Human Resource Development  
Published by Vijay Nicole Imprints Private Limited
Publication Date:  Available in all formats
ISBN: 9789393161130




ISBN: 9788182095717   Price: INR 450.00   

This book has been written in a lucid style covering the various aspects, concepts and practices of human resource development. The difficult concepts have been illustrated in the form of charts to facilitate ease of understanding.


This book has been written in a lucid style covering the various aspects, concepts and practices of human resource development. The difficult concepts have been illustrated in the form of charts to facilitate ease of understanding.

Table of contents
  • Cover
  • Halftitle Page
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Preface
  • Chapter 1 Human Resource Development: Conceptual Framework
    • Introduction to HRD
    • HRD – Meaning
    • Objectives of HRD
    • Goals of HRD
    • Importance of HRD
    • Principles of HRD
    • Functions of HRD
    • Responsibilities of HRD Wing
    • Essentials of HRD System
    • Competencies of HRD Manager
    • Role of HRD Manager
    • Dimensions of HRD
    • HRD Barriers
    • Ethical Issues and Concerns in HRD
    • Human Resources Development in India
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 2 Designing HRD System
    • Components of HRD Plan
    • HRD Strategy
    • Organising HRD System
    • Introducing or Implementing HRD System
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 3 Performance Management
    • Meaning
    • Origin of Performance Appraisal
    • Definitions
    • Features of Performance Appraisal
    • Objectives of Performance Appraisal
    • Process of Performance Appraisal
    • Methods of Appraisal
    • Purpose of Potential Appraisal
    • Process of Installation of Potential Appraisal
    • Constraints in Performance Appraisal
    • Fine-tuning Performance Appraisal
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 4 Career Planning and Career Development
    • Career: Current Notion
    • Concept of Career
    • Career Planning
    • Need for Career Planning
    • Career Stages
    • The Process of Career Planning
    • Career Development
    • Career Management
    • Individual Centered Career Management Strategies
    • Stages in Career Development
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 5 Employee Mobility
    • Promotion
    • Basis of Promotion
    • Characteristics of a Good Promotion Policy
    • Types of Promotion
    • Transfer
    • Types of Transfer
    • Demotion
    • Demotion Policy
    • Separations
    • Employee Attrition Management
    • Factors Precipitating Employee Quits
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 6 Training and Development
    • Introduction
    • Definition
    • Training
    • Development
    • Requisites of Sound Training
    • Need for Training
    • The Process of Training and Development
    • Programme Design and Development Phase
    • Implementation
    • Evaluation of Training
    • Recent Trends in Training
    • Types of Training
    • Special Forms of Training
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 7 Executive Development
    • Objectives of Executive Development
    • Top Management
    • Middle Management
    • Focus of Skill Development
    • Organisation of Management Development Programme
    • Evaluation of Executive Development Programmes
    • Reasons for the Failure of EDP
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 8 HR Compensation Management
    • Compensation and Rewards Management
    • Determinants of Compensation and Rewards
    • Internal Determinants of Compensation
    • Approaches to Compensation and Rewards
    • Theory of Wages
    • Wage Structure
    • Types of Wages
    • Methods of Wage Payment
    • Non-Financial Rewards
    • Non-Financial Compensation
    • Current Trends in Compensation and Rewards
    • Steps in Designing Competency-based System
    • Equitable Compensation
    • Essentials of a Wage System
    • Wage Legislations in India
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 9 Employee Counselling, Coaching and Mentoring
    • The Need for Employee Counselling
    • Types of Counselling
    • Mentoring
    • Characteristics of Mentoring
    • Types of Mentoring
    • Process of Mentoring
    • Development Assignment
    • Benefits of Mentoring
    • Coaching
    • Types of Coaching
    • Employee Coaching process
    • Principles of Coaching
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 10 Employee Empowerment
    • Pre-requisites for Employee Empowerment
    • The Process of Empowerment
    • Forms of Empowerment
    • Self - directed Teams
    • Employee Empowerment Strategies
    • Barriers to Empowerment
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 11 Quality of Work Life (QWL)
    • Objectives of QWL
    • Measures to Improve QWL
    • Merits of Job Rotation
    • Benefits of QWL
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 12 Organisation Development (OD)
    • Characteristics of OD
    • Objectives of OD
    • Process of Organizational Development
    • OD Interventions
    • Process Consultation
    • Sensitivity Training
    • Transaction Analysis (TA)
    • Process of Team Building
    • Management by Objective
    • Total Quality Management (TQM)
    • Positives of TQM
    • Self Management Teams (SMT)
    • Individual Focused Intervention
    • Evaluation of OD
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 13 Learning and Learning Organisation
    • Characteristics of Learning
    • Types of Learning
    • Factors Influencing Learning
    • Methods of Learning
    • Process of Learning
    • Theories of Learning
    • Learning Theory
    • Factors of Learning
    • Learning Cycle
    • Learning Pyramid
    • Learning Organisation
    • Self-directed Learning
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 14 Human Resource Accounting
    • Introduction
    • American Accounting Association
    • Non-monetary Method
    • Manpower Cost Control
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 15 Human Resource Development (HRD) Audit
    • Meaning
    • Objectives of HR Audit
    • Scope of HR Audit
    • Methodology of HR Audit
    • Structure of HR Report
    • Findings and Suggestions
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 16 Human Resource Information System (HRIS)
    • Importance of HRIS
    • Advantages of HRIS
    • Application of HRIS
    • Installation of HRIS
    • Limitations of HRIS
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 17 E-Human Resource Management and Development
    • Information System Application in HRM
    • Dimensions of E-HRM
    • E-Recruitment
    • E-Selection
    • E-Performance Management
    • E-Training and Development
    • E-Compensation Management
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 18 Strategic HRD
    • Definitions
    • Features of Strategic HRD
    • Objectives of Strategic HRD
    • Institution of Strategic HRD
    • Process of Strategic HRD
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 19 Recent Trends in HRD
    • Objécrives, Advantages and Requirement
    • Assessment Centre: Meaning
    • Objectives of Competency Modelling
    • Advantages
    • Requirements for Competency Modelling
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 20 Knowledge Management
    • Importance of Knowledge Management
    • Role of HR in Knowledge Management
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 21 Balance Score Card (BSC)
    • Uses of BSC
    • Deficiencies in BSC
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 22 Virtual Organisation
    • Meaning
    • Characteristics of Virtual Organisation
    • HR Trend in Virtual Organisation
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 23 Emotional Intelligence (EI)
    • Importance of EI in Work Place
    • Application of EI in Organisation
    • EI and Team Effectiveness
    • Review Questions
  • Chapter 24 Talent Management
    • Talent Management Strategies
    • Review Question
  • Chapter 25 Stress Management
    • Meaning
    • Features of Stress
    • Causes of Stress
    • Consequences of Stress
    • Management of Stress
    • Review Questions
  • Glossary
  • Bibliography
  • Index
Biographical note


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