehensive text book covering fundamental mathematics and statistical concepts relevant for decision making. It is suitable for the UG Students of various Tamil Nadu universities. Salient Features: Covers TANCSE syllabus in two parts, Business Mathematics and Business Statistics. Covers Skewness and Kurtosis, Correlation, Regression, Time Series and Index Numbers. Includes numerous solved examples and exercise problems. Covers Indices and Logarithms and Annuities.
Table of contents


Chapter 1 Ratio, Proportion and Variation

Chapter 2 Indices and Logarithms

Chapter 3 Interest, Annuities and Discounts

Chapter 4 Progression

Chapter 5 Set Theory

Chapter 6 Matrices


Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 2 Collecction, Classification and Tabulation

Chapter 3 Diagrammatic and Graphical Representation

Chapter 4 Measures of Central Tendency

Chapter 5 Measures of Variation

Chapter 6 Measures of Skewness and Kurtosis

Chapter 7 Correlation

Chapter 8 Regression

Chapter 9 Time Series

Chapter 10 Index Numbers

Biographical note

Dr S P Rajagopalan is former Principal and Head, Post-graduate and research department of Computer Science and Applications, DG Vaishnav College, Chennai.

Dr R Sattanathan (Late) was Reader and Head, Post-graduate department of Mathematics, DG Vaishnav College, Chennai.

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