Non-credit Cooperatives  
Published by Vijay Nicole Imprints Private Limited
Publication Date:  Available in all formats
ISBN: 9788197371844
Pages: 356




ISBN: 9788197371844   Price: INR 225.00   
This book Non-credit Cooperatives presents concepts in a simple fashion and is structured to help students understand the subject with ease. Designed to address the syllabi requirements of NCCT, it broadly covers the fundamentals and advanced concepts of non-credit cooperatives Salient Features ? Adequate theory on each concept. ? Comprehensive coverage of Marketing Cooperatives, Processing Cooperatives, Cooperative Farming Societies, and Dairy Cooperatives. ? Exhaustive coverage of Fishery Cooperatives, Input Cooperatives, Consumer Cooperatives, Industrial Cooperatives and Weaver’s Cooperatives. ? Covers Housing Cooperatives, Labour Cooperatives, Cooperative Hospitals, Women and SC/ST Cooperatives, Service Cooperatives and Marketing Institutions.
This book Non-credit Cooperatives presents concepts in a simple fashion and is structured to help students understand the subject with ease. Designed to address the syllabi requirements of NCCT, it broadly covers the fundamentals and advanced concepts of non-credit cooperatives Salient Features ? Adequate theory on each concept. ? Comprehensive coverage of Marketing Cooperatives, Processing Cooperatives, Cooperative Farming Societies, and Dairy Cooperatives. ? Exhaustive coverage of Fishery Cooperatives, Input Cooperatives, Consumer Cooperatives, Industrial Cooperatives and Weaver’s Cooperatives. ? Covers Housing Cooperatives, Labour Cooperatives, Cooperative Hospitals, Women and SC/ST Cooperatives, Service Cooperatives and Marketing Institutions.
Table of contents
Title Page
Chapter 1: Non-credit Cooperatives in India
Non-credit Cooperatives
Evolution of Non-credit Cooperatives in India
Role of Non-credit Cooperatives in Economic Development
Review Questions
Chapter 2: Marketing Cooperatives
Features of Agricultural Marketing
Problems of Agricultural Marketing in India
Essential Prerequisites for Organization of Marketing Institutions
Role of Cooperative Marketing Institutions
Origin and Growth of Cooperative Marketing in India
Cooperative Marketing during the Plan Periods
Structure of Marketing Cooperatives in India
Source of Finance for Marketing Cooperatives
Institutions Arranging Funds for Marketing Cooperatives
Pattern of Assistance
Review Questions
Chapter 3: Processing Cooperatives
Origin and Progress of Processing Cooperatives
Types of Processing Cooperatives
Review Questions
Chapter 4: Cooperative Farming Societies
Genesis and Progress of Cooperative Farming Societies
Need for Cooperative Farming
Features of Cooperative Farming
Problems faced by Cooperative Farming
Suggestions for Development
Review Questions
Chapter 5: Dairy Cooperatives
Genesis and Progress of Dairy Cooperatives
Dairy Cooperatives – Global Scenario
Types of Dairy Cooperatives
National Dairy Development Board (NDDB)
Operation Flood
Review Questions
Chapter 6: Fishery Cooperatives
Why Fishery Cooperatives?
Origin of Fishery Cooperatives
Primary Fishery Cooperatives
District Fishery Federation
State Cooperative Fishery Development Federation
National Federation of Fishermen’s Cooperatives (FISHCOPFED)
Problems of Fishery Cooperatives
Review Questions
Chapter 7: Input Cooperatives
Multi-state Cooperative Societies
Input Cooperatives
Krishakbharat Cooperative Ltd. (KRIBHCO)
Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative Ltd (IFFCO)
Review Questions
Chapter 8: Consumer Cooperatives
Structure of Consumer Cooperatives
Purchase Procedure
Self Service Cooperative
Purchase Policy
Review Questions
Chapter 9: Industrial Cooperatives
Origin and Progress of Industrial Cooperatives
Financial Sources
Cooperative Tea Factories
Industrial Cooperative Bank
Working Group on Industrial Finance
State Industrial Cooperative Bank – TAICO Bank Ltd.
Review Questions
Chapter 10: Weavers’ Cooperatives
Origin and Progress of Weavers’ Cooperatives
Structure of Weavers Cooperatives
Problems of Weavers’ Cooperatives
Suggestions for Development of Handloom Cooperatives
Review Questions
Chapter 11: Housing Cooperatives
Types of Housing Cooperatives
Structure of Housing Cooperatives
Problems of Housing Cooperatives
Review Questions
Chapter 12: Labour Cooperatives
Genesis of Labour Cooperatives
Genesis of Forest Labour Cooperatives
Labour Cooperatives during the Plan Period
Structure of Labour Cooperatives
Primary Labour Contract Cooperatives
Problems of Labour Cooperatives
Review Questions
Chapter 13: Cooperative Hospitals
Origin and Growth
Structure of Hospital Cooperatives
State Cooperative Hospital Federation
Problems of Cooperative Hospitals
Suggestions for Development of Cooperative Hospitals
Review Questions
Chapter 14: Women and SC/ST Cooperatives
Women Cooperatives
Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Cooperatives
Review Questions
Chapter 15: Service Cooperatives
Hotel Cooperatives
Educational Cooperatives
Tourism Cooperatives
Transport Cooperatives
Rickshaw Pullers’ Cooperatives
Washermen’s Cooperatives
Review Questions
Chapter 16: Other Types of Cooperatives
Tree Growers Cooperative Societies (TGCS)
Irrigation Cooperatives
Poultry Cooperatives
Cooperative Complex
The Warana Cooperative Complex – A Case Study
Sheep Breeding Cooperatives
Rural Electrification Cooperatives
Export Cooperatives
Review Questions
Chapter 17: Marketing Institutions – Development Initiatives
Marketing Institutions – Development Initiatives
Institutions in the Development of Marketing
Review Questions
Biographical note

Dr. A. K. Zakir Hussain is Director, Institute of Cooperative Management, Kannur, Kerala. He has a Ph.D in Banking. A profolic author, he has published more than 150 articles, case studies and book reviews. He was a 1st Rank Holder in CTFC, BIRD, Lucknow. He has 24 years of teaching / training experience in STPs, HDCM and MBA.

Prof. K. A. Abdul Kuddus, former Associate Professor, VAMNICOM, Pune, has 23 years of experience in teaching and 10 years of experience in Banking. He was a Vice Principal, Institute of Cooperative Management, Madurai and former faculty in NICM, Chennai. He also served as an Executive Officer in Vellore, DCCB. He has participated in training programmes of ILO, ICA, IIM, NIRD, BIRD etc.

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