Corporate Management  
Author(s): Dr. K. Sundar
Published by Vijay Nicole Imprints Private Limited
Publication Date:  Available in all formats
ISBN: 9788119243099
Pages: 314




ISBN: 9788119243099   Price: INR 195.00   
Title Page
Chapter 1: Basic Management Concepts
Management and Administration
Management — An Art or Science: A Debate
Management as a Profession
Levels of Management
Managerial Skills
Role of Manager
Importance of Management
Scope of Management or Functional Areas of Management
Functions of Management
Management by Exception (MBE)
Chapter Snapshot
Review Questions
Chapter 2: Evolution of Management Concepts
Schools of Management Thought or Approaches to Management
Contributions to Management Thought
Chapter Snapshot
Review Questions
Chapter 3: Planning
Definitions of Planning
Nature of Planning
Importance of Planning
Obstacles to Planning or Limitations of Planning
Steps to make Plans Effective
Process of Planning
Approaches to Planning
Review Questions
Chapter 4: Classification of Planning
Hierarchy Based Classification
Classification on the Basis of Scope
Classification on the Basis of Time Horizon
Classification on the Basis of Challenges
Classification on the Basis of Formalities
Classification Based on Utility
Comparison between Usage Based Plans
Review Questions
Chapter 5: Decision-Making
Features of Managerial Decisions
Characteristics of Decision-Making
Types of Decisions
Importance/Advantages of Decision-Making
Steps in Decision-Making
Chapter Snapshot
Review Questions
Chapter 6: Organization
Process of Designing the Organization
Principles of Organization
Theories of Organization
Organization Structure
Formal and Informal Organization
Types of Organization
Review Questions
Chapter 7: Delegation and Decentralization
Decentralization of Authority
Chapter Snapshot
Review Questions
Chapter 8: Departmentation
Bases of Division/Departmentation
Principles of Departmentation
Need for Departmentation
Chapter Snapshot
Review Questions
Chapter 9: Introduction to Human Resource Management
Meaning and Definition of Human Resource Management
Characteristics of Human Resource Management
Objectives of HRM
Significance of HRM
Scope of HRM
Is HRM a Proffession
HRM and Personnel Management
Similarities between Personnel Management and Hrm
Limitations of HRM
Pre-Conditions for the Success of Hrm
Review Questions
Chapter 10: Recuirement, Selection and Training
Sources of Recruitment
Recent Trends in Recruitment
Internal Vs External Recruitment
Factors Affecting Recruitment
Selection Process
Training and Development
Principles of Training
Need for Training
Purpose of Training
Objectives of Training
Training Methods
Evaluation of Training
Hrm Evaluation
Evaluation Methods
Review Questions
Chapter 11: Performance Appraisal
Methods of Performance Appraisal
Review Questions
Chapter 12: Promotion and Transfer
Review Questions
Chapter 13: Incentives and Benefits
Financial Incentives
Individual Incentives Plan
Group Incentive Plans
Non-Financial Benefits
Benefit Management
Review Questions
Chapter 14: Welfare and Social Securities
Salient Features of Labour Welfare
Significance or Benefits of Labour Welfare
Principles of Labour Welfare Programme
Labour Welfare Services
Act-Wise Outline of Welfare Facilities
Concept of Social Security
Features of Social Security
Scope of Social Security
Social Security in India
Review Questions
Chapter 15: Direction
Techniques of Direction
Importance of Direction
Principles of Direction
Theories of Motivation
Review Questions
Chapter 16: Coordination and Control
Importance of Coordination/Benefits of Coordination
Steps for Effective Coordination
Techniques of Coordination
Types of Coordination
Coordination and Managerial Function
Need for Control or Importance of Control
Types of Controls
Steps in Controlling Process
Chapter Snapshot
Review Questions
Previous Year Question Papers
Table of contents
Title Page
Chapter 1: Basic Management Concepts
Management and Administration
Management — An Art or Science: A Debate
Management as a Profession
Levels of Management
Managerial Skills
Role of Manager
Importance of Management
Scope of Management or Functional Areas of Management
Functions of Management
Management by Exception (MBE)
Chapter Snapshot
Review Questions
Chapter 2: Evolution of Management Concepts
Schools of Management Thought or Approaches to Management
Contributions to Management Thought
Chapter Snapshot
Review Questions
Chapter 3: Planning
Definitions of Planning
Nature of Planning
Importance of Planning
Obstacles to Planning or Limitations of Planning
Steps to make Plans Effective
Process of Planning
Approaches to Planning
Review Questions
Chapter 4: Classification of Planning
Hierarchy Based Classification
Classification on the Basis of Scope
Classification on the Basis of Time Horizon
Classification on the Basis of Challenges
Classification on the Basis of Formalities
Classification Based on Utility
Comparison between Usage Based Plans
Review Questions
Chapter 5: Decision-Making
Features of Managerial Decisions
Characteristics of Decision-Making
Types of Decisions
Importance/Advantages of Decision-Making
Steps in Decision-Making
Chapter Snapshot
Review Questions
Chapter 6: Organization
Process of Designing the Organization
Principles of Organization
Theories of Organization
Organization Structure
Formal and Informal Organization
Types of Organization
Review Questions
Chapter 7: Delegation and Decentralization
Decentralization of Authority
Chapter Snapshot
Review Questions
Chapter 8: Departmentation
Bases of Division/Departmentation
Principles of Departmentation
Need for Departmentation
Chapter Snapshot
Review Questions
Chapter 9: Introduction to Human Resource Management
Meaning and Definition of Human Resource Management
Characteristics of Human Resource Management
Objectives of HRM
Significance of HRM
Scope of HRM
Is HRM a Proffession
HRM and Personnel Management
Similarities between Personnel Management and Hrm
Limitations of HRM
Pre-Conditions for the Success of Hrm
Review Questions
Chapter 10: Recuirement, Selection and Training
Sources of Recruitment
Recent Trends in Recruitment
Internal Vs External Recruitment
Factors Affecting Recruitment
Selection Process
Training and Development
Principles of Training
Need for Training
Purpose of Training
Objectives of Training
Training Methods
Evaluation of Training
Hrm Evaluation
Evaluation Methods
Review Questions
Chapter 11: Performance Appraisal
Methods of Performance Appraisal
Review Questions
Chapter 12: Promotion and Transfer
Review Questions
Chapter 13: Incentives and Benefits
Financial Incentives
Individual Incentives Plan
Group Incentive Plans
Non-Financial Benefits
Benefit Management
Review Questions
Chapter 14: Welfare and Social Securities
Salient Features of Labour Welfare
Significance or Benefits of Labour Welfare
Principles of Labour Welfare Programme
Labour Welfare Services
Act-Wise Outline of Welfare Facilities
Concept of Social Security
Features of Social Security
Scope of Social Security
Social Security in India
Review Questions
Chapter 15: Direction
Techniques of Direction
Importance of Direction
Principles of Direction
Theories of Motivation
Review Questions
Chapter 16: Coordination and Control
Importance of Coordination/Benefits of Coordination
Steps for Effective Coordination
Techniques of Coordination
Types of Coordination
Coordination and Managerial Function
Need for Control or Importance of Control
Types of Controls
Steps in Controlling Process
Chapter Snapshot
Review Questions
Previous Year Question Papers
Biographical note

Dr. K. Sundar is Professor, Department of Commerce, Annamalai University. He has over 25 years of UG and PG teaching experience. A prolific author, he has contributed over 100 articles in national and international journals. He has authored books on Business Communication, Principles of Management, Human Resource Management, Organisation Behaviour, Business Ethics, Business, Management and Auditing.

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