Operating Systems  
Published by Vijay Nicole Imprints Private Limited
Publication Date:  Available in all formats
ISBN: 9789393665317




ISBN: 9788182093782   Price: INR 395.00   

This book Operating Systems by V. Sridhar is designed as per the Anna University syllabus for students pursuing their degrees in IT, CSE and EEE. Comprehensive, student-friendly and rich in pedagogy, it serves as a ready reckoner for students to quickly understand and grasp the fundamental concepts of Computer Operating Systems.


This book Operating Systems by V. Sridhar is designed as per the Anna University syllabus for students pursuing their degrees in IT, CSE and EEE. Comprehensive, student-friendly and rich in pedagogy, it serves as a ready reckoner for students to quickly understand and grasp the fundamental concepts of Computer Operating Systems.

Table of contents
  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Contents
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgements
  • Chapter 1 Introduction
    • 1.1 What is an OS?
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 2 OS Design, Support Features - I
    • 2.1 General Organization of a Computer System
    • 2.2 Types of Computer Systems
      • PC (Personal Computer)
      • Mainframe
      • Multi-processor Systems
      • Distributed Systems
      • Embedded Systems
      • Handheld /Portable Devices
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 3 OS Design, Support Features - II
    • 3.1 Process Context
      • Batch Mode
      • Background Mode
      • Multi-programming mode
      • Interactive/Foreground Mode
      • Multi-tasking/Timesharing mode
    • 3.2 Process Control
      • Dual Mode Operation
      • Interrupt handling
      • Timer-based operation
      • Other Functions
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 4 OS Modules and Services
    • 4.1 Command Line, Batch or GUI Based Interface
    • 4.2 Application Program Interface (API) / System Calls
    • 4.3 Process Control
      • Scheduling
      • Synchronization
      • Resources Management
    • 4.4 Memory Management
    • 4.5 Input/Output System
    • 4.6 Communication
    • 4.7 Error Handling
    • 4.8 System-wide Information
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 5 OS Structure and Development
    • 5.1 Layered Structure
    • 5.2 Microkernel Structure
    • 5.3 Module Structure
    • 5.4 Build & Test
    • 5.5 Trends
      • Virtual Machine
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 6 Process Context
    • 6.1 Segments
    • 6.2 PCB
    • 6.3 Process/Device Queues
    • 6.4 Context Switching
    • 6.5 Process Lifecycle
    • 6.6 Process Behaviors
      • Inter-process Communication (IPC) Mechanism
      • Shared Memory Technique
      • Message passing Technique
      • Socket Interface
      • Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
      • Remote Method Invocation (RMI)
      • PIPES Model
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 7 Threads
    • Background
    • 7.1 Threading Models
    • 7.2 Thread Development
    • 7.3 Threading Issues
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 8 Process Scheduling
    • 8.1 Long-term/Job Scheduler
    • 8.2 Medium-term Scheduler
    • 8.3 Short-term/CPU Scheduler
      • Criteria
      • scheme/algorithms
      • FCFS
      • SJF
      • SRTN
      • Priority
      • Round-robin
      • Multi-level Queues
    • 8.4 multi-processor scheduling
    • 8.5 real-time scheduling
    • 8.6 Evaluation of Process Scheduling Schemes
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 9 Process Synchronization
    • 9.1 Problem
    • 9.2 Solution
      • Critical Section
      • Interrupts
      • Peterson’s Technique
      • Hardware Based Techniques
      • Semaphore
      • Monitor
    • 9.3 Classic Examples of Synchronization
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 10 Resource Management
    • 10.1 System Model
    • 10.2 Problem
    • 10.3 Characteristics
    • 10.4 Resource-allocation Graph
    • 10.5 Solutions for Deadlock Situation
      • Ignore
      • Prevent
      • Avoid
      • Safe State Algorithm
      • Detect
      • Banker’s Algorithm
      • Recovery
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 11 Memory Management
    • 11.1 Background
    • 11.2 Address Space
      • Physical Address Space
      • Logical/Virtual Address Space
      • Mapping
      • Memory Management Unit (MMU)
      • Address Translation
    • 11.3 Memory Allocation/Release
      • Contiguous Method
      • Paging Method
      • Implementations of Page Table
      • Segmentation Method
      • Segmentation with Paging Model
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 12 Virtual Memory (VM) System
    • 12.1 Background
    • 12.2 VM
    • 12.4 Page Faults
    • 12.5 Page Replacement Algorithms /Schemes
      • FIFO
      • Optimal Use
      • LRU (Least Recently Used)
      • LRU Approximation
    • 12.6 Frame Allocation /Release Techniques
      • Thrashing Situation
    • 12.7 Kernel Memory Allocation /Release Techniques
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 13 File System (FS)
    • 13.1 Structure
      • File
      • Organization and Access Methods
      • Directory
      • Organization and Access Methods
      • Implementation
    • 13.2 Mounting
    • 13.3 Sharing and Protection of File/Data
      • Concurrency and Consistency
      • Access Control
      • Reliability
      • Network Environment
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 14 Implementat Ion of File System
    • 14.1 Modules
    • 14.2 Metadata Structures
    • 14.3 File Storage Allocation/Release Schemes
      • Contiguous Method
      • Link Method
      • Index Method
      • Hybrid Method
      • Free-space Manager
    • 14.4 Other Factors
      • Caching
      • (A)synchronous I/O
      • Log Based Journaling
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 15 Storage Systems
    • 15.1 Disk Model
      • Format
      • Boot Operation
    • 15.2 Swap Space Management
    • 15.3 Bad Blocks Management
    • 15.4 I/O Scheduling
      • Criteria
      • FCFS Scheme
      • SSTF Scheme
      • SCAN/ELEVATOR Scheme
      • C-SCAN Schme
      • LOOK Scheme
      • C-Look Scheme
      • Evaluation of Scheduling Schemes
    • 15.5 Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID)
    • 15.6 Tertiary Storage
    • 15.7 Network Storage
      • Network Attached Storage (NAS)
      • Storage Area Network (SAN)
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 16 I/O System
    • 16.1 Typical Organization of a CS
    • 16.2 Polling or Programmed I/O
    • 16.3 Interrupts
    • 16.4 Direct Memory Access (DMA)
    • 16.5 Device Characteristics and Interface
      • Structure
      • Other Functions
      • I/O Scheduling
      • Buffering
      • Caching
      • Spooling
      • Error Handling
    • 16.6 Performance
    • Review Questions
  • Appendix I Case Study
    • I.1 Linux
      • Structure & Services
      • Process Management
      • Memory Management
      • Input/Output Management
      • Security
    • I.2 Windows XP
      • Structure & Services
      • Process Management
      • Memory Management
      • Input/Output Management
      • Security
  • Appendix II Questions and Answers
    • Anna University Exam, May/June 2012
    • Anna University Exam, May/June 2011
    • Anna University Exam, May/June 2010
    • Anna University Exam, May/June 2009
    • Anna University Exam, Nov./Dec. 2012
    • Anna University Exam, Nov./Dec. 2011
    • Anna University Exam, Nov./Dec. 2010
    • Anna University Exam, Nov./Dec. 2009
  • Appendix III Operating System Lab
    • III.1 Basic System Commands
    • III.2 File I/O Example
    • III.3 Directory I/O Example
    • III.4 IPC Example, Using Shared Memory
    • III.5 Process Synchronization Example, Using Semaphore
    • III.6 Process Scheduling Examples
    • III.7 Memory Management Examples
    • III.8 Disk Space Management Examples
  • Index
Biographical note

V. Sridhar graduated from IIT-Madras with M.tech degree and has worked in the software services industry for over 30 years with organizations like TCS, Cognizant and some foreign companies. Besides being an independent IT consultant, he has a passion for social service. In this context, he is helping Meenakshi Sunderarajan Engineering College in teaching subjects like Operating Systems, Computer Architecture, Computer Graphics, Software Engineering and Project Management, etc. He is interested in writing handy books on these subjects as well.

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